Fox - BR1600 .F6 1684 v1

8 to Jling Edward the Fourth Jlietb totbe Duk! of Burgoin. Hu danger on the Sea. ~~;:!t!t!~ w~c~~~~r:l!;n~: ~~;:n{~~/~h! ~;~h:affit!;~~.di!~~ll 3~kla~~~;~ft~~ { ~!~~-} l<ing, W. Lord Herhtrt Earl of P~mbroke, with the Lord people when he w:tSdown,wascxalccf: now being cxalctd StajforJ, andcertJinothcrCapt::uns to c:ncountcr. The of_thcfamcwasforfaken. Whcn·by thisisto~notedofall fo7Y,"~~c~;~~ ~:;i~~:~l:_~:;:b:~ ~:~~~~~h~~~~~~f ~~d~~~b~h~~;s t~~c~:c ~ :;~t~~~ i:~~h~~~~:~ct;f,:l~d~ Wtlcbmtn at Banbury Field, at _lall: Joynmg togctha With but only m t~e fav?ur of God, and in the promifes of his the Army of the Earl of War:_v1ck, and the D~ke ofCia~ Word, only mChn!\_ his Son, whofc only Kingdom lball rmu,in_ the dead ofthemghtfmctlyfiealmgon the nuerhave!nd,norJsfubjcd:toanymutation, Kings F~eld at _Wolne7 by Warwi~k., k1.llcd~he Watch, • Thef~tlun~thus paffing ou inEnj!land on the EarlsTh<C'O!I- ~~:t11 and rook the KingPnfoner, whotirllb;emg mth~Ca!llc JJdeagam!lKit~gEdw~trd)hc:accornr;,nicdwith 'theDukc:~:'"~~ :~i~1 ~a~fe"i:;~~~fo:, '~~d~01~h~r:~~~;tr~~~.rr~~~i~~; ~~do::fr~ ~he 8fu~7~f ~:r~;cks ~1n::,a~~:1;~t ':;~ ;;:fl::;.~ of York,. where l;e l~(c k~mg, and h~rty to go nevn untrue to the Kmg his Mafttr; and the Lord Scalu, ~f ~::~~Z·,~~~~~;~,~~ ~~i~~:a':~~;ryg!d ~t~:S to~~~~i~~~~f~~S~~7d~e~%~a~efen~~ ~~~~%-fo~en~~ Keepers, and tfcaped the hands of his Enemies, and fo withftand hiS Enemies. \Vhcn little: refcuc: and fe~ in ~~~~~~:;;~;~~~~~~~~ prdfcd. made by the NobJ!Jty,. the Earl of Warwuk ratfeth. up a a Jays JOUrney of lmn, W:JS adv1fed by Friends to ft)' » .. .t. new War in Lim:(l/nflurt,the Captain w~d was S1r Ro- ovn the Sea to the .Duke of BuTJfltJ"~• wh1ch not long bo- be;t W~Os Knight, w~o lhortly after bemg taken in b2ttcl fore had married Kmg Ewards SLfttr. with his Father,and Sll Th()mM Dunc«k, were: beheaded, the: ref!due cafiing away th~ CoatS, ran away and ~' Here. might be thought, by the: common judament WhoThor Y!!!~or ¥h~la:~r i;:~~:k~~c:r~ 'pu':~~ o1~:;;:~~~~ ~·~d~hclt ~~mh~;t~r~~;e;:;~r~ftlK~n~in~!~;,aQ~:· h~~ ~~~~ w.~::~ ~~~o.tofi~~:Cai~c~0~~~~Z.:~ t}! :~~b~~~~:~ ~e:;:1~~i,~t~i h~0 i~ig~t, hi~~ hd;~~~~~t~~:~,er~ 1~~1 \h~ ~~o~•'· lltt Into companied with the Duke of Clartnu. The fotme ot the mifc:ry : but becau(c he: took not the: v:mtage, which time T"''"· ' Earl of War~icl: and of bis famous A& ~as at rhat time r~ther th.ati godly reafon gave him, t.hereforc: tl:at fplrin~ in greatadmLratiOLtabovemeafure,andfohsghlyfavoured, p1tyofhLS, turnronowtohisoonfullonandiUJnc:. A 11d that both in England and all mc:n were: glad t? ctttcs I fuppofe no ldS, but if the: fame ca(c: had fain i 11 behold his Per fonage. \.vhc:refore the comin.g of thiS thc:fc: our pLtlldS days, in which charity now waxctllutter~ ~r;o ~h: o~,!~:.DID~~ofa~~::;';;rs~~~~~~i~~c:<f~e~ z~~~i~~~d~~~i talfo~~c:~~~~n,Bt~Jte ~~~o~~~! Margartt, King Henrus Wife, and Prmce Et/ward her ll~tc: and learn, how godly limplici~y always in the md of Son, who alfo came to the FrmcbCourt to mttt and confer thmgs gain~th more than mans pohcy, for~omuch as man together touching their Affairs ; where: a ~guc: lxtwc:rn workc:th wnh .the: one, but God workcth w1th the other. ~~~a;,jP~~~~u;~a~~~d. ~~deo~~ne3 :h:f~~d~~~; go~~e~0 b~r~;~~s0~d:Jr; ;~~~~:r r~:~t~~~~~: tc:r of the: Earl of W'arw:ck was wrought. Thus all in thiS world, that that IS judged to be: weaker which things falling luckily upon the Earls part, befidc: the: Aourifhc:th. in man, than that whichiscaft down in rhc:~ot~: hrge Off m and great Promift:s made: by the French King, Lord ; as m the: double cafe of both thcfe Kings may wellcwo !Clog• n.