798 The Dutcbefs ofGiocdler and Roger Only fuppofed not to be gllilty of Treajo11. ~~~:,;:· ~~h ~1t f!~, icth~~~~fo~1 ~~~::tfl~~ ~I~~ :~~ef~~du!~~~ a;~~T~~r::~~~rt~ ch:h~hi~r;a~ ~c b~~~~st~~d ~~ { !!~2} ;~~~;~;~z2t~;,t~~1~:~::~i~S~ip~i 1~?{~~I~l~itf~~~~~ii~~~h2,~:i.:::~ ~~~· wh~eh you w11lgrant to be~ _KnightS fellow. And thus Thcf«ond conjt&lrc; for that the Lady Efenmr,and ~-u·:~n~. much for the mme and c?nd!tLOn of Mr · Roger Only. Onlj kcmcd then to &,·our and favour of th:n Religion auro, ~o£!ie· ye~i;r:I~J'~v~l~~f~;;:n?c~ff;f~~~~~=~:;~~, ,:~~~;, ~~acfo:~~ b~ve~'~t~· o}n~h~~Q~~~;,,ic ~F~~~cr~bur~~ co fay that I make her a Mart)'r, wluc_h was aW1tch; what hatred andpraCbfcs ofPapifis can do, itist.orwlwhenaslhcreprofcfs, confcfsand3fc<:rtambothyou, at\d kno,yn. ~n~~:~~t~~~~· !:;g~~:~~::~~~~~~n~fl~~~hf;1~cro;~ On~:1ef:/~;d.~·~~~t~~~ea~~0fcd~~~}t ~~:a~~;n~~:r; tu~~~ nevcr thought of, ncv~r dreamed ut, nor d1d ever bC"JI of, Book in purgatiOn o_fh~mfc!f, mtitul«<, De Inn;ctntia[11a. before you n:l,med he~ Ill your. book you.r felf. So far is Alfo another Book m mu led, Contra vulgi [uptrftitiM~ts it off, that l either With my will, or ag:unfi my will, made r~orded in Ctntur. S.Bal. cap. 4· Whereupon itisnotcr~ anyMartyrofher. d1ble, thathewhichwroteprofdfedlyagainftthe fuJ)(rfli- ;~;~~~.' th:r~~:~ili:h:;c1 t:r~:1ya1j~fi~~~:~;~~fo~~;~:y !o;~;~:f~lc, wasovertakm with that filthofNeao- ~k fo to judge, much h{s to raii _Oll me. ~or where The fourth conja1'ure; bccaufe this accufation again.fl- +eo.;.. 111 exprdS words .I do fpcakof the Mother ol the lady theDutchcfsofG/ouufttr, Duke Humfrla Wife, began d~UC. ;ic~k~~!~:;~~~;2]~~!7~!e ~~~~r~~~: ~~~rc~f .b~:f1:ftt,e a~:d~~~k=i~~~fr;th·;;nH: As fGr me, neither did 1 know of her then, nor did I mean Another conjcdurc may be hcrwfJor that if the Dutchc(s S· CoDjc. ~uhf:Y:m\To~~~";fa~e :=~cc~~er \~:S~~:~~he~~~¥~ ~f~;~~~.~~,~~~i~~~\~a;~~~!~~~o~~:f~nh:it~:: a.r~. Lady, l thought to JO}'Il ho:w1tha.noth~ Lady m rhc(ame hke (neither was. there any (uch need_) that fbe w~d have ~~J~r~i~~d~.~e~~~tt~~~h~~~d~~~~1o,C~:~P~~t· fu;~ ~ai~~hr~;nrrX::~c~ ~~~;~ ~r;;i~:, C:n:\-~(1;:~ Mother with the Dutchcfs, ll~ fuch d!llmfr d1fference of Scut!:wtli, and John Humr. years, th<~.t you Mafier Cope m1ght cafily have undcrfiood, Stxthlr, lt is not tobeCtippoftd, if any fuch high Trca· 6. Con~ :n~~~c b~~uftd~~ga7t~11 ]~[,~,;:~~ w~1;~~it~e~11f1~e tt~ ~~:~ ~;~~::1 ili:~u~~~~i:D~~j:(s3~~~~ ~ce~~~ha~ ~(m~~~ry11:e ~~~;~;:~ wh~e~~~r~~;de~~~ri~:~ ~·re;~! ~~~dg~ !~~~~s !~f;i~~h~~d~i~~~a~o l:~~;ha~ !:f~irJI:;~h~' )'~7 0 '{ O:.~eL~~~~ 4~1 ~d{d~ou~f6 /::~~~ h;~tl:~~: fi~~fit:~ th1s ~j~n, nor if Jt had been asked, fame Hory (through the occalion of that Lady) infer To rhcfe we may a1fadd another fuppof:~.l, rifing upon 7· Coli~· mention ofthcMotha ofrhclady n1111g, declaring !n thcw?rdsandfonn ?f theiraccufation, as it fia~cth inlll~R. :r;~:~~ ~~~\~rt~tg';;p~;~~~=:c7o~h~~~t;crab!l~ !:;eJ1;~tdiffu';~~~7!ci1:~1 d~~~;y 7nJ ;~:a~~:~ ing to be 1490 which was fifty years after the dt?th of agamfi rhc Church and the Kmg. Now wfut Sorcery can OnlJ, and MArgaret JcurJeman ; by the computatiOn of be wroughtagainll tilt Church, that is, thewhofe mu1ti· which ye:Jrs it is plain, that no other womancoulclbc tudeofChrifiians, let the-Reader judge; and by thetruth noredinthat place, butC?nlyt~eLadyn'"!