Fox - BR1600 .F6 1684 v1

792 An Exhortation ofCardinal Julian to the Pope, not to diffolve the Council. ~~~·h:;•~c~~~~:e!\1~~n~~; ~: ~~:.•;~%~(~w;~~~e::~~ : ';:;);~(~~ ~~~h Th~ ~e111~~~~~~~~)~~tt~ {~:~~} dmg;; and JOyful agrttmcnt betv:·rtn t~lC Council and the ' Church, ro win fouls. For the Chur<:h is not an heap ~~~~~a;;ro:~o fcl.:~~~:·,~:~fe~t~~~~~~~ Ftt~~ : ~:t~n~xta.:~~h~~ ;a~~n:1otf:~~~;~:~~t ~i~~~~~~11rh~f~~~.6i(:;.y I!1dif~~t~ ;:; ~~efa~~: : ~:~~~~n~0;;~a~~e}~~~o~~~d:::~~d ;Tlh~~~:th~~ v.·e thought here good eo fct down to be feen. :by y~ur fubftituttS. For fo d1d the Apolli(S., which 10 , the lrl~tllt they might the more frttly allend to the The CoPJ of an Epijlle, which fulian Cardinal of : r;~:':;~~g-f~~~.'~~ddr~rt!~~~~i!ri~~i~f'~~~::?nr~~ St. Angen, the Popes Ambajfador into Ger- , 1 . 101 thmgs. ~ htar that by the Gnce ofqcx:l your He: ~~~~~i:;o~:;h~;v;Jo~:;;:,(yf;rn~£~eh~ ~~:~ : f~~~~.:~~~~~:;~ll~~~~~~~~do:t ~t~~ !:~y~l(~ aboulto dijfolve tbe Council of Bafi!. :thing more profitable or co;JC~cG~ t~ 11;.~~r ~ffi~~1,10tJ:1; to·go umo the place when: lllnumerable benefits and . 'goodnelSrnay~pring •. Let your Holiud"sundcrlland and Mo~!~~~tP:C: after the devout kiff(S of : ~;:~~h~e~~~c~~~~~u':~:e3~~~h~·~~r;icsa~~d~~;; 'Btfhopsdidexerct_(eandoccupythemklvcs; and as you 'do ~uccetdthmtmoffice, fo fucceed them in manners. :N ?v;~h~a!~~~~Y;,:~~oi~;~dhua~~~: :~:~;; : ~~~~~~-~~r:tfurrr~~~~~~tt ~::_~{;j 'off:lfhalyloveandcharity, aodthezcal of the_Houfe 'the more plrtofthe tC"\'erend Lords, Cardinals of the : ~~;;:~c~~e~~~~~ ~~~t ~l~~eY:C~~n~:f~ :~':.of&:;; ;;;:~hlr~:ldth~n':t~h~rPr;!:t~~i~~~ i [~!fl~~:21~£~~ff~I~;~iE;,~~ ; ~1f~~~~~:~~:;;;:~2;:~~~~~ <thcr the fame, you lh~![ obtam great glory both m Hea- ' doth her Chickens under her wings•. And if fo be that : ~h~~fu:~e~~~~~h ~~~~~ tr;r~\·(~~~c ~~~~~r a~~:J ~~ : Y~t ~i~~dfa;:o~~~~g~lf~l~::h~~~~~h~~;'rh~~~~e~f : ~~~;~,;;?~i;;~~a~~lly~~. 0~1;1~~~~r~vln_ ~~;;; ~-~~.Ea;~~ : ~;C~ ~~h~~~g~~o;~ar:·hfc~r }~!wH~~i~e&!~~~~:;~ <how is he to be followed, whJCh wtth one word may <rher to ceafc from your diffolurion. The re\·erend Fatha 'rdl"ore peace and quiet~tefs to the Chu~ch, and rcfufetff 'the Archbilhop of Lirms hath writteu wlto the CQuncil, 'todoit? Butlconceweabetterhopemyou,howthat 'anduntomealfo, howthatthePrelatt:sof France have ; ~::t '~irclit~~~r~~d : ~~~~ at,~ete~;d 11e~~~i~~~~~n°~a~~,~~~t;I;~, ~~~~ : ~~~ :~~n~~~~~~:;~1~gJ~1~1: ~~J.rea~~~n~~~ : ::1~ ~;~~~~~~v:~~~O:dg~~:~~~~~~~~b~~~ ~:! ~i:~r: ~:~r~~l()O~~~~Jr~: i;;:ci!e~r~~: ilia~ : ~~~~UJ;:~~~:t ~e a~1fohd7r~:fhj~~: O~l:~';£~ ~~ ~:~urn-; !