Fox - BR1600 .F6 1684 v1

8 12 /(i11g Henry tak._eu Pri[o11er. Tbe Earl of Warwick jlair1. ::;~~~~~~~dcth~~:l ~;;,:}~~i~v~cd~~~ \~~~~YH~~ ~~~~u~1or:i~~~Ol:;d~s ~~d~~:~rC::t::Jd ~~~~~:~n~u~ld { =~~~} ~rl appou!tcd. But when the Earl f~w the D.uke to out. The Earl, rufl1ing into the midll of his Encmio:, n .• Earl of lmgcr thcmnc, he bega~1 wfufpcd(as1t fell outl~tdecd) venturc~fo far, that he could not be rrfcued; where he"'~ ~~~~~{~~~ ~:~~]1~~~-~ Th~ Duke wllhm _chc Walls.. All thiS nude for the Kmg. For fla1~1, arc )Ud~ed about ten thoufand, :lS Pcl;dort Virgil ~;~~~:~ ~: ~ff,n~~~~~~ :~:v~:d~~~~~-~f~~~~~~~ ~;~~;,':.a~cl~~~~ ~f~~~~~~u_n~;:J:n ~~:~bD~~c 0!r ~;:~~~a~:r£a~a~~ ~:_ Amry. Camp, and mad~ tOwlrd lmn, C:Lther to entreat o~ elfc to fwd, dunkmg to Ay tO Scotland, rtturntd to 'Jilj}er cncoumcrwithhiS.Brmhc:r. Whc:ntachHofi wasmlight Eat! of Prmbrokt in W~lu. The Duke of Exctfttr, ~~e;~e ~ttl~,c:r~. ~~~~;~ ~~:n°~h~~:,~~;fl• !~tl~~r tl~~ ~~:!J1ce~~ol~h~¥~r7~1;~r:tl~c:;l~c:t~~~~~; ol1c, then tothec~her. W~ether all th1swasforafaceof fo glad, as he: was forryforthe-MJr~udS of Mo~mtacurt, a mattt:r '!ladc, it IS uncc:rtam. But hereby bot~ the Brc:- whom he t(l(}k to be his l''rknd. The: Corps of theft two c-.1 of cluen, laymg all Army and weapon alide,lirli lovmgl~· and were brought to the Church of Pauls, where they lay B~rbr<n. familiarly communed ; after that, brotherly and naturally open in two Coffins two do.ys, and then were interred. )oynW together•.. And thatfratemal Amity by Prodama- .Ex Poi]J. & 11ilis. ;111111!! fhould keep the City from their Et!emies two or ~luee month of .April arrived lt. Wa1mouth in J?~rfujbirt, and /010.1. ;J~a~~;1~r~y:·o~~o~01~~~~r;Jil: ~~ ~~~b~~O:,d~~n~ ~~~~o t:rfo;{~:~~, t;~J1~o 0~~:htrl1~}1~a:::k ~~ 1 ddC:nded the City With all therr power, but }'et to httle Ius Brothcr,o.nd of the: profperous fuccefs of Kmg EdwarJ, purpofe. For the Citizens confulting with ~hemfclves for was fo difi~yed, dif~uieted, and pkrccd with forrow, feetheir own moll indemnity, having no Walls to defend ing ail tlun~ contrary to her c:xpc&uion, fo to frame them, thought l>efi to take that way which fttmed to them againfi her, th:l.t fhe fcarW and took on with her (el f, mofl Cure and fufe, and therefore condudtd to take part hmenting her Huslnnd, bewailing her Son, curling her with King EJwarJ. This was not fo Coon known.abroad, coming, and crying out of Furtune, as t~ blinJ ~urbut the: Commonalty ran out by baps to meet Kmg Ed- ~unt were fhe th:l( g~verneth t!mes and ndes (rewardmg ~~~i.!,',~: ward, o.nd tO falutehi'?as their Kir.lg. Wh~reupon tl!e )Ufi punillunents toUil)~fidefervmgsofmc:n) and not the fdl~Hy Du~eof Somtr[u, With oth~of KingHrnrm Council, froet Power and ternblc: Jullice of Almighty God. :;:~· w.