Fox - BR1600 .F6 1684 v1

ffirtg Henry the Sixth rejlored. !Cirtg Edward returneth to Engla1o1d. 811 {~:~} ~~v:i~/t:tF!n~' atJ;h~'c;:ro~r~~ ~0;rr~~~~~~orp~(~~~ ~7~~;~tai~~t~h:0~~!~~~;1/~~~~~:~~ 1~i~:J;~:~~:: God agda in the T?wn of Alq~mart, who, heann_g .of the Jwpardy the Dutchy of Tark, ~hsch was h_Js ov.:n Title,_ ~nd c:tufed ?wrl4ffll, of the Kmg lxing there at Anker, proh1bltt'd the ~afltr- the fame to be publdhed. ThiS btmg_ notJiic:d _to the lm~s, on pain of death, _tO rmdd!e wi~h any Englijl1mtn, p:opl~, that he d~lired no mort but only hJS jufi Patnmony ~;~;~. wh~u7~~h~S;~~ ~~~~~hafii1edA~Goo for _his wan~ :~:~~~1 !~;~~~:~~~d.s~~~- ~~h: c~7a:~~::~ £t. ri:!.·fir;:; :~~isbot~~t~ ~fc~p~~dfo :!~~~o~~~~e~~a~~:,1 ~~~ ~~~~~~~~~!;~;-r~:~~r:Fsk:~~~:=~d:~;~~~~~ eo fetonlandwlth his company; who there well refrdhcd, theEarlofWarwuk, wasd1en atPomftr, eo whom the and newly apparclled, }vere ~1dud:ed to Hagt. Earl ha_d fent Oraight char~c, with all ex~ici~n to fet fJh••l" Duke f;_barltt, at the heanng of_ the unprofperous cafe u~.n h1m, ordfe to flop h1s patfage; and hkew1fe to the ~-t~~~~~~f~J~t~§~i> Jbame and obloquie, leave the King his Brother i1~ that wo1d tO appr00:ch no nearer,as he loved his own faf%uard. necdfity. NocwithOanding, fo he demeaned hu~fdf The dcfolatc Kn~g was here driven to~ narrow firatt, who!~~ .!4- ~~!~,~~~~:feP:r'~!~~}~r ~h~~:tt::r;;;~~ :~~J~~rs~~~~isr~~~fe ~~~:et =~~~~~run~:~~r~;~z tid!.'thbh ~~~~~~to~~ :~r~~ec~~~~ic~{d ~~~~n~~'!!~:S~~~ :~~~~~e~~~1~~;i~·o~~~dfo~~~f~nf~hfh~d~~~ n: r,~~tk ;h~~~h: ':r:~~~;~~~~:~:~dmg tha.t he dtd not, a1~d domg ~~~~i~~tr~~~e::c/~oddc':ndUI;~~ R~~~~~~f~~g,;~~: ~~ 5~t :1. When tydmgs was fpread m England of Kmg EJ· the T1de of the fame, but only the Dutchy of Tork, ljs wards flying, im~umerable fX?Ple of all_ ban~s rd'orted to ol~ lnhcri_rnnce; and therefore determined to (et forward, ~hf(\~~~~f: ;~~:;'j·~~ ~!~rr~~t;.~e~~11~·~i~~gt7:kS~~~ :~~~t~;f~hw1t~~;rh~Ga~":b:\e ~~~~~~es~~~ ~J4 fa~?:~s~f~;~:~g:;;~~!~~~~~~~~:ffi ;,t~~~f1;::~~1~;~r.1E%~~?Ej\~;::0~~~1 m ~~·v ~&;;;:~t;:~~~h~~b~~t~~d fri~~f~ftm7~ft~~: ~~~ ~g~~t~~::l~~ep:~~rhit~ ~;e ~~~~;~\~~~~~~g t~~ Godmother was the U.dy Stroopt. . fhould be the more ready to aid h1m, ac leafi he fhould To the Oorylbort, t~e Earl_ of Warw~tl:. having haveno?amageby them. now brought all things to h1s appetite, upon the twelft_h Not\~nhflandinl? he again ufed fuch lowlr Language, Klnc R•..., day of Ollobtr rode to the Trmnr,_ which was then deh· and dehvered (o fa1r fpcech unto them, intreannS: them fo rr:e~~t w:!, t~n~i~\a~~~ ~~~:e h;oo~eK~f~g~~;~.of.;~~ ~~:%~~fl:; rf~~~ !l~~d~~~o ~~~r:~:~~~~~~ ~fs ~~~~~ ~~:~~: