Fox - BR1600 .F6 1684 v1

826 Richard the Vfurper. 1he two young Princes Jlaill. Murtber revenged. £umple ~~~~~:~~~\~'~} ~~ ~~{~.~th~~~~~1fuc~"~~~~~nJ Ki~:'~ict;,J~i~~~fi~~~. ~~~,~~a~~:~r ~~~e31~::: {~;~~} fj~~:;;•· ~;tt:i::~~r:i'd~::::.~~o;~~Ji~<gw~~;'~/1:\~~~'h}~ ~~i~~n::/t'o~~~~~ ,;,",:, h<~,~~:~,~~~nlix~h~~~ ~;::~.' When thiS Sermon wou_ld tlkc no df~ with_ ~he pro- .The triumph and folcmnity of hiS ufurptd Coronation ~~1~~~l~l~~~!~~~ 6~•/Jb.l. J:~~~;~~~~~ga~~~~~~~~h ,:a3 ::~: t~ndrh~·~~~ck~t, lo~:~ ~~~es~n~ ~~fi~:i~~~~onf~ it1~~y'I,1~~: ~i:~c~~?r~fh~~~~ andartihci310r:~.tion,fuppofingnolrfs,butthatthe~ dolorous_fortcnderheartstoundcrfhu_td, Asthcyoungcr p!~, allured ?Y hi~ crafty infinu:~.tions, wou~d cry,. Kmg Bro_rher hngrcd in thought and hravmcCs; fo the Prince, Richard, KmK Rtchard. But thm: was no Km~ R1chard which was eleven years old, was fo out o~ hc:l rt, and fo ~u~~tohl~~~t~~~~h~ct!d ~~;~~r,h:~s.ask~~:~~hu:r~is1~~ ~:fd1a~ir!il[e,h~ ::a~~~~~cvi%;fc~~ ~; ~~~r~~;{~~:J! lflKe meant, contrary to the promifc of the one, and the had delivered them of thdr wretchcdnelS which was not ~;,ri~~~~~~~~~:~k ~~~:~~:~tc~etf~~~~~fi~f h:: ~o;dg~~~d;[:::;:~·ro ~~;!f:rh~d:v~~hd:~hb:~~:; ~~ ~~~~_t~ ~:~:~:~~:-~~§ ~,~~r~0i;ero~~k~,~~~,~n ~~~~~,e~~[.~~if~,~.e ~,~~~~b;~ .;i~~i~~~e:~~~~~~~~fi~:i!~:i ~~ddniflcl ~~= ~~?i~Icr. ~!~~~~. tb:~~1pfu~~~;·a~1::!~1t;~~t~~H~~~n~1t ptt:~Yt~~~st.~~de~;efe two young PrinctS their lives, ~j1~:j ~~~;i~~~~~~~~~~ vcd, that forfooth humble pemion ~as made m the name Tjn/was ~headed at Tower·Htllfor Tr(;lfon. A!fo Kmg nr pvn:a.. Fleorhrro- of the whole Commons, and that With three fundry fut~ ~uhard lumfclf, within a year and a half after, was lhin mo:n1 of cdli~. to the humble and limple ProteCtor,. That he, although 1t m the field, !ucked and hewed of his ertc:mi\5 hands, tom ~~.t. w~ tJtterlJ againjl hu wi/J t~ take lt,ytt wMf~ cfhu hu- and tugged hkc a Cur-dog. mJitfJftoop fo /trW, '"to rutJve t~t ht~VJ Kmgth!m of Furrhermor_c, the faid JUfiict: of Gods hand let not ~hen..ruma... ;,~g~~:;~{;he6tfrd;!~edCo~:~~~:~:~~ (~~~~;~~~~ ~~~ ~f(~~;;~~a:r~fsk{~h;rl~vl~tr';: :a t~r~~r;;,~~: ~~r.or Tbcb 1 po- how) the mild Duke, (('cing no ot\l(r remedy, v.'aS_ con- wtthm a year after, fo God V:'rought, that hewasht~felfBull.o,t• f~;:i~~: ~~~edr;~~~~:~~)to3;1id~~ _aJ:~~~~~~f:re,~g;~~~\~:s :~~~p·; :~0%dh!Xo~z~:r:, ~~t~ ~~~ lGng,whom hero un,uruy f.~i. ~i~il~~1:~~J~~~t:~~;,:;J~,~~ff:f~~~ . ~Ffg~;::~~?;!~~~fz~?1~:i~~~~~~:~· for which they fo long bdore have gaped> and fo fwcetly The other DOCtor Pmky, Provincial of the .A~{Jt~ Friers; a:;,~;•o havcpayedfor. bothfamousPreachcrs,andbothDoCtorsinOtvimty,both Ptmbm. of more learning than verrue (faith the fiory) of more fame than learning) andyctof more learning than truth. Kit;g R.. l CHARD t be Third , Ufurper. Shaw made a Sermon in pr:~ife of the Protector, before~ ~~~r?roro~~~t~t~c~:~~ ~~~;;~~~h~~e~1!1 i~~ro~~i~~:~ G001jud ~e. ~r~~~:J, A~,~ :~be~~::::~~u;oc~!i~~~~~~ :~:g~.!:2 :!e f~~i~~n;~ ~~~?o~ ~::d ~~od~~~~ocl ~~ev~wn:ha~;~ ::::~~ the year aforcfuid, .A11no 1583. m the Month of Shaw by hts Sermon lofl his honcfiy, and (oon after his 'Junr. Who thcn_coming to the Tower by Water, hrft life, for w:ry lh_ameofth:world, fo that he ne~erdurfiaf· tmdehisSon, aduld of trn year old, Prince of Wa_Jes, terthat thew htSfaceagam. But as fo~t~FrJer, he\~as and 'JolmHawarJ(amatiofgreatindufiryandfnvJce J IOfarp:Ul:lhamc,thatthelofstherrof didlmlerouch_hEm. he advance? to be Duk~ of Northfolk, and SirTk'!"! Mention wasmadealittlelxforeof Dod?rMDTttmBilhop HawarJ btS Son he ordamcd Earl of Surr;. Al~o Wtlb- of El], by whofe ffi(;lnS the device was hrfi broached, for Tbc_fi•A £I~i~;1:~~::~~I~;#g[~~~~~I~ ~~~~~f~!g!~:E?f;,;~:,~q~~t,'~~f~§it \. bifhop ol York was (et frtt ; but MDTt_on Btlhop of Ely Britain. Notwithfianding, the devJCeonce ~mg broached, was committed to. the D~1ke of Buckingham, by whom was (o plauiib!e and took fuch effed:, that mdTag: was was wrought the hrfidevtce to bