Fox - BR1600 .F6 1684 v1

794 The Epijile of Cardi11al Julian to Pope Eugcnius. : f~f~t i:~:1tien ii made in the Bull of the Confifiory di~ :;~in ;;;e: 1e H~~~::y 1~y ~~ifi:v~f~ {~~~} ' But wl1:1t nud we any other proof, than by your ' to reform the manners of cnry ftatc of Chrillm~ 'Ho1iL1cfsiAters? In which yourLer_cersdattd thcfccond 'dom, and rct they will_ fay that I C3J.mot cite them. : ~ir;~eth~al~~~~:. 0ty1~j;•r~~: ~r~~~c~ ~~~tl~c ~~~~ : ~~::~ ~of~~fu1 (;;~,:o r61~~~c? 3~he 1Lt:~~~~h1fuy; ~: 'do commend me, that my bufindS lxmg done m :to. whom any power or jurifdid:ion is committtd, all ' BDhemia, 1 01ould take my way to to hol~ the , tlungs .fccm to bt committed unto him , without 'Council, and there to fo_r&e. unto all thm~ as Jt was , the whiCh he co.nnot excrcifc his jurifdiCtion; for 'cnjoyncd me, and ordaml'<l m the <?ouncJI of Con- how could all the premifcs be done, if the Prelat(S or ' {fanct: T_he fame . alfo ye repeat m the Bull of : ?thers thould not ron:e hither ? Alfo why is it faid : :~:,d 1t~~~~~;dsb~~:g~~tcr:':((u:r~ ~~u;h~ir~:f~~;. '~~lt~het~hs~~~~ ~rltnb:' ~l\{:cejifil~/%n:l; iteo:,~ 'Since your going into German* no Prelates have _af~ c led? By whom then is it prcl"uppofcd that he thould • fembled in Bafil for the c.elebratmg of the: Counc1l ; ' be callt:d, but only by the: C6mtcll, or by him which 'We gave you in.~mmandmc:nt that in t~e mean ti_me '~lc:th t~c: Council ? AJfo the whole c:ighteenth di.- 'you lhould ?e d1hgent_ about d~e expt<hrion . agamn 'fh_nClion l~ttrc:ateth of uo other martc:r, but that the • the &htmw' Heret1cks , wh1ch is comnuued to ' Bilhops bemg <!:11\td umo the Council , if they come ' your charge, and afterward you !hall come unto Bafil, ' net, they may be Excommunicate: and Suffl(rtded. Lc:t ' ~he place appo~ntc:d for the Council , and there rule c thefe men rc:ad the Bock of Councils of Sa_int IfiJm, < m Our ~lace m the n~me of the Ch~h. What is ' and they lhall find how that in many Councils the Pre- < more ev1dent than tins ? l f any thmg were doubt- ' lares have bmt called by the Synod. Now it remain- 'ful, bythetcnourofrhefel..ettcrsitwereevidt:mly taken 'eth, that we fhould dedare, whether the dilfolurionbe : ~:a~;~r ~~g~~~~~~~J~S~~ t~~: 0~tc~~ !'ri;= : ~o[,~~~:~~ng;~ber~~ ~~~~~g;:~~rr!t~ ~:~~ 'ingoffuch Letters., becaufe there was a prorogation 'forperadvenrureyour HolmdS doththmk the dilfoluti· : ~:~~~~:f~~~·:i.~;;:;,P:~;~~{:.:\~~~·~ : ~~;1:!~~~:~, :~~~:~~~$~~;£n~fr • not n~elfary to hold the Councll_pro:.:ifely even at the '~11 rhechapter,.Frrqunu,.dedareththat lt~_ofno fOTcc:;for ; ~~~~~~:~de C~r:ttl~~ 1:~n~~~~~:~· an~~:otaa~;:;0fo~ : ~f=~~~~~. be :~~~i~:~ :~t~~~~~~td~h:~ic~ ~ ~ ~;dif ~~ ~~ =~~~11ty ;~~~~h~~i~:~~r~~~:~:~~~d~~ : ~h:ttert;;a~~fdr ~OI ~~ 3by~r:~:l~erat~h i~:eisabu~ < Cl10n made, then may this be objeded; How could r~e ' deferred , and by ddfolving 1t is u~rc:r!y t~ken away. ; ;r;~i: ~~~a~~~;:r;n~:V! ~-rx:~~te~~~~i:h~f ~~ ; ~;:u }~:~~:~1 ~Y ta~~:f~~d~'[~&:;~:h~~hfc!:~ 'noma was of force, becaufe the Counc1l ~f Bafil \.\"aS ' the Council is ~~un, it m_ay be dilfolved without any ' diffolved by your Hol ine!S, thc:u I have my mtent. For ' thing done, JS 1t IS faid that 1t was done at Srnrs; and now : fore:r ;~edi~o~r~u~~~ 'th;cha~. a I~·~e~ : ~io~:hi~~~ ~t~rJru~i:~dS~~!