Fox - BR1600 .F6 1684 v1

The lamentable lofing of Con{hncinopk. ~~~~~o~~~;;~;iP~~~~id~c~~~~~~~ ii~~ ~;~y~~~~.aj~ ~~rf;aft~~~e f~~~n~cl;dft~~~~~:~~tS~no~:~ one Neigh· { !~~~ } ~:1!:::1 &.1ln;~~k(~~;~d~1h~rre ~c aro~ftl~~~ !~ifhCa~ll~~~: anltt~~t)' ~h~=r~.~~~o~:~k ~·:;~ed~~ t~hycu~: !f§f~~~~~~~~~l~~~ :1FJ,~ ~~i:l]ud~~~~~~~u~:~~~ ~s ~~a1~;,g·-ij;;~~~~g,of~i;;~:~ ~~ca~h~:~Ja~c ~~d~~~c~:il~~~~~~~~ ~g~~~:mc:~~~t ~:~~ Whereof(omeexpenenccwefttalrcady, andmorc tshke Turk_s, thc_ywcre not ablelongtoholclout. Betide the . ~~v~~~~:: ~~~~~~~~o~~~~~~- .fo~~g~:d~~;r~~~f~f. ~~~:~~~h~~s'a&~:;c~;~~~~c ~~~~."i;/;:i~~rl~eh~~~:~ yet the hearts of .Men da~y. (no doubt) be mfiruded of the City, read ung fr?m du~ onehde of the Hl\'CTlS through the benefit of Pnmmg. And though rhe Pope mouth unto the orhrr, as tf a Bridge l'hould be made from bcrh now by cruelty, and in timts pail by ign?"lnce,had all rhe one Bank .ro rhe 01her• .Which Haven by the Citizens under \~is poffdlion: yet nei~her muft he thmk, thlt vio- was b:~rred With .Iron Chams, ~hereby the T11rks were lence wtll. always continue, netthcr mufi h~ hope for that kept out a cemm fpa~e .. Agamft which Navy 7 Ships now whKh he had then; forfornuch as m dlofe former there w~e of Gt~IJa Wt~hm thr. H:~ven, and 3 of Crna dJ)'S Books rhen were fcar~e, :~nd aHO of fuch exceffive and ~rrt~m ?f Cb1o, whtch ft.ood :~g:~in!l them. Alfo rh; Prrce..,. di:lt few COL.tld attam to the. Buying, fewer to the 5?ldttrs tffmng out of the Ctty, as c:x:calion would fen·t Readmg and. Studymg thereof; whtch Books now by the dt~ gain!l:md them, and wnh wi!de fire' fer thn; meansoftlllsArt,:lrttmdeCJfieuntoallMen. Yeheard Shtpson fire, that actrtain fpactthqcou!d kn·etono btiOre, pag: 755, how Niche/m &huard bought a Ntw ufe. At length the Ch:~insbeing brall, and a way madr :~~l~~;~~~~;,;:~~~~:~:;~~~:~~;~~ tt~~~~ii}.;7~:~~i~!1~~~f~fffi~\~§ ~~~l~~ g~ Authors, both Univ~lincs "':'ere d~tcd and good howhng out ~httn to (Cl!e the Walls and enter the wns kept in ignorance, wl~t!t bcggmg Fners, fcraping a\! Town > otherwtfe,. tf any rectd!cd, he threatned to kill the wealth from other Pnefls, heap«! ~p all Books that then:t, an~ fo h~ d1d. Wherefor~ a great number of his could .be gott~t.t, into their own l.tbrartcs;. where either &M1ers, Ill thet.r repul(c and .retire, were llain by the theydtdnot dthgcmlyapplythem,or clft dtd not rightly Turks Men, bemg fent by hiS commandment to Jlay · ufe them, or at lrafi kept them from (uch as more fruit- tht:m, .and fo they were JUftly fcrved, and well payed fully would have peru!i:dtlwn. Jn t!usthenf~great 1'3- their htrc. ~~;;rd~~~u~~~la~:aB:~"~~ !:~(e ~~~~.