Certailz Conflitutions of theCouncil of Bafil. ~;~lit1;1~f~~r~~~~;~~~~;~n r:~~~i~~~; ~~~~~~: ~~~~r~~i~r:;!~~~~r~~~~~r~~;~~~r:!:i1~~r~fb~c~~= {~~~} mte e_vils which we :~re not_ able to exprdS as we have chc:s may be am1rxed_ and inco1pontc \mto the faid Uni· cO!lCtlv«lthem, thatyouw1!1 gemly vouchfafe of your vcrfity, thatthrn=by1tmay beincre-af«iandpreferred. ~~~: ~t~~~;~f~:~~~~J;t~~;~t,{;~ff l{.~~~f~:J,~;~(r~~:¥(2f£:fT~I~~~i:~:: the Kingdc:'m ~nd MJ.rqucfdom, ha~mg charge of ~ouls, \\ atch _and feek for that long ddiml and mofi n«effary re- ::~~ :~a~~;~~o~d~~~· ~~~:~o;~roth1i~;~:~hfc~~~e ~~~~~~~~~~; ~~~~;~~~~~:~~r~:~~::~~~~: ~~r~~i~;~ ~~~~i~~0~1~j~:~s ~:~j the: Bull of the Ambalfadors,and_m th~ COI'J!pohnons made 111 the _head, as ~n the members, as you h:l\'e often promi(ed in the na~ne of the w!~ole Counetl., wntccn m the Chapter, CO do m our Kingdo'!l, in the ~r.npofltiOils and as our Pro jinmtate, wl:ere lt is thus fard, And alJ otbtr thmgs fourth Articht, touc~mg the avordmg of all' publick C\'i]s ~':'!v~:;;~~ 1;::~~c"b~!'';!J:~:~~ a;.~n~]~/fZ£~ bi /;~; do~~~:e~~~:;;:tr~;nfwers provided by the Council to benefit the whole Kmgdom fhall be comfortnl above mea~ thefe Petitions of the Bohunians, which were not deliverfur<:, an~ dlabli!hrd in brotherly IO\'e ; whereby an ~ni~ cd unto them, but kept back, for what purpofc: and inform titbjc:d:ion and ob«<.icncc fhall be papctually attnbu~ tent we know not. Wherefore lx-caufe we rhoughr them tcd uncorhcholy ~hurch. r~ot_greatly necr_lfaryfo~ this place, and al(o to avoidprovoi~i~~· ojY;,,rt££f:er~f~~r:~~r~~asd~b~~~~~~t ~f :n~~ !;.h~,~~~-e~;J~rco~~~i~~~~isrke~~;~t~~~~:i::~~;i w_luch fupJXlfe. that the Sacred CounCil hath granted_ the matters intrratcd and done in this famous Council of Bafil. f:ud <;-ommunron under both kinds unto lts but t?t" a tlm~, And here (to conclude wi~lu!J we h:t\·e thought good tO asnc:Ltherprofitlblenorwhol(ome, but as the_hbelofd•- d~lareunt?you,fortherudandhclpoftheignorantprovorcemL1lt; that. you will vouchfafe, aa:ordmg to this ~!e(whkh jud_g many things to be of longer time and con· Chapc_er aHtdgtd m the. Compolicions : Frrft they_ [aid, t.muancc: than mdetd th~ be;_ and thereuf(ln lure eftab- ~th~Hbrn~;~1L~q~~~~;'~;;rotd~%:~%egf~;~:r~Jl,~th }~~,: ;l(r~;r,/ilir~u:;~~~~~~~~~~~fa~oi~ :~:'3c;;~~!~ your grant j,_, this behalf, and with the ~ulls of your Let- of the fame,holden the 17 o( Stptemb~r, in the yeu of our ters, tO conhrm that Chapter together With the other per- Lor~ I 439> the Fe:dl of the ConceptiOn of our Lady was The Con. tainingtotheofli'ceof yourAmba1Tadors. ordarncdtobeholdcnandce!ebratedyearly. In like cafec•ptionof Item, We bt(eech you (as before) t~a~ ~or the confir~ a\(o in the 441h Scllion of t_hc fame ~uncil,holden the firfi: b:..'