Fox - BR1600 .F6 1684 v1

8o6 Articles of_ Reynold Pccock. Tbe Emperor crowned by the p ope. ;r~cptb!r:r~t~~i~le~he ~i~ob;p;· ~~hw~fc~~~~~~~= ~~e t~nfcl~:J~c~~~n:1~~~~1n\~c~dt C7,::,~n~h~~~ {~~~~.} tmonhercfolloweth. four fenfesof the Scnpture noncistobetaken., but the vcry. fi r!l: ~nd propa ~enfe. Alfo., tint he gave little elli· mauon, m fame pomts, to the authori ty of the old The form a11~:;~~fd te:~~k~c lraCiatiM ()f Thtrrtr•· JN R~~~~~~~F~~e~:Ch~~:~7d J!~~cl,,)~rJ~h=~ tho!ick _fen tcncc ?Fthc 0 1Urch,in interpret ing of die Scr~; ~~ P"/. bythcgraccof God, Archb1fhopof Cantt;bttrj, Primate ture, dt~ not thmk;found ly (:tsht judged i t) of rheholy "'~ ~td1 ~~:~t"~~ ~~~~rt~t);iftt~~ ~t C~~;~~~ ,5d~ ~u~efr~ Eu~a!~gth, fur th& and foch other Article; the f3id willingly, limply, :l!ld abfolutt!y confdS and acknow- Rqng~J Prcock. was. condemned .f'x ~n Hueti~k, by the R. Pu><~ ~~J:)n~~~~/ }~~~i~~~:;~~£~~:: ~;~eb~t~~~fr:c~o~: ;;;~~~~~pso~~= g~i~; 0!ru,~~Jt, \~~~~~nan~e~bci~~ :::;~~4 cetved, hoklrn, t:mghc and wntcen, . as touchmg the d~1ven t? Ius ucantatJon, was nocwtthftandingdeuincd £• "l.•l}fl . Sacraments, and the Articl~ of the Fa1th, than tht Holy !hll in pnfon. Where fame fay, that he was privily made Church of R~e, and Umverfal Church; and alfo that away by death. I have made~ writttn, publifhed and fee forth ma~y. and . HtJIJ addeth, that fome lily his opinions to be; that diver.- paninous Dcdrines, Books, Works, \~ntmgs, fpt ritual J'(rfons by Gods law ought to have no temporal Hcrdies., contrary and againfl: the true Catholrck and poffdlions. Other write, that he faid, that Ftfon:tl T ithes Ap:~ftol.ick Faith, contain~ng i n themErrorsconttarytothe were nor due by Gods Law. But what!Otva thecaufc: CatholJck_Faith,andefpecr.dlyrhefeErrorsandHcrdieshen: was, he was cuftdat P~tNIJ Crofs ro_ab'furc-, and all Hlo'"' ""· :~~:fif.:i:·~~·b<T.::: ;~:.:::,ro~X}:r!2,~rif\h~"~; ;~~~~;:~::~,~i~'\.:~~;;~:~~:.t~~i~E~~~,~~.~~; ::zt dt"ilth dc-fcended mto Hell. . hiS Htltory nu keth no metr.ortal . &lLke 1t tnalli. ~ hut liulc ::~~fs"~s(~~~~::~~::~;:::;~":~o~::: ;~~~{if~:~:~If~j~~Ji¥J,if~i~~:f!~!:itzc the body material in the S~rnmcnt. Of whofe condmons and mai"ILa! alfaus, how he made 5· ]rtm, That the Umv«fa!Church may err inmamrs War agamfl: Sfor~ia a fumous Captain.of Ita!;, and what whtchpcrtain untoFaith. . otherWarshe r:ufed lxlide, notonly n~ Jtllf], butalfoin 6. Ittm, T h:tt it is not necdf:nyt~ntofalvatio~ to bc- Gaman1, againfl: the City and Councliof Bafil, I !ball Iieve that which eve-ry gene-~\ Council doth ~mverfally not n«d tomal«: any long rc-hrarfaL Aftu hisclepolition P<>pc F<li.t:. ~:1;i~( ~~fai~h,0:_~j~\~:fu1;~·~i!0~~df~~k:ff~17p~~~~d P~~-ear~vh_!