The Duk_e of Glocefter's Troubles. The Cardinal of Winchefter's death. 8o 1 {~.6~} ly ~J~~ ~~yJi~c~~~ee~:l~~df{f~~ett~;~~~'Z hf:~.: ~~d ~~~j~i~~1 :~~~~t~~,~~;~~~ti\i~~ :,~ldf~~1j1~~; fuincd Hypocrifie, bm lludy :1\fo, and d,ltgence likewife Husband to be fimple of w1r, and eat«: robe ruled, took w:JS in him ro reform dut which was amdS. upon ha to Rule and lx>ch the King and King- =(:f An~ rhus much hithc.rto for the noble Prowcfs and Vcr- dom. And btcaufe the Adv1~ and Co.utftl of HumpbrJ Ollk• tuts, )Oyned with the bke o~amcnts of knowledge ~nd Duke of 0ouf1tr was fomewhat a flay th:lt her Authority E;; ~~~~~ :~n~o!dt~ ~~~K:~~~!~,t~l;:~t ~~c~~~;:;tD~~~ef:cfdi~u~Wa~~ ~J:c =a; Gl~<•~"· fpokcn of of all Men, and no lefs deftrvmg the ~ame, lx- thiS man ~y ~Voman and c~gious Q!ren ceaftd not b_y :~~n~:g~J~: ~:!i~~~d ;iv~'~!~s,; ~~;;h~~~~~ J: ~~u!'tclfo~:t~~~i~~;~lof!'~~rfte~~~e~~~~ :~\~t1~f ~~~~ ~=~h~hifht~ a~t1;1r~~:~~~~~ 1 f~~~~~~eob0~:a~i~!~~} Bu~~~:fcha{;{n~chis principll E~trnics. and moml F~ ,,,,/I,HlJ. 1:'oJJdore andHa/lwlnchfollowedl hnn, brin&ng in the f('Jt'ingle!l: fo.mecommotion m1ghtanfc., iffuchaPrnn :~~~::.'~ ~£fG~~~~:::fJ ~J:"td~fJ'';h'{/~e~~b;',~d ~~~~~~ ~~~e~;~~~~~~~tfo~ly~~~P!~~ ~ afta of King Ri,hartl the third, Duke hkew1fe of Gl": d~th, they ~ev1fed how to .tr.IP him , and circumvent ufttr; or whether it was, T hat the nature of true vtttue IS htm unknowtng and unprov ided. For the mvre fpn:dy !th:: fuch, that as the flame ever beJreth the (moke,and the 00.. funherance whrreof a Parl iament was Summonal to be liiDOCtflt. :,h~~a~:~~ ~rd~;~1 b~~~:;s~~i~~~~;~f: ;b~:~~~~ ~~ ~~ f:,"[{;~~T:n~:~4~'~ f~is~kth~f~~~ri~: i t;1} whether it was rather !Or fome divorcement from lus whae reforted all th~ P«TS of t~e .Realm, and amongfi mtnut Wife or for fome other vice or trefpafs dont: (as fecmeth them the Duke o~ GlrKtfftr, thmkmg no harm to any 8 "";· moft like truth) whi~h ~as well in Dukes Houfts cor· Man, and ld"s to h1mfelf. Who on t~e fecond day of the redeth as in other mfer10r perfons, cfpedally where he Sdlion was by the Lord Btamtmtl, H1gh Con.fiable then ~C:1L~~udho~~;;~:~~:~~ebe!n: ~th~~~Kr:p ~~~ ~~d~~a;;~·:r':n~~~~ede'h~~d~~d~~flltBW!;:r,h;:; Uncle., and havin<> fo m:1.ny wtli·Willmthrough the whole upon the fame all h1s rc:va!~t'S. d1fcharf;ed and put from ht Rralm, yet \xkJ not h1S Satan, l:tcked not his fccret ma- h1m, of w~m 32 of the pnnc1~l, bemg alfo under N- !ln ~'ftM ligners. Of whom fpecially was Htnr] Bt"[orJ Cardi- refi,. were d1frer.fcd into divers Pnfons, to the gr~t mur- ~!~~~. :~~.8:r~~:ri~;dfl!~i.~~da•~~~~~eE~~:~d ~~d~:~nf:ao~k~r~\~~;rd~~ ~~~~~(~~The i a1nhoriry of thi~ Duke, J11fi had dtlp:lfcd and app:lmted ( faid Hall, fix nights afta fa~th F11b1,m and Poly- drm.C: . himfdf ro remove the Kings Pcrfon from Efth11m unto chrtm. ) he v.:as found dead in h1s Bed, the 24th of Fe-- ~·d!,..dO: Windfor out of the. Dukes hands, and there .to put in fuch br"ary, and Ius body !hewed to the Lords and Commons, &,b•o\ Govemors as him \Liled. Afta that, ll1tendmg the Dukes as though he had been taken naturally with fome fuddain filoetfltto r;,•;!1~~1· Death, he fct Mm of Arms ~nd Arch~ at the ~d of Difeafe. And ~tl~ no wom.Kl i1~ his Body ~Id be lna ofll>r LAmlon·b~idgt , and fore-barrmg the Highway ~uh a feen, }'tt ro all mdtfferent Perfons 1t m1ght well be judged, ~=~~t:~:- d':lw-<:ham, fet Men in Chambers, Cellers and Wmdows that he died of n~ natural ~but of fome violent hand. Dukeor wuh Bows and Arrows, and other Weapon~, to the Somefuf~~h1mto behrang.led, fome that a whole Glrc•fl"· purpokd dcfimction ?oth of the Duke ~nd hiS retinue, Spit ~as pnvily fomd into his Body ; fome affirm that he if God had not fo d1fpofed to turn his JOUI'llY another was lldled between two Feathtt·beds. After the death W'-Y· Befide other manifold injuries and molefiatlons, the of this Duke, aad his Body being inrem:d at St. Alb4111 , ::ti:hc:;!