&t( 1". ~~;~~, ~i:,d~;~;;,~~fin~;1~e~~~~c~h~n~1 ~~~:~~ti~:, 3~f t~l~ ~~: Vf!?:;f~;,~f~~; td'/~~~d0~~~~b!r~t ~;~~~~~~~~~~;h.' T h1 ~~~,~~ ~~;~r;::~~~:.a~~ ~~r~:~u~hc~f~ :#~:nt;~;;:vfd~ ~;_t ~~~~ ~~~d~~~ ~~d~;:fs·fio~~cto 1:~~~e:~~er~~,~h:e~~ B;pr: ;:;~;~d.· for .u~a good anclllwful Pallor, An.:hb1!hops and Bt!hops, ~n Deer~, pro_hcably ~ncl \~holfon;c~y ordaintd in the ~roagbc lo. ~~::~f~1• i{~~~~~~~l ~~e~~~~~~ ~~~fco~=:~~~~~:,ablc for our ~~tcaT:t~~J,:;a~~~ t~\~;:::•t:;c~h~,,~~~~~v:~~ :~~~ Jum, We require }'Oll(asa.foref:tid) thJt your Fatherly otherConfiitutionsalfo, fru itful forthebehalfandtdiiica· f§~i§f~~g~~~~~~~ on, unto all Pnnc:es, as well Secubr as Sptrhual, Cttres and pomtcd, wh1ch mrght fhme m vertue and knowledg, to the ron. hm ~r~~~~~~~~3 d~~~~;e ~~~~d ~~~~~od~ and as the ~~;~~~~;i~~~:~d :~: .~:~::~~1~!!li•~~~~~~~=~ ~?i.~~~ lttm, We dtiin: you th:tt in the di(Culling of the matter hath bttn a great unprolmtnt and let, in that they have for the Communion under both kinds, and of the Corn· been found to have brought grievous troubles, divers difor- ~~~:~ir:~~fiJ~~y;l~;~f~rif:zf;~~!r ;f~f:~;~r~~~~Jg£\ti;~~~~~~~~~~i~~ t~~:. Councils, and the m1nds of the holy Doc1ors,truly groun~ old Laws do w1tnefs) doth give oc?Lfi.o~1 to defire anothei d~~u~~ed~:~~~~l~~ y~l~Fathcrlr re~crences,confidering Wi~s;~;:~~. '~~~~~~~tr;a~rllr~~!ud~~~rdi ~~~:~e~l;~~~io~~~ ' the great Jffdlto•.' of our pcopk,wtll gtvc us the Jdirt"dli~ mo\·ed amongfi the .rcrvJnts of God ; rancor and ~hcc :C7~tSu';;:.mr,~r~r~~~~ ~~k ~r~~~~~~i~~i~~ili~~;~ ~~:~~~~ !n~1i~~~~~~~:o~~~dd ~;~i~h~li~~~~f ~~:~: ~i be taken a1~·~y, which our J(rngdom ~mg godly, moved Kmgdoms a~d Provmces marvdloufly con~tmcd. Poor by the wntmg~ of mofi great and holy Dod?rs, and men titffn- mnumerablc vexatiot~s by rut~mng unto the hnY.tght in by exampl~, hath ~~ved as Carhohck, and Court of Romr. They are _ofltnumts ~polled and robbed cxcrcifed now a long tune; ver1ly lt lhould r:lif~ up an in- by t_hc w.1y,trouhltd an? affl.1dcd wid1 dtvers plaguts> and tolerable offt:nce amongll the pcop!e,a11d their mmds would havmg fpc:nt their Parnrnony ~nd fubfr:mc~ ld"t them by begrievoui1y\·cx~andrroubled. . theirp3rcnts, thcyare· conflram~to hv~m e.::nrelmpoT!>tGofpolo ]um, \Vertqmreyou(asbc:foreJ thJt for l1kec:mfes vcrty. Manydodra!lengclknt~ which wuhom any !f,tlf:~~~~~til