Articles ohje£led by Duke Humphry, againjltbe Cardinal of Winchelter. 799 {~:.~} led~~~~g~0:~:r;:~r~t~;~n:oeoro;~~~~~h~f:,Y3~ 3~( Jre~~;,o~:r~~he ~n~ kin, from luvingknow!cdge her Cluplains and Prie!ls, )'Ct ~ufe it nuy not lx Wl· 4-lttm,\Vher(aS the Kmg had borrowed ofche Cardinal n,car.IO: poffiblc again the marrcr laid agan~ thtrt_l to be t~e, I four t~oufand pow'Kb;, up::m certain Je\~·ds, and afterv,.-ard ~t~t·,•,.. lave it therefore at lar~e 3S I find 1t ; ~ayntg ~ l (:ud be- had ~JS mony ready at the day to qmt his Jewels ; the K•os ofblt fore: That if it be true which the Stories fay m thiS ma_r- Clrdimtl caufi:d rhe Tre.Uun:r tO convert that mouy to the J•Y•c4. tcr,' think I bcfcech th(<: gentle Reader, thlt I have_ faid Paymcm of an?ther Army, to keep the Jewels fiill ro his l~iG:i~~e;~t~;:~~J;~;;:i~i€~ ~2i,:~=~~;,;f:in~,:~·~~·~~~~;,~.:r.£1~i~ E~:1:: f~~~e~i~~b:~~n:;u~~:~~:~ ~~·r,c~i~:/~l~;;a~~ ~~~gfai~15K~;;~ra1~~;~~W ~a:~a~i~~g;he t~~g F:; ~~=:. Monunmrrs, ldurfi namet~ ~dyEitamrCobham, and thoufand pounds, the _Cardinal procured Ten thoufand .&ger only; let him take d11s lor a fhort anfwcr,. bcca_ufc m~rks thereof to be rcmrtted, aud yet the rdl very lkndcrly my kafurc ferve~h noc to ma k~ l~mg brawls with hu~, p;ud. That if 1 had thought no impcrlCChons to haxc p:llf«< m 6. lttm, The faid Cardinal, for lending notable fwns to TM cacfr. ~~~IQ· ~~or1~er ,:~tl~~~~r~t~~::lc~·~ ?~~~~~t~~: ~~cf~~~g ~~d ~~a~~~~~~~ t~~~:~~~~~:m{V:l ;~~c~ ~~~::~rh c,,,•ocu\1- whaeby to fpungc ,away fuch motes, as 1 thought w01:1ld thcr March~ife was, under that cloke, exported, not fo ~~~1;.: ~r~£~n~~~:i~1~~;~~~~1t~t:~§~:f~:;~ ~:~:~!~:~:~~:.:}:.~~~,:.::::·::~;:::~::: fdves and linally finding qu:mds \~here no grtat cauf.: ~s Km~, y..-c fo deferud and ddaL_ed the l.oJ.n therrof, that jufily' give-n. And hac an end wtth Mafter Cope for this commg out ?f feUon d~ fJme did the King !Jttle pleafurc, ::?:S"t- ~F=:~~~~ ~~,~~:;• :;:;~&:,~ '~~ ::s:t~7;:l~Ei}~;~;;'j}~}'~~;~,~d~>:~ ~u~ i:!~;.~· C-.dl,.,t of t!M: rich Cardinal of Wi11thr{ler , and the good Dukt fenM to the Kmg; tht UlrdLml for Loan of a httle pl«c, 1bdU111· :S'""~: HumtrJ Duke of Gloufter, the Kings Unc_Je and gorhimarefi?TementthcrrofwcheKingsgrcat.dammagc, H ..,.,, Protidorof the Realm, order of Swry nowrequm:th ro who better m1ght have fp;ncd the Commons, 1f thcfum ~.'a~~.,. OJX'Il fame part of that m:mer more at large. Wherein had remained tO him dea_r. {:;;:} ~~~; ~~n~ ~fi~:~d b~::t ~~~~ ':~~:e~::b~r~~~~ ee~~fn:p, ~~:e~:~~~d~~~g~~~~~~~ 1L~~:i. E;iili~t~f~ For as tht noblt ht':!rt o~ the Duke could _not abide rl~e condJ~Jon , lf_ 0Je Wedded wirhiu a yur; rhe Cardmal, proud doings of the Cardi!ul, (o n:uc~ aga1n the Card!· notwJthllandmg fhe was Married two or three }UJS ai1er, nal in like manner fore awitd a~d d1fda~ned at the rule of y~r ~ve her_ the f:l.lne, to the Kmgs grut hurt, and dum· the Duke of Gloetfter. Notwlthfial)dmg that, by the 1llihing of his JnhentlJK_e. = 15 :asrtro::~kf":7J. :~~-~~ ~: ~~~: t~~~~~~,Cr~~.n~;'!