~,ter h';vt~~~~:~~~~~:c~~~Yrl::~ t~~ ':.~~n:h:l!:{ ~lfo:rbei~;1/bt 0r~~~~ ::;rr;~~~:~~~~~~1~;~ !";;:~~h !:d'~'- of all mc:n went with h1m, and longed fou for his pre- onevc:ry.lidc:,fi~fi was c~mpclled to take theWafhes lx-thc W•fo"' Puh of fence, fo that there bcked now but only hafie with all twc:rn Lmco!nflme and Lmnt (which V.<JS no lc:IS dange- ~·~~~ fpc:cd poffiblc: t? return; he with the: Duke of Clm-mct, rous ro his .hfe 1 t.hJn it was u.nfcemly for his flare:.) Being ~~·-"· ;;~,~~~i~1or'Cothw~e i~,~:~lvy;h;~ rbefur~d d:V~d~ ~=;~ ;~~~ili1; .~F~~rr~:f~~~h.eri~· ,:~~f~~~ ~~~ 1~a:;~e~0~~~h PJ?J~c:h~~ar~a;~:So~:1~~:M ~1~~1 ~rr~~E~~~~mr;:c:;1JB~~~h~~~ :: ~~d kgf:;:d~ ~~~ro- followafter. Thc:arrivalofth~ Earl was not foon heard forf~k hi~, yet the mercy ofGod, oot forfaki~g the: life of Jt Dartm(luth in Devtmjblrt, but great concourfc: of oflum whtch !hewed mercy unto other, fo provtdc:d, that people: by thoufands went to him from all quarters to re:- at the f3me prc:fent there was an Englifb Ship, Jnd two ne um- cdv~ an.d welcome him •. who immediately made .f>rcxla- Hulks of HoUand ready to th.c:ir journey. T hus King Et!- ~~ :1 tbc manon m the namt of King Henr; the: Sixth, chargin~ all ward without prov i l~on, _wuhout bag or baggag~, .with- W-'<o\. mc:n, able to lxar Armor, to prepare themfdvcs to tight out cloth-fack or maLl, Without fiore of .money, without !"1~ Ew'· againrt EJward Duke of Tork, Ufurpc:r of the Crown. raimatt,favc: only apparel for War; alfo Without all friends, k~Cu...., J:Ierc: lacked. no friends, fira1grh of mc:n, furniture, ;110r po- c:xcc:pt only his Brothe.r the: D~kc: of Gl()ctfftr, the: Lord !r./:~ hey convc:m~nt for fuch a matter. Scal~s, and Lord Hajfmgs, w!th a few orh~r tndly friends, 11~ nu~~'el~lO~i~~::ah:w(~t~~~~!0~v:0~~:Jg~~~la~~ ~~i~;u~~~~~::J !:if:n':; S~~h~~i~~:!~~~~ i1~~~ !~1 ;~,th U~ or dfe firaightways to have: c:ncounr rc:d wsth him) lc:fs )tOpardy almo~ on the. Sea, than h~ was on the Land. Sbtp;>l!la. helor~ the ga.thtripgof hisFr.iends, but palling for:h the Forco:t.linEajftrlmg_shavmgmanyShlpsofWar, which time: m Hunting, m Hawking,m all Pll" Dalhance) lay rovmg the: fame tunc: on the Sc:a, and had donr much :!:~;!;;~i;dh~~~:ir;~~~ftl~~~~~~~:d.i~h;1~1~Z ~a~a,t ~;d;;;rN~t}~~:rp~in~e!~;oK~~EStf~~!id:~~~~ he began now .to prov1de for n:~c:dy, when 1t was too or c:1ght gallant Sh1ps, ma?e Sail afttt the: ~mg and his late. Whotrufimg too rnuchtolusFrimds, an~ Fortune: Company. The .KmgsSh1pwasgoodof Sail, and gate: Kln;BJ. ne"'- ~~~d ~~ri~: ~~e~~:dw~~~~;a~~rc:a1~1 ~: ~~~;~~~f~/)/J:~~fixo/o;;~~~;;!~~~;~:~~~~; ~~=~~;;,' ~~: ~g;i;u~~~;: ~~CU:t~v~·;1rc~~~~~ ~n~~~v~~11?te~~~~ ~1~~~~~;~; rl~;U;!~,Tt~i~ft~:/~g~ir:!J~h\·:~~;~ new variety of changc:'i, ei.thcr: mvy1ng rlm.wh.Kh fiand- Sh1ps approach(d as near as theycouldpolfiblycome IOr the cth,or dfe pityll1g that wluch IS f.dlen, Wh~h mronfiant low water, P':'rpoling at .the: Flood to obtain thrir prey, m11tabiliry9J the lightpcople, changingwuhtheWind, andfowtt( like roQo, 1fth.c LOJdhad notthcrc:alfg pro-