~~~~~:ry ~~?c ru ~~~?~t~~h~u~~rf~~~cc~~~o;r;,~,;~:;~~~ifo\S~~~~ ~u~~· ~:~ ~bt~~~ ~b~%, rh~~Ji1,~J~r;[~ !~ ~~~f~~ ~;~f War:~th~~~ J!1in~~~~ :~~buk~~~:,:;:~ ~bf;j~ to the ad~':l.ncem.em of tl~emfclvrs? WhcrcfortAlmighty to be hurt; who notwuhftanding tbat he was eamdlly ~;.,., ~c0~~;~~h~~~~~1 1~~v~~f~~ r::~ ~~hr;;~r/:~~ tf::c~h~Y:adu:~i:;~f~~r:·~:~~ =e ~~ 1~~~ advancemtm of hiS GIOI)', ~ve.thc undcrfiand11~g of this dang~; }'t't could ht not be entreated to tany,but left excellent Art. ? r Science of Pnntmg, whereby three lingu- h~s fiandmg., and his Fort dif.fumilh~, fctting none in lar commodulCi at one time :ame to the World. Firft, hiS place to a.wm! 1hr falTit'. And (o thiS doughty Duke,· The price of all 13o?ks is dtminifhtd. Scc0ndly, The hurtmortwtthh1Sfalfe:heartthan wirhforccof\Vcapon, ~&P· !Ji~~~~!~l: ~[ a~~!lg ~n~r~o!u~~:~eJ ; ~~~~~~~. ~h:ro~fa:ltor0r~~t~~~~f\~~,~~~d,'~~ ~;d.for~~~~f Aprutm/IJ doth truly l'tport: hts Soldtm, ftttng du:u Captam flre, followed afttr, leaving their Fort utterly dcilirutewithout dtfence. The Imprimitilledit, quantumnqnfcribiturann(), i. Turks, undcrfianding that vant:lgt , foon brafi into the City. Tht Emperor Paltogolus fteing no othrr 'V:lY T'bt Prt{s in one day wi/J do in Printiltg, but to fly, making to\~3.rd tht Gatt, eithtt was flain, That 1Mit m Otlt yMr can Join Writing. or elft trodtn down wnh the multitude. In the which Gate Eight hundred dead Mensboditswtrcfound and ro.,,\~~:::~~f~~~r;:~::~;~~r:~~~r~:::~~f~:~:i I taken up. Lj~ facJ~~ ~~ ~~gi~~~~::;oft;~ ~:::ts~l:!tt,:~~ ~~~ ~~.~~: ers, dtd put to the Sword mofi unmercifully whom(Qtver lbua. "····· .L L •. c' .. they found, both Aged and Young, Matrous, Virgins, ;;;e,:,'~f ~'%r.,;t;:~::'l:i~·:f::~':::~~~,:~:i~o:f~~~;;:E~~~:~~~~:~:~~;~~;~r\~~;~[~~!~~::~:~!~~£~E~;;;, wm all(ackt andfpotlcd, tht PidurcsofChrifi ?•T••...,. brioufly handled, i11 hJtrcd ofChrifi. 1be fpo~ and /:= ~,2! ~~~(~tta~ysnfl~e~~h;t \~~~~~i~ fied. Theft: things thusbeingdone, and thc!Umultctat:ed,ncbort'l· c;,-y,,i6.,p.. ,,,J"'" "l<onb~.<h< 1'~k ft1,bo;;,;,, i afcer three days Mflhcmms tht T'urk ttltrcth mto the City, bit tyn!IIIJ and firfi CJ.!Iing fgr rhe h~ds and Anciems of the City, fuch ~ .. ~: as ht found eo be left ahvc:, he commanded them to be mangled and cutin pieces. ltisalfo(faith my Author) rep:lTCcd, rhatinrhef'eallsofthtTurks, honefiMatrot\S c;;,:~;;:~·~:~j"j;!,;;; ;;;~) ';;;;-g~-.;;:;0~,;~·;;;,·~fG;,;;;~ I ~:~n~;ti~~~~ ~~~e~e:·~~~j :!:: J~i~~~{~; :~~; difport. And