{~~~~~,~~.r~~~t~;0 ~~: =~~[~~ that wxkr impcrf~ a~ty, pnvy hatred• as fparklcs_un· tore him, like a hing., to the Km~ h1gh drrogauQn. llk••Jtllic. der the imbers, d1d filii remain: fo that the Cardmal, 11. Iwn, That the Cardmallued a Pardon from Rcmt, joymng with_ the Arehbilho~ of Tork, attempted many to be freed from ~ll_Difms, due m the King by the Church ~~~~~~~o~~~~~e°K~~~~r1u~i;t~01~he~~~~~ :~e1 ~ ~~~r~lf~ ~t~~~e;~;i; &~:~h~:~~~! :~d111T:\~~tr~; ~;g~y~n~~ of the ProteCtor a1~d Governor of the ~ealm. Where-- upon the Temporalty and poo~ Commons. :~~g!re j~~u~u~e1 ~ffc~ld~: ~J:1r:!&P~~lC\:~ti~~n~ ~~ Ar::bin;;:'~£·::k:h~~-~G~s0~/~fl~ai~!~~:~~~~ Kiug,certain_complamts COI~t:l.lned in 21 Arudcs., wher~ and d1fpended upon nt«!Je(S Ambaffades, hrH to Amu, in the Cardma.l and ~rchbJ!bop had tr.mfgrcffed ~th 3· then to Caltu. :b~.':!'" gainfi the K_ing and htS L:aws. The tenor wh~reot more 14. Irm:, It W3S laid to th(" d1argc of the fa id C~rdi.nal at la~e is m ot~ Stems expn·ffed, the bm:f abfirad: and Archb1!bop! That _by thtir m~ns. going tO Ca/ue, the thercot followeth ma fhon Surrunarr hen: to be fttn. ~f·o 8~;~:~:~et~~~~t:~~c~~e~~~,~~(;:1:t~~1ia~;:~ Certain Point$ o~ Article$ obj_eOed by Dt~~ ~~~~~n~~~~:ra~i%:c~~~:CT\~o~m;~~~:;~~~~fic~~; Humphry aga111ft tbe Cardmal of Wm. KingsTownsandCoumri("Sovcrrbc:Sea,to thegn·atdan· chefier . gcrof Normand;,anddefi ruCcionof th~Kingspeople. . . . . . . r 5· _lum, By the Archbi!l10p of _rcrk, an~ tht: Cardinal ~~T~~:'! :r~ firX~b:t~~~k~~s:;;~;~: ~U~~~15 :~~,~;: ~i~~u~lfu~~~~~~~~ ~~v~~cf.~~~~" ;~1:r ~~~~Win~~:~ ci::rtd';,~;u· ttdorof the_Rcalm, T!ut the BJ!bopof Wtnchtfler, in ~\·ehis ng~lt, !Us ntle, and honour of his Crown, m~~ 1>;1oA d10 the days of hiS Fat~ Kin~ HmYJ. the hfth, too_k upon him ffitlllting him King of F~m-t, during certain ft':!~ and K;.,~oflht thefiateofaCu~unl, ~gdemed by the Km~, faying, t~at hefhould, and beconten~onlym writ:~~="~ :Sd~~i~:;~a~~~n~~~~i:~~ia~~~ts,as:. K~g~!~hd~~~l~~~~~: great note and mfa.myof the notbcingcomemedwiththep!aceofaBifhopalllO!'gthe 16, 17_. Item, Through th~fl~ighta~fubtilry_of the S-piritual pc-n:ons, prcfumcd aOOvc his order ; wh1ch the (aid Cardmal and ~is mate, a ne~ convcntJ?n was mtendfaJd Duke dehr.:d to be r~retfcd. . . ed between_ th~ Kmg and cerra1n advcrfan("S of Fra_nce; g~:;:~,~~~~:~:~:~~i~~;,t£~::~~~:~ ~::;r;~~~:~.~!::~~;~~;~"~r~~E~t:f:~,~::£;~~~~~ agam hiS Bd~ick., contrary to the Go~monl...:lw of this 1 8 _Jum, That the C~rduul hld purch~fed grut Lands T~ C.~tdl. ~t~i ~~0~':~: k~~~~,o~;:r,;~o~i ~~~~:~:; ~~~'~P~f~~~·~1~~:~~:~'~:~~~~~~;h~~~ ~:~ Whochfl,.. 3· lttm, He complame_d tlut the fa1d Cardin:ll, with the Kmg bound, tO tmkt-l11m as lure Efiate of all thofe ~~~~1·· t~~!:~Kr~;.~:~~!i!::~:~:i~~:~::s~~ ~~~~~·~~\:·~;~,~:t~;·t;!~:~;,::~~~i~~