~~~~:i~~h~ t~:~d~rsG~he ~L:::~~~ : fuk:lrtd ~;: ~~~~ ;i~~~ebythfo~~yC:~~~~t~~~~~ 'is 10 far, of the Praguts, Orpbams and. Thabwm~, <then doth your Holmefs ftay? You have gone abour as ' a.mong!l whom wae alfo pr~ftnt the Captams of the1r ' rl_luch as in }"OU lay, by your Mclfc·ngas, Lette-rs, and (e-nemies, and fpeci:illy Procopu11: That a folemn Am- < dw~ means to draw back the Prt!ates, and have labour- ( batTadc of all the Ellatcs of the Realm lhould corn~ unto < td wt~h ::tll your endca\·Olu- to dilfolve the CQuncil ; yet <the Council of Bafil : Afte-r th~t ~ fafe Conduct_ 1_s fc:nt ' notWJthllandin&,_ as you do fee, it is incrcaftd day by day. <unto them by the faid <?ou•JCll m form condmoncd, <And t~e more 1t is forbidden, the more are a.ll mens <which lhall be done With fpttd, rhis Sacred Con- 'minds mfla.mtd to the contnry. Is not this then to re-- ; ~~~~:~~·~: i~~~«~~:~~ffi;~h~lecl~~~ a~~ ~r~~~ ,,;~; : ~fia:1~~w;n ~h~o?Y:3i~ d:P y~h~~~~~~~~e ~;;~ ~$:l. : ~~~n1~~t ~~lii~~:11~:~o~~~~tih:1B!"f~a:~~ t~~~1n~~c~i~h~ ' ~~u~-~~:r 1o'01~-~f~ ~~;dt~~~ \h~~t~ ;thfo!o;~ (oHte::tufe, they do conceive grea.chopcof their tC"COnci- < Nationsa.regreatlyoff~ndedwhen they hcarthefcyour 'liation. 'doings. Suffer not yonr Holinefs to be fcdnccd by '.Andatl::t!\g:ent!yembr:tcing:oneanother, even with 'any man, which pera.d_vtnture flmll incule::tte fear unc tears of gl::tdncfs, they departtd from Egra ; the Boht- ' to you, whett:lS there IS nothing at all to be doubr- < miam requiring our Am~{_fadors, rhat the mltter might 'ed; or that do perfw::tde you this to be J!D lawful : ~~at:; 1~~l~~·i!~;;,~~~~\~;: T ~~~~~w~khrt/~~~ ~~~! ; ~U~ci!&o ~~~~';o 1 ~·~1~h~ff~:rJ~ ~~~~7;~ ~~ 'hrud, and did not W«P ior )Of, he might_ well thmk <rer ~hat J do offend you a little in words., an~ profit <himfelf to be but finally atTeCHoned unto Chnft. As for ' rou m my dttcls ; for 3 PhyfKi:m !ayeth 3 bummg cor- <three of the: tOur Artidc:s, they kern not to make any < rofin: unto the difeafe, and hcaleth the fore: For the : ~~l~edi~~~~u~.~~~~ u~e:~~~lil~~ (::~· i~h~~ : ~~~-e ~:::ktr ~~fitho;cfnd -~~dC:c;' t:mbi~~ <hope th:n they wtil 101\ow the Judgment o~ the Counal. < fea~ to dtcbre the truth ; that. 1t bemg known, }''?Ur f\Vhoisitthcnthatd::trecounfd Y'?UT HolindS to_perfe- 'Holu1elS may the better prov1de both for your (elf fvereanylongerinthcpttfJ'?fcofdlllOlution? for1f the 'and the Church. Tr_dependeth upon the Council of c Council had nor bce11 apjxllnted at all, for ~o gru~ ho~ c Crmftanu, whether dus Cou~1cil be lawful or not. If c and neceffity ; it ought t? have bun appom~ed Ill thiS ' that were a rmc Cotmcil, (o IS this al~. No man ftc- < place. How worthy prrufe :and commendatiOn lhould ' meth. to ~oubr whether rhat CounCil we-re hwfu.~ c your Holinefs do, if that )'Oil ~vould lf":lve !raJ; and all < ~1d hke1~1fc whatfot\'«. was tht't"e decreed tO be hw· 'orheraffairs, andcomch1ther m you~ own perfon; ~1- <ful: l?r 1f any man wdl fay, th::tr rhe Dccrt"CSofthatA~u· : :~~O:lg~h~uk~~~~~ ~: d~t:C~~f~~~ T':~;;tp;~~: : ~;i:~i:l~e ~'[' P:~oj;h; 1~ ~~~~icht~ ~~~~ r;~E~ !~~-~n~~-t