Fox - BR1600 .F6 1684 v1

The Benefit a11d lnvemion of Primillg. ~ ~!~J. } ~:: ':h~b~ 81 ;e~b!j£:~~:~tilI;;r;:~:~C::!/~'17- t;:~rs,Pa~~ ~;~~~~~:;~r;s~~~o~;ch~~~~~ ~~;:~ foffit time 6/lt of mind, with j}ecial prt'l.nledge an/;U.. bled t9g«:thcr m the Council of C07ljlanu, had condemned ftom u{td and ~~Jerv~d in this R~alm Jrl»'» t1mt to ll1!'l• fiOI!r JohN H111, an~ Jerome of Prague to death for Hctha_t no Legate from the Apoftoltck ~e~ (hr;HIJ ~nttr tnto rche, notwlthtb.ndmg they ~vae no Hcreticks, and alu:r thiS _Land or an; of the Kmgs. Domnmms, Without the they had fulxlued the Boht'!'tmu and all the whole World Ca_llmg, Pttitifm, Re~ueff, Imn_mnent or J?efire if the undt:r the: Sup~e~nc: Authonty of_the Rcmifh See; and had ~;~i~a~:(;tE:fc~i~~H~~0 ::J};,:{fo~;~:c;;:~~ ~~ ~~:{a~~,~1~r~::;~n ( r:~~e =~~t7a~i) :;;~hv:~~rld1:~ gate from the Pope, bu~g 11t1tber caUed,[entfor, ~equt- their w1ll, fo that the matter now was pafr, not only the red, or defired bJ_the Kmg; therefore the fatd Richard power of.all ~cn,butt~e hopcalfoof any Man tobc rc:· ~~l~;ft::J~~ ~;g;~7;h~b;~~~;t'!~ ~~!e"f:;;;e;;; ~~~;~~~;~s c;w~e_rro~;dnd/~l~~~~;~~U:h~.~; t:rl::t adv~ce of hu Co_,mc1l, to ~dmll, ap;_r~e, or rar//e tht W1Klom and Omlllpotent Power of the Lord began to ~~;';tgt{'~:fr;~s ':,ljt~~v;'ltU:f:s'h~; :;C:~'&:,_1, ;uO:~.~o;~~~~~r~~fa~~ b~::hw7t~0P~~~:;~z~~~i~~ ~~~ Rtcog'!ife, or a.Jj"tnt to an] exerci[t of thu hn AutkflriiJ Rc:~dmg to con":'utce da~knefs by hght, error by truth, igt~~~::p,;J f: ;;fs ~'J,:a~~':n7!:~% ;;;,j{::}af~ t::: ~h:rnf:e~~~~;:~~ of~~al~t~Yl:~~d~~~h~~i~:~ Do.blt Rights, Cuft~ms ;md Liberties of this Realm, b1 tbt[e Prt- Kingdom a double confuf10n. For whereas the: Bilhop of~~u~ , fents, &c. . !f;~~.;~~e~d:1c<~;isHTra~b~i~:ti~~O:r%:'$~~~ ~. And thus much as an Appcndt>c:, annexed to the fiory macy, nor yet his_ Popifh Maf~ _but ~aid Ma!S, and heard of Duke Humphry, and theCardwalof Wi?c'!tfter,ex- Ma!Sthemfclvcs,nelthcrfpakea~mfilus~urgatory,norany ~ ';;' ~;.~·;,1"::~':,~~'"'"'' "~""g ,, ,h, !e~:::;,~~,:~: ,;;~~~:~~~f:~!f:,,;,;·;,~ The Benefit and Invention of PRINT IN G. :~~h~: :U~~: i~b~~~e~~ :c=~~~:~~:(~~\.;~t~e whatfoeverwasfpoken againfihis deteftable converfatio~ {~:;~~ JNr!~~~i~!!l~f c;tt;:f ~~:~ ~ ~ef~~= ~~: ~~~~~~~~~~rc~~h~~hh1o~~ttJ~~;n~~\~~i·~~~e :f ~~~:: ~~1~iRf:~·~~f{~~§~t~s~f~~f ;E~~~?f~i~it~~~1~~~~2:~~~~~if T he firfi Inventor 1~1ercof ( as moft a!?m:) IS thought to were nev_cr fo f"re, yet h1s Dodrme ftandmg as it doth, be a Gtrman, dwdlmg firft in Argentme, :!.ftc:ward Ci- no ~an .IS fo blmd but h~ m~y ((e, that either the Pope: is ti-zc:n of Mentz., 1Umed ]". Fauftm, a Goldfmnh. The: Ant1chnfi,or dfe that Ant1chnft IS nc:~r Coufin tO the: Pope:; «Xcafion of this Invention firfi was by Engra~ing the Let- And all this doth and will hereafter more and more aP' tersof theAlpha\)(tinMml ; whothcn l_aymgblack lnk pcarbyPrinting. upon the Metal gave the fonn of U tters_ m Paper. The The re:.