To~... five and twentieth day of the fame month, the Duke of whereof he had the name and mle, that at length the Citi· Clarmu accompmied with the Ear~sof Warwicl:.,Sbrtwf uns, after long talk and debating upon the ltllttcr, _partly ~'""bury, an~ t~e Lord StanltT, With a great company, alfo ~nticed with fair and large promif~ fell'? thiS cotl· TM·o toodf· • cain to his ~ought h1m 111 a long qown of blew Vtl'tltt throogh the \'ennon, that if he "':D?ld (~·cart? be- true tq Kmg Hmry, tlooo Jl!ll to Klngd0111. htgh St~eets of London, tufi to Pa11l1 Church to offer, th~:n :u:'d ~m tie in enterta.mmg h1S Cimens, they would rrc:ci\'e ~~i A4to the B1Jbops Palace of LmMn, and there he refumcd htm mto the City. ~~~i;~~~ ~~1k~rowtt Royal, ' Anno I 47 I . which he did of r~~!:1g3 ~~i:Aut! r~~~~~tf~~~~£ ~~ ~~~e~~1ii~~ :1~:!~~; Afier this followed a Parliament, in_the which King after the receiving of the Sacrament tht Kiog received a EJwarJ with all h~ Partakers were Judged T rayt~ folemn Oath eo obfcrve the two Artides afore agrttd. By ~~en Margaru w1th her. Son_Prince _EJwarJ, all t_hlS reafon of which fo ralbly made, and as Jbonly broken, and ~-f~e"':m~r~h~~ ;~rl ~~~i~.u~~·itt~%~i~a1fr~ be~~~ ;~:~,a~c;r :l~ ~;ei~f;Y~t~or~.rhfv~~~ ~~. ~~ v;aOfJ cor Kmg Edward wuhm fix months after his departure out lbon time forgetting h1s Oath, to make all fure, fct in by p<nury r:o!"i~;!r!~~d~ ~~l~i~~~;, o!::J~:tJ·~~b;~~~d~~~~~~~~ ~d!i~~~ t~fbcar~~~t, ~~dl~5fiir ~~~e,:d~~;i:~i~~~ ~i~~~."· courage lllCited, ma?e mfiam fmt to Duke ChtJrlu hiS he thought to toreflack no opportumty of nme, and fo Brother, to~efcue h1m with fuch Power as he wwld be.. made forward towa.:d London, leaving_by the way the ~ow upon h1m; for he~ fully refolv~d to defer th(mat· M~uifs Mountacute, which by then With his Army at ter, andtoprotrad:the tuntnolonge~. Pomftu, on the right hand., not fully four milesdiflant ~sf:£ ~~~~:~¥~l~~~t~~~~~~;i~~J:~;~!l~ ~l{rf;~it~~~~~~~~~i~~~t~E §~~,' ~~~~~~:.~u:~~~t!d, ~~~i~~~:~e~;~~o0~!~ ~XutzJ ~recx;:~~~~f~~in~~~t h~;\:oJt~clefo~~~~ f.~~·: ~f~.trnly ull he were landed Ill England, and fifteen days :at'h:~i~i{;1~gof:U:.t:!~h~~~~:f~~~:w(~~~~~a~ ;:~ ~ ... KlntiU· Thus King EJwarJ being ~umilbed but only with worthily)fofromother TownsandCiOe:s>LordsandNoble«.j,..,. 0 ' 1 ~~ [~t~~~~1g~f{iff~;j{gi~~ ~?~1~t~~;:?,tftfi~f~f~~~~~~!~;:~ . didlack,firfi:hefentfonh c:ertainhghthorfemrntopro\'e Earl ofWarwid:,accompamal wuh the Ear!ofOx(~rJ ~;~ ~~r~;u&,r~~~;;·~~;ic :;~~~~~w~i~~d'r~0ti~ Kt~g ;:er;tt~~~~~rf."h:'~:~;;~ af~:[ tf~;;h~m~;:}~ ,..,J., part. Perceiv111g that 1t would not be, King hoping to glVe him battcl. The Duke of Clarmcr ..