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Anno Rrm~tln Chrifti Bifhops. 668 679 Agull.o: 68o 68• 689 Scrglus1. 7os :;;! f 7°7 ~ Conflantine. 7'7 Grc-gor.2. A Chronology. ing born of tht Virgin Mar]. by the power of God, witho:.~t mms Vol.1. fetd, andatlafiwastakenuptoHcaven,but\VJSJlOtflJin, but :lno- Page thcr in his likendS for him ; with many other wick«! bllfphemies I ~~~i:o~wC:~:i;j~f t~: ~:~~~ ~~~ ~~~~,& ~~ t~~:C~:~~;~r: dued unto him, as we fhall declare m the }'WS following. in which T~~~;~j~~l ~a~~twfi~~~t:JJ into En~laf!d, by Vitdliam:s the Pope, to be Archbifhop of Cantrrbur;., an? dtvers other Monks of [tall to fet up here in England, Latm-fem~., M3.1Tes, and fuch other Ramifh ware. This Thtodore plays R.ex., difplacing Ctdda and WJIfid, Archbifho.Ps of T~rA., pretending th_e¥ were not l~wful!y Conf~ted; notwtthllandmg r~ey were ~ufficu:mly authomed by their Kmgs., and were plact:d agamfi their w1lls. In the time of this Thtodor~, a Syncxl was held at Thetford, ordaining that Ea.fhrthould be kept throughout the _R~Im upon one_ errrain day, 'Vi%:•• Prima 14. bma mmjis p11m1 . T hat no B11hop lhould meddle in anothen Diocefs, That Mona!luics fhould be fu:e from Bilhops J urifdiC:tion- That Monks lhould not fi~y from their own Monaltcry to another : Nor a Clergy-man from h1s own Bilhop toanothmDiocefS. Th1t Synods Provinciall'hould bel1ept in the Realm at !tall once a ynr; with divers otha Ordimnccs of like lnthencxtyraraftcrthatSynod.,washcldthcfixthGeneralCouncilat c,nftanct : At which was ThrodtJrt under Pope A_gatho prefmt,where it was pnmitttxl that Grttk. Priells iliould have WIVCS, and forbidden to the Latin. Inthefixthycaroff.r.Nt, bcginningtoreitnaboutthistime,moftvali- 139 antly warring again!l the Kentijll Saxons, was oile Cuthlalu a Con-- Brif~;ald o}~~:·ru:~~isf:ch:~j;j;t1 a;,;:,~:~~;;;:~~· &ratW- Pbilippicm is mentioned after pag: 1 t-3· . _ . d1u, Inthet6thyearof l'Va, EtbdredKmgof Mrrctahavmg wgncd3o · years., was made a Monk, and after Abbot of Bardne;'· P. Conft. is mentionW p11g. 143- ~ Th~ year being about the 18th of King Ive his rcig!l., died that ld rned B1fhop Adtlmus, full Abbot of Malmtsbury., alter Bilhop of Shirbourne; whichSc:ewasaftcrunit«<toWintfm. Jolmo£Beverly, Bifhop ofrork, ditth. , In the time of I'Ve, who reigned 37years, beganfirfl:the rightobfcr- ~~ti1h;~~h~~~tr:a~~~ ~iEfs and Brit aim: in which obfervati· 1. The full Moon of the firfl Month, ( r) of March. 2. The Dominical Letter. 3· The E~uinoCtial day.,which was wont to be cowitcd, in the Eafl: Church, and dpccially among the Egptians, to be: about the 17th of March. Sotha.t_theFu\1 Moon, either on the Equi noCl-i~lday, or after t~e EquinoCtial day, bcingobferved, thcnexrDomlllicaklay fol.lowmgthat Full Moon, is to be taken for Eajfrr--day. But thm two things mufi be noted, 1. Thattbcful!WoftheMoonmufl:~perftd:lyfull: So that it ~u=~:~ft~t~d!~i~~rhc«~~.the Moon, which is the 2, Thatthefaidperfed-fulndSofthc Moon., beginning th"e third week, mttllhappeneitherin_thevcry evening ?ftheEquinoCHalday, oraftcrtheEquinoCbalday: Fordfe,lf ithappcneither ~~.~u~~~~tio~~~~~~h~~%i~f' the t£fo;~a:,h~n~;~; tothefirfl:monthoftht:firllycar., andfoferv_t:thnottobc ob· ferved. ' This rite in kteping Eaf!tr bein~ ~cceivcd in the Latin Church, began ~~:s"~~~ra:~;., P~~~ ~~~~ef;~t~":~~~~:~; ~~~k~e!~~~t~ : him, a1~ of Coljr1J, Abbot of Smvm, This Colfr.rJ wrote a!(? to Nar_c , nus,or Naitonus the King of tht: PiOs., concernmg the fhaVlng of Pndls Crowns., as nccdfary to the Vow of aMonk, ordegrceofa Pridi,for rcfl:ra int..AndthU5beganthisCeremony.,withoutanyproofofScripture. Pope Gregory the fecond is mentioned P''l· 143• ~ K · · hisreign,isim tun:ttc-- to that Pal-ace, faying. lprayyoumylord,bcholdthishcufc-, whrre arenowalltherichhangings.,andcloth(Sofgold,&c- thatwerekft hcretheotherday? be not all thefegone? In lili.e mannerlhall we vanHh away, and our boditS, now ddica tdy ftd,lhall tun~ tO the 61th of the earth ; wht:refore rtmcmbcr my words,and ptud_1afe that Palace [c]3 that