(sMot!Jer. of.rhisco~dcralforhetrurhof the other, whic~W':I.Sa- .But Mr. C~e, continumg fi11l in his wranglin& mood, gamft the Kmg. Furthermore, i.fby this Church IS meant ~ti~~~~~\at~~~tn~~/Ja~~er~~:;! ~~~ !,~:~d~1 ta/iJ,"~ttt~a~1rik%r:~r r~~c i~J'u!: :~~~;:~e~l:!r~!=~· \~~::!~~;; rm::~~~~ {a~rJ!~ &~.o .was then a moml ttle~y to the Houfe of Gloctjfu, in ~y;;;~fl;/f~ ~~ ~~~~i~~~l~i~1 1:t~ec~~~ese::~ ; da~ , the ~fjt~{;d~~~do~~~=!~~~''w~~cd~i:~ 1!r~~~~c~ ~~lewhat is that to me? If he which had thcdifpofing of1he the matter the more (ufpicious, feting that TownofEyt, ~talo~uc, did placethtm fo in months, ashefaw t?em as Fabia~ witndfcrh, wasncarbefide Wincbejfer, and See JOYn«<mChaptcrs, not pcru~ngpe~dv~nturcnoraclvJiing of thatBifhop. ~~~h:J!:U~~~i~~:~ d~:~~~~~Y'f/(~lf~~th~U~i~l~~~f~:~~ fio~~~~~h~~. f~~~;~cl~l~tp~:~~:/tgi;p;d~:g ~~~: &::i.. them rightly m nam~ andal(o in )'C'.lJS, astsalorede- favou.rmgthc Card•.nals P?rt than the Dukes, made no dare~. . menuo~1 ~tall touchmg thiS Treafon, his filcncc thercf~e n!Mtlt Fifthly and laftly, Havmg thusfufficicntlyanfwcrcd to maymuull-er matter not onlytomufC, ~ut alfo to .conje" 011J~""· your circu1~fia•tces of pcrfons, 11ames, ~nd nmes ( Ma~er tt:uc, that he had found fomething wh!'h made h1m to Co~) I will now C'Jt~r to encountn With you concenung 1m/l:mfi the matter. Orherwi(c it is \Uthkc:. that he ~vould rhe fact and crime objeCted to the Lady Dutchcfs, and to have fo mewed up the matter, and pruftd. Jt oVd'Withouc the rdl ; with this protefiation before prcmi~cd unto the fom: mention. ThtftoJ,of ~e~:~i~~i~r:rc~a~ t~~~t~~l~o~~~d~n;, rn;:~ p~~~7~hc~ 1~tn~i~~y ~~~[~dt~~~r~.!ri;~~~~fur:~ ::r~~~; t'.. !".. 1 the Rader thttt fototakc me, as though I dld not dc;U Gdcnnghow may (ubnl pretences after the like (ol't have ~~;Ei;_ ~~~e~~~~a~.·~~:r~~~:;;~~~~~~. ~~ t~~~eri:~~~~\~ !:::/:~~~1:1~f;~~g~~r 30~~t:~~~;~~k:e~~ !~~~oo ;::, d:Ya~ ~::~~~la1~3~;~ ~~\~et~~o;?l a~~ill~~~cf:d: 1~~) ~~~: 1~~;,:::~~o::ra·cio~~ldois~hc~;ch~8:J ;;,;~~ ;:~~~b~ t:~~ja;:~o~~c;~; !~~~f~i.~;:~~~~~~~n~ ~~~.~, \~i~~~~e; l;~t::~~~;:,~r~~~·~f~~~~~:rf~~ ~~ J~:n ~~~~~~~~: %~~~;~t:.0~~~~~e~1l~~~~t~~c;~~cl'rr~;: ~Ys·~:i~flC~~~d ~r~~~~V~~~~~~~~:~~~~~~.a~~ tt\:~~d5()(t orfitfped-edrathertobcfalfcand forged, ~~~d fo havmg know, andbmaquardmadc, onlytoopprcfS the life of briefly propounded ccmin con!cdma~ fi1fpmons.or fi1ppo-- the Lord Hajfmg,s, and the Lord Stanl1,&c.And thusmayp ~alscoJJC('rningthat matter, lwJll pafs 1t over, ncnher med- efi .thou fee, gentle Reader,. according. to rh~ l..Yi(e mans. ling on the one nor on the mher. • faym~, Ntbtl n(/{)um lffi fub Jolt; N1/;J/tpu JJEium, q~«~J n~nfttdtflumpruu, &c. AI·