~fon whereof is this: for that hereby Tongues TM &u1t ~;r~:J ~:~~1:1~oa~~:; ~;;:n~ ~~~~~%~ ~~~~~i.t,d~;;-~~~1: ~~;::]~·}~~%:M~«~ !r~~ ::;,·eu ~~ru~~r!f:~ei~,':~~J~~:~ :c:: ~~d~~~; Fa1~~or~:~X~~ !:~Fi~g~~1s;t~~~~d~c·:J made certain ot~cr of his counfel, ~ne: 'J. Gutttmbt'"{_ and faid ) thrOI:'pr.h the benefit of Prinril_ig. Wherefore I fuP' ~rs:h~~: bA~~gr~~~! 1:~~~r:~Z;;;,1 ~=- ~·a1~~~~~~;:~e ~C:g~~v~~~f~ ~~t:g~~~sh~~~~ panncr with Fauffus, \)(gan then_ firft to broach th_e mat- fla.ndcth, ~intlllg doubrldSw_ill aOO!ifh him.. But tht' Pope,. tera.tStrausbrough. The Art,btuJgyet.but~e, m P_rO- andalllu.sCollcgc: _of Cardu~als, mufi thiS undcrfiand, :!e0~~:or~~o(~;;£~io~yth::r.tlv;n~~~n:~~~ ~~t :~r~~v~£~ ~~~:,0!11~~~~:fs .:~ej~~~;~~~gj~~~~ of whom, J. Mmtel, J. Prtu, Adalphus Rufcbtus, were walk fo mvifible in :1. Net, but he Will be (pied. And al-' ~;:~re~rc~· Ror:;~c"\:.:~}'\f:~;i~: ~;[':d~ ~n ~~~~~~c:X~~~ ~~~g~~!~~ofra~c~~; :;~~~lo~~Z:c7: thinkmg to make Ius"Kmgdom fure : yet, in !lead ofJoh~ Husandothcrs, God hathopened the Prefsto preach, , .., 1, ~hofevoicc.the ~ope isnevcrableto_llop w!thallthepu~ 11f~ncc ofh1s TnplcCrown. By thiSPrintmg, asbythe G•ft of Tongues, a1~d as by the lingubr Organ of the H!>- Jy Ghofi, the ~nm: of the Gofpd fCRm<lerh to all Na· ~:~:1!f Notwithfianding;, what Man foever was the lnflru- nons and Countries under Heaven, and what God reveaimcnt, without all doubt God himklf was the ordaiuer cth to one Man, is difper(ed to many, and what is known and difpo(ertheteof, no othawife> than he waiOfthc: in oneNation,isopenedtoall. Prlntlas t~i~~~g a ~ 1~:~~:·theAJ~ ben~~:;r~r~~~n~tt;J::~o~i~~\~~n:~l~: ~;h~' bjf t~~ l bc Olft a£ as God then fpakt: with many wiU not, let him well underfiand that Printin~ is n~t fet o-l"coalli T.,., _ ongues, and ret allth.atwouldnot tumthc:Jtws_; ~o up for nought. To Orivc:againfi the Oream 11 avadeth~th& now,whmthe Holy Ghofi fpc:~kt:th_rotht:advcrfanesm not. What the Pope hathl?O, fincc Printing and _rhe irnlUITll:r.lblt' forts of Books, yet they will not be convcrced, PrciS began to Preach • lt:t him cafl: his Counters. Firfi, nor turn to the Gofpel. When Erafm~s wroce, and Frobmius Print~, what a blow Now to confider to what t:nd and purpofe the lord thereby W35 SJVnt to all Friers and Monks 111 the World? hath gi~m this gift of Printing to tht: Earth, and t~ what And who fecth not that the Pen ?~ Lutbrr following a[ttt great unli~y and neceffi tyit fc:rveth, it is not hard to JU~ge, Erafmus, and ktforward b~· wntmg, h3_th_ ft~ the Tnplc: whofowtfcly perpmdeth both tht: time of thefendmg, Crownfoawryo':'tht Popes head, thatitlshkcnevcrto 'Thtl andthc:fcqud wh~ehthe~fmfueth_- befetfirai~htagatn? ~:§~ ~~~!~~;,;~!::,~:~~;~j~£~,~~:::~:~~~;;. ~:~~~::~::~:~~:z,;;::~·~:~~;~;:;r~~;:o~~~ againft" ·