Fox - BR1600 .F6 1684 v1

788 Receiving ill botb kinds permitted to tbe Bohemians bytbe Cozmci/ of Ba!il. ~~i~~r;~:;~~~~~r~~;~l!~~~r~f~h:ori;~u~hr~r}~~~ tth\~de:~!:nd~~.rad.a~ ~~:~~=d~i~~;:; {~~~} des, wh1ch IS .grocmdai upon r.hc vtnty of the holy Scrip- exhort and admonilh the prople, and that , they lhould ture,asyouarcbound!andwilldf~llyha\'capure, ufcalltheircareandendnvour,thatnomancomctothat ~~~:~;~~!J::t!hu~~~?ck~~~~~ ;: ~~r~ ~~dh~:;~~ =r ~~~:::dd~;~or~~~~~3~~!~k:Isci::J}~~ ~~o~y'~hlle1h~::l~~~~:;~:~~~~Xri;r:Uw~~G~r~~~~ci~: :~~~~~~~) :.~~~~~;:~"!c;~;~c condemnation, ~~a~c~:\~1f;he:;.~~~k~~:~~~~~~~~:~~~~~: trufling nica~i~~:~~~~ ~~1~~ ~~iy t:td~~h':fi~d 0~'?br:t =~• ~~~~~~ kc:!S~fi!;~~~:1 ~~:~~.~ha;~hz~~ufd~i"::ea:: ~:J~;~ ~~S:Ca~n:~!o~~b~~~~~Yr~~~~fu~~n:n~v~d1i~/~f r~:!. ~~t:'tr~!ic. :{fo::J;l:mf}~~~!:; :t? C~;~tfn~:. we;h~:f~;e ~~ ~ha~ ~~~~~~e0~:o~tCtrifu~rc;~~~~~e~ho:,B~~d rh~~ fballbcneceJ!lrytodeclare the matter, as it was written in the othcrparcinthe Cup, which were a great error: Of form followmg. unreverence, forfomuch as many things may happen, as 11. Oo:dm· lntheNameofGo:d and ourSJviour JcfusChrift,upon w~ll on the part of theMinificr, asonthepartof the Re~ =.,~fr• ~he Slcramrnt of wl~fe moll: ~ld~ed bfi Su_pper we fhall ca~er : As. Jt is faicl, that it happal«i when as ~ cntain Err<x touchlnr mtr(at, that he whiCh h:uh lll~ltuted thiS moll: bldfe~ Prieft, camcd the Sacramtnt of the Cup unro a hck man, ~td ~~~ ;:.~~~~~at~1:~ ~~!:'~~\l~v~c:~h~~~~~~~ ~~id ~~; ~j~~ff~~;i,~~ifi=;: !f~o~:;1~::?uc~1 1~~ U?OQ cm.. on• ~~!if~~e~r~~h~~~~ ~~%l~hwi~:u::i:U:u!fci~~ =~~~h~~=n!~~fc:~et~~~~: ~~,o~ilih~~ ~~~' bath made the ~nt of pe2~e and unit}·, an occaflon bttn fuffidem for the number of Communicants, where- ~one of w~r and dJfcord ; that whJII\ Chriftians do contend by a new Conf~tion mutt bc--maPe, which is not agrtt-- t~chlng the manner of, they be not de- able to the Do&inc of the ~oly Fathers, and aJfo that ofpnved ?f tht fruit of the Commumon. Whcrc:upou S. t~timcs they do minifierWutt unconfccratt forconfccrarc· ~t~~~:;. ~;j;!,;;~~~~!~,~2~i~~~!~;3r;ajj. ~h!c~~; ~~b~;~~ ~.~:~~f~~~ ~~~~~~~y~:~v~~~ l•fT•• Jt[lls Chrijf _mtifiedt~s, andw1Ued tbat wef/JOuldap- unityandpea~oftheChurchinallothttthingsbc:fidtStht !~::/:;:/:b!1~~ie~ z;{h;:~::~~:t,e;;~;;Jif;n::. rJ::f~~c:~&~hu:dno~d~oft~t~:S;c:tc~~~~' y;: ~h: :;ft;;j;~/::;!J/bbu:a;~p~J:;~;af:)/b~::(tJ{.t1Th~ ~:~a~;~~~a~f~~~n~h~~hun~:n ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ wethoughtgoodabovcallthmgstobc:premll(d,thatthe ArticlefhallbcdLfcuffcdfullyin thefacredCouncil,wherc: general c.urto_m of the Church, which your Fathers and you !hall fee what astouchit_tg this Article, is to be holden you a~fom tm"ICspaft haw~(crved, bath a long time had asanwtivcrfalverity,_andLsto be done for the profit and at.tdfhUufeth, thatthcywhlchdonotconf~te,comrnu- falvationoftheChrillLanpcople,andallthingsbeingthus Thhi• ro nJcatconlyunder thekindofBread. Wh1Chcufiombe- throughlyhandled,thatifyouper{evacinyourdefitt,and , &:u~! ~~~ ~~~,~~~~~~~~rnl~i d,'(~!d. ?ch:~o~~w~yroF~:~ ~~:~~~rc~ai~o~;~~dq~~~~~ ~~~~~~ kdfN"o ~r to change at your will and pka(urc, without the autho- mun«:ate unto the people under both kinds, that is to-fay, nty of thc:Chtm:h. Tilertfore tochange thecuilom of the to fuch as be of lawful years and difcretion, and !hall ttvcChurch,and to takeit1_hand to communicate Wlto the~ rently and devou~ly requitt the fame; this always obfervple under both kinds,w1thout the authority ofholr Church, cd, that the Minificrs fhall fay unto thofc which lhal.l com- rk «~~~dl· is altogether wtbwful. For holy Church upon reafonable municate, that _they ought firmly to believe, nDt tht jkfb ~~ :~:;o~~:~rhl~berl:~;r~v~~ ~.!~~~~:~ ::t ::J~'~'//;';,~,b::r::Jt~:tt::/~z;r;;;:,;:~ ~~~c~7furu: b:i~':~~f, ~~~~yisd:~:w~e t~~ :~~ ~usct~~c:no we have d«bml the Decree of the :~:~ 0~~~cC(~~~ ~~~t i~ilif~·;fe ~~~~rt:~!~fa~ ~~m~c::s~~cd~~~o:~e~n~;= ~~r Jrinkttb unwmbif], eatttb and dri,kttb his (I'Wn dam~ of Bob<mt, the EmOO.iadors of the Council anfwcred ._, nation, thus. =~~ CA~C:~:'1:\~~~e~7J;h~f~:Jec;t,f~:~·;~~;~: fa:~~~~:~r1:1t~~u;~ ::~~th0~~= Abfrru. :£1J,~mt ;;;;;;~:bet ,~;;tj/d,'0t;;~~~;~a/:a;:::b~;;;rt;b1!:;;;;; :tr~7o~:~~:V~ i:Co;1::~ : t~~v~~~if,ti1;J:~ ~J:r.:t. ~~;~/;t;~~-~~1: fa:n~hdi~~~~fftc~::";/J;1~bi~:td ,;;; ;b;~~~b~!:n: at!d~~~~i:~~hd~hc:~%~~ f~tyr~ff: ~o7ii ;o";h:!~HJ~£;:;;=:,~ tb-It::~~?~fid~h:1tO::;n:"~rh;; ~n~ it[~~:;!n~fit;u~::Ye,t~h~~1ch~~~~dof:;x~~ ~~ fto~1 tbtar a~thorities. The Aportle Judas was :unongfi thcJ_U which Jefus Chnl\1 and of his true Spoufe the Church, it may .be ' ;::6,n~t d;d Jirfi comtmmicate, but forfomuch as be mc1vcd un~ lawful, profitabk and hcalchfulunto thofc which wonhily ••l,k•d. firh~~~;~~~~~g~:t,\~ 1; ~J~b~~~~~ 1~~;cfr:P:b; :h~e~d1~o!~~~~;:~~~~~~~:~t~~~~':f~t~t~ more power and au~hority m·e.r ~im . This is declared by in the Scriptures, how that God oftcntimes fiim:l~ ~P the agr(at reafon, Wlnchof}'OUJStt, that if youlliould re- hcartsofpri"_'ateptrfonstotbeC()I1"C(tingandJ:Ullil~hingor ccive your Lord into }"OUr houfe, would not with all fins. andfo tt fhould feern hwful wtto the infer10urs to~ n.. ,,.,. diligence and care fiudy eo make dean and adorn his houfe, correCt and punifh their fuperlors i they anfwered, alkdg· COIIfi4rttd. ~fr~~~~= ~:~~ ~:c1~! :~t~rJh~!f~;:;~~It~ the~rc:t.:J!:~: ~~k:h !~~~edf~if,f;~~~~~e ~~k~d·ha~e= ought diligently to make clt"ln an? deck his fuul, to cl~li: o~ deathagainfi t~m,is t~e. Mi~tcrofG;>d; but he: which it by the Smammt of Penance,wtth fOITOw an~ contrinon wtthout any publick admmifirauo~ or office munheretb or ()[heart, humbly, pur~ly and truly confdfing hiS fms, .and ma~eth any wicked thief, facrilegious, adul~c:rous or Uoou.o4 ~~efa~~ !~:hSat~~:u~~~a~~ ~~h~~·y t~/::~~~ ~ha~ ~rJH:U~~o~~~:r~~:cc~t7~~~~~~y~n:~~~h~ ~~b. the beartbdngfopurgcdandadomedwithfer~~att de- feared not to abufc: and u_furp.the power not _grantcdpurJih«t. fir<', he may come to that mofiholy _Sacrament) whereby him of ~ad; an? 1mly t~JS C1ty would take tt much Oodreroncileth all the World WHO him. l ~~r~ff~d~~: '!l~l&r~~at: Mo~I~ ~h:s~:th~~