~~u~~v a~~: her n;;:t ~hfr:~,;:roc-~~~ and.l)oldm of all fatthful Chriflcns. Church dunng all th~ hfc of E11gmiw. When:forcf Reywld Ptotock, wrttchc-d finner, wh!ch A~tcrhis death, Ius nextfucci:ffor was PopeNi,hollls PopeNi<h. have- long walked in dJrkntfs1 and now by the meraful tht- hft~, who ( as you btforc h_avc- he-ard). brought (o to 1 •' tb<s'~· difpolition and ordimnc~ of 000. , am n:duced and patS Q1.fh the Empe-ror FrtJmc~ the- Th!rcl, drat Felix brought again unco the light and way of truth, and re· WJS conccnted eo re-nounce 2 1~ rehgn his Pap1cy toNic~ ;~~~~!~~:t~f?~i;~:~:~~\~:f~.~~~ ~,¥ti;~~::~I~~~1:~~~~~~~~~ policy and play of the Bi!hops, that '~hrn t~ey do fubd_ue pc-rors, but onlycalkd Kings of R'~ans. or overcome any Man, . they orry h1m whither they ll~, 11\is P~ NiclMlut hrre!Oned, to. get a1d ga- ~;~;~~~ 3hi~:~fm~~~:~~d~Y ~~~t 1:~;~~ f~:d ~raP;r~rt~u:l~~~ ~~erou~r~~,\ut;:;!, ~~~l;icl~rro~n;~~r: ~:~~;e~nat!;~~~ i1e fltO~d fpeak unto the people ; not accordmg to . h~s number of people un:o Rf!""e., than ~ ath anmy time- btw ~wbc'~~~b~~ a~~~ :l;~!' t~~B~fu~;a;~~;e_d ~~~e~~~~~ ~~~: %~~~ /;~~"~~~;~!~~m,:hi~hr~~~~~~~~~t 5h~~ ~~:~~~ ~·vfr~~:,.n• ward of Ius rec:mt::ttt0\1; which may t'::thly be judged' worthy to be noted for the exitmple of the thmg. As ~~~~;~ ~~~:, ':;h~~! ~~~nt~~~~~f:~er~~/~~f~~~ ~; :=n~at~c~:~~ :~~~~u~~e0f~!!f~:o~~~~~ !?h~.~:~~:~ prdfc-d with privy and fecret T yrauny, and there obtam• there they had 10 !hew to PJigmns, the people bem~ 1h1ck ,a.N. cd the the ~ro:vn of Martyrdom, or n?. going;eo and fio betwfc-n the M~unt and the Cuy, by rhtArticlfl T he- Dttbonary of TbD~M Gafcorgne I ~avc- nor in chance a ce-rta in Mule of the Cardmals of ~int M.r:k~ or t~.t, .. td myhandsatprr ftnt. But 1f credir?eto begtvt"n tofuch came bythe. WJ}", by rcafonwhC"rtof thef!t?p!C" uot lxmg ~:~ ~gh~"c;:,~~~~~;e~;~~ ~~.' g~~;~~~~~. i~~~ ~~:~c-,t~h~;~~hfi,ch~\;rc-afc1~~~ -tt:~:a~~~ ~~oc:~ ~ !::;~~~ t/ 7f.. · the faid Thomas Gtlfoosgne m hiS thud p:trt of hiS £?tctio- !ion.on the Bndge, thl.t to the: numb« of two hundred Gs}<•if. .u~ nary, writing of Rtyno/J PutXl:, maketh decbranon of bodttsof Men, and three Horfts were thC"re Jlrangled, and ~~··• his Arric~es, containing in t~m matters of fore: Hercfie. on e-ach fide of the Bridge m~n}' lxtidts fellovrr into lhc- ~·J r:,i.r~~~thc-;h:qffi~ ~;c~,~~i~i:.~s ~etr~.p~~~~ w~;r:n;~~s\\cle~.~~h0~(ion the- Pope afterward C2\l· abo\'C" all other thutgs., IS tO prach the- Word of God, fed the fmall Houfts to be plucked down, to m:tke the That Mans reafon is nO( eo be prefmcd btfore the Srci~ way brb::tdc:r. And this is the fruit thlt comc-th by Ido!aw. ~h~(SSa~=l~/~:~~~o:!Y:~~4~~: ~~~~:~ha~~~ }:,.~ ~~;~;1;ime of this PJd on~ Mat. Palmt r:Js wrott a M... 1o~.,, . ~:~~~~~~~ ~~·~~~f :.r~~:,:.?!::~:.!~t; !J;;£~~:h~.~p~;,· ,.::·:~~~:;~:!.~,,~~.:s: ;:-:~:~ the Church of &me. Alfo thlt the 1iches of BifhOps Aftrr him fucctc<ltd. Cr.lixtus the T hird, who amongfi ToHII>s rA ~e itX~fi~~a:h:~~f~~~g~o~~~~.~~~:~~t ,{~;;';n~~~ ~~;e:heo:rr t~1 i~~r ~~:~~~: ~~ ~as~ftdni~11~heat~:~A ....