~, ~~:W~~~~:e~~~ifc1~r \;;~;~~(;~~~,a~cdh;~~~~~:t'~~~~h:: ;b~t;~;o;~;\!~~~~Ge of ~~ro.~~~!'c \~~~~:~~~! ;;;;::~· :::'~!~k.m King flrn'J. alone. Who, the: fame day bein~ caufc:d by fhould have farrowed the: dolorous Je:tth of Duke Humfg, fou.od.•th. ;.~o~ 10 ~~~~:~~~f:h~~~dek~~p~t~:.a~dt r~l~:i !~;il~ ~i~~~~ r~~~nf=~~l~c:r~:~~!~:~ t~k~~:0n:~~~~kd~~;:,t a~d T7r~~~lS not lon~o.ftcr thefe thin~ thus done at Llm- ~~h:;dfefltft~;~eliv~ef~l~~t~I:~Jrccl~~~d::af:{i~!~a;:a~!~~~r.~,4. Jon, but the commg of the Eo.rl of TVarwick was h~rd ret lcarmng now to know her Friendsfrom.J;;:r Foc:s,when1'b·'"' of; who, thinking to prevent mif.:hic:fs with nukmg itwo.stoolate, fr:r.ughtfullofheavincfs,wtthout folao:e or fpeed , came a li ttle too late and miffed of his purpofe. hope of remedy, lbe with her Son o.nd her Company deJn the Eo.rlsArmy were John Du~e of Excettr, Edmund parted for th~ next Rc~uge, to a Mono.llery of Monks ~Du~ :;~,~~;~::t~:·Jrr:~r!fl~.o~~;J~~· h~ddno~;iff~ ~~~:J~:~1 cl:~ ~:'J~me, there: to take S~Ctuary and s.n~r: The E&riof:l great part of his Joumcy, when !;c:. htarin~ news of Yet all hc:1rts were not found nor fubd~ m England,~-~ ~:~~o ~~~";~~~~ fftt~~a~1~~~~n~~~~~~),t~v~~~J~~~h~fg~ ~;~;h:r~mn;::,~u~~~~;~E:[t~f ';;!:~;!, J:; ~~~!in he ftayc:d with his Anny at S. A/ham, to ftt what way ~galniiKIPI: further to take. And forfomuch astherewasnoother E/#.-1. rc:~cdy,but eithuhemuO: yield, or one: mufi . . . .. ~~~b:~~~ matter, he: rc:mo~ed to Barntt ten miles from ~~~~:i~a:~~~~Vo.~~~~~~,;~:;.:~ 11~~~f:fo~ Againft him fet for:h KmgEJward, well ~ppoint~ low thetr.counf~l; which was,m ~11 the: hot hafie,~o renew with a firong Anny of ptcked and able pcrfons,wtth A~nl- \Var a&.mfl Kmg Edward,. bc:mg now wtp~ov1dcd, b.y ]err, Enginsandht~rumentsmcetforthepurpofe;bnng- reafon Ius Army wo.s nowdtfperfed, ~ndchtefeflof hiS ing with him alfo Kmg HtnrJ· On Eajl~r even he came Souldic:rs ~cd. Here gmt hopc ofVtfrory was lbewcd, Tb•batul to Barnu, and there: he c:mbo.tteUc:d hmtfelf. the ~reat Promtfes made. Altbought~e ~tellS mind was, be- ~~ B•on". ~~~i~~~d u~~fiEa4i~~~n,th~i~t:~~n~~~~:ctcfidZ f~~d~:~:~!t~~~~~:~~f~!f~:c:;:i~~ !~~~1 f;!d~~ much doubtful till both pa ~ts wcrc: almofl weary with yet following the: COJ~trary co~nfd of .them, and partly cut ~~~~~~n~l<e:;o~r~~:i:h ~~;~~~::~/~:V~;~~~~ ~~~Yo.l~E~~t:nc;~~a~~~~~l~~~~:~.1'fi~~:eht:fnJdiers fet npon his wearied enemies. Where: the: Earls men, P" Earl of Pembroke pofied llliO Wa/a to do tbt famK~1 g