~~~Jc:~ ~~~fa~d 'Cotu"ICI.I before, rhen, as herc:after fhall be proved, it 'dJJfolutiondotbmanifefilytendtothefubverfiOiloffaith, ' could not be dilfolvt<l without the OOilfmt of the: CouJl.. ' the ruin of the Church, and the trouble of the Chrifiian 'cil; what cm be more anfwered hereunto? For the 'peopk. Thereforeitcannotbedone, neitherobeyed. 'grc:ater do:.:hmtion and evidence ofthe matter, theAb- 'Theyfaymor-rover, thatthefaiddilfolurioncouldnot ' bot of Virgilia, even upon the fame day of the time ap- ' be made by mc:ans ofa certai_n decree of the Council of 'pointed or afore, gathering together the Prelates of the 'Conftance in t~lt ~half prov1dtd;That in fuch matters as ' great Church, and many other Prelates and Notable 'appertain Wlto F:llth, the extirpation of fin, and refonna. 'men, made a folemn protefiation, h?w the time was ' tion of the Church in the h~d and in the members, all ' come to celebrate and hold the Council, and that he was ' men of what efiate or cond.nion foever they be, yea the 'come w1to Bafil for the fame purpofe, requiring them ' Pope himfelf fhould be bound to obey the flacutcs, pre-- 'thatthey ~ou\dconfer~ intrc:at together upon mat· 'ceptsando.rdinanccsofe\·crygeneral Council; and ex- ' ters touchmg the~uncil~ and hereupon there is a pub- 'cept they d1d obey, it had power to punifhthem. Mark 'li~~J~~~~~e:~~t~en~:~t Amba!fadOIS of the Uni- : ~~;~~: t=~=~ ~~~a:.~J;~~~~~:~h!nl;~ 'verfity of Paris ~me thither, ~nd be~an to entreat ' obedient, arefignsoffuperiority, mthofematterswhich : ~~e 1£~;!~:,U~~d1~o r~ee ~c~:Cl~'ru!:'ti~f ~~:~~~~ ; ~~ ~~~i:~~~obef~b~ ~~~~:~t~eaf;~:~ a~ fi~:; ' that they _fllot.!\d fClld. unto the Counal ; which Letters I ' inf~rioriry m th1 faid cafes. Ergo in the fordaid cafc:s, 'my fdfd1d fee; ncith~rdoththefmal1 1mm~rofmen 'feel_ngthatthePope, as theyf3y, isunderthe ~ouncil , ' let ; for whereas auchonty is, a great number JS not re-- ' whiCh alfo hath ixc:n ; in that IOr one of the fa1d three < quired, 3CCQI"ding to the faying of, where as two 'caf(S the ~utcil did tkprive Jo~, and for the ~thtr 'or three are gathered together in my name, I am in 'BroeJiff, neJther could the Pope dJ!Tolve the: Coun~ in ' the midfi of thm~ . Upon the which authority the ' that he is inferiour unto the Council, he cannot_ bmd_ or 'Councils a:e grounded. No~ ~hereforc: your ~olinefs ccompel the fuperiour; As in the Chapt~r~um 1t{mor, 'dothmanifdlly ftethefaidob~Olltabeburfnvolou:>. ' inir:~.oonrradu:%on, t~the : ~~ t~7h~~ ~~~'?;~~:~ i~ isU:re 'r~f b: : ~7dt~o\~e~lo'r aho~~~J:1~~~ 0 ?tJt~t~:e ~~.~ < doubted but that it was a lawful Council, and cano- c or.dmance and decree of the Coultcll, 1f he: may aruuhi· 'nica\ly congregate: And peradvent~c it is fcarlly found < late and a~ay the fame ord.inmce an~ decree ? < where any Counal hath been confinned by fo many ' This Council IS ~ngregate for the rootmg ?Ut of <authorities as this, that is to fay, by the: two Councils ' Herdies, for the makmg_of pe:u:e, ~nd. refor~tlon of : :fJ:; t!::e:ii~ C;;'{;;:.and of Scrm, and confirm· : ~:~~n~~~:~~~t:,~~t ~~~ ~~~~:d'~d~~er~~; ~d < Bclid(S this, I ha\'e heard that fome do report at 'that he which fhonld procure to ~tt the: Council, to pro- ' Rome that 1could not c.t.ll the Prelatest.~nto the Coun· 'rog~tc or ~Iter it, ~ould be pumth~, and have pro:dS ; ~~;x~~~~~;~at Ic~:tl~va:n~~ela~~~ :J:isrhfu!~1 ;: : :f:~ 1f\ti1:~n:s/~'J.~~J:d,~1~s d~~~~ ~~~~~nr.d~ ; f!J~1~~ fk!al~yto~~~~~~~ \:~~~ r~~tre~ 3~~~~~~h h:;: 1:r~ : :~:~r ~c~~~~~d~":i~~~if it~~~~c~dti~~:~~ %~fid.~~ 'afi"embkd , in the Council. It IS l marvellous matter; 'crecoftht Com\CllofCrmftanuisofnoforce. This