~'b~!· [;t:~g h~in~1\~~;~~ ~i~~ ':; :~;r:~:~fire 1~1~~~~:~~tr~ !~t,2 ~~~·~~:~~~~~: in the. whole Realm; all 1he Shops Efquires, and a Y eom.1n, were Arraigned, and. U:mvitl: to wichm the C1ty of London were fhut m, for fear of the be Hanged, Drawn and ~artered . Who bein& Hanged ~«:~~~t~~~~~~~~~~~c :Cai:;t~; i: cl~;.,:fy~~~: ;:~enO:,t ~~::&~~~ g~~'te~h~f ~~k~~0~a~d!~:k~:!{(~ ~~:: ~~j~~~b~~~c~~ ~:;::~:le: :~er~v!:~~n~ ~~fe~~ed::;;~f ~~t~;~~~~t~~~,a~h~~~u~~v:~~~ ~h;n~heda~~~tt':loft~e~~~=~erftv~fions:~hit~;h~ ~a~~. fervants was no amends for the murthermg of the ~calm, and aU by the excitation of this lUlquitt Car- In this aucl FaCt of thefe perfons, which did fo con- T!>t ;aq: dinal. . fpirc andconfent to the dearh of.this noble Man, andn>r~>t~ - O ver .and befid.e this Car?malafore-mention~ an o- which thought thereby to work their own fafety, the mar- ~11 !h"kt· ij~:~r•b • 't;,, fif~~~~1~~~1 t~~~~~~ a~!:~l 7J~U:~t;uff;,t ~~~X :h~~s~~ ~~~hlr~~~~:~~a~r;::Ch~~;;,fu ~~";~:or ~h~~o:. of a Man very Ill reJX>rtt-d ot ~n Stones, to be not only the this alfo rum«! all tht:ir policies clt.•an contrary. So that ,.,,.,Jl.,'• Organ and Infirnmtnt of thiSgood Mans death, but. alfo where the Qtecn thou~1t moll to preferve her Husband du•h· to be the annoyance of the Common-wca1th, and nun of in honour, and ha fell m State, thereby both fhe loll her TIK 11npro- the Realm. For by him and his only device was full: con· Husband, her Husband loll: his R.(:l.lm, the R(:l.lm Ion An· ~~1b,:'n· eluded. the unprofitable a1Kl unhonorable Marriage between gtou, Nrnma"Jf, tbe Dutchy of A'jNitaru, with all ha twuo ICIQ& the King and Lady Mar$artt, Daughter of the Duke of parts beyond the Sea, ~alict only except, as in the fequel of ~";':: Angtou; whcm.sthe Kmghadconcludtdand contrad:ed thematta, who!O will read the Stories, lhall Jightwtll Qut<n a Marriage before with the Daughra of the Earl of Ar- underfian.d. ALr,.rll. :~~:ie,u:nm:~:~~i~l~i~~ r;~p:~~~~ ;;arr7a dh~~e:h~tJ::\~~~:~~> ;c :r::a~~O ~~~~t~~~f t ~:::l W1f~with,thanto~ke aMaidw1th all this mifchief, was fit:ed of God no longer to live. .fr.:d••tb no.dllng, and dtf..mhent ~imfdf and h1s Realm of old Of whofe wicked condi tions, being more brgdy fet ~!.~~~., ~:~~~ ~~~:tl~~~~~~~dide~e~~~r~r!'~,~ed:l~~ ~~t'h:r~isHd~t~~:;c Fc~ee:1~ek~o ~~h:~ ~et~~1111~~~ :f~~:Jt no lefs; but his Counf~l would not be takm. Whero- not belt to pn:temm. Who hrn ring tll9t he fhould die, upon followed firfl the g1ving away the Dutchyof AngtOII, and that there was no mnedy, murmured ~nd g.rud~cd, and t~ City of Whmr,with the whole Country ofMaint, wherefore he fhould die having fo m~h .Riches, fa)·mg, ~~ }~1.~:d t~~eK~,~g ~r;~~il:~a~a~;;,;;;,m~~= l}lat if the whole Realm would fave hiS life, he was able~~~~: ~~~:', ~~i~~~ 00 peny pr~t, but Qt~y a vain ~~e to biral? ~~e~v~;~~e~:~ ~ 11 bltfst~9 ~~&~~or wa:ili~t~~~~el;;1~~~~Y~~! ~~t~: ~i~~ !ht:~1 fa~ed~h=~t r;;,~!Ju h~ ~~q:~;~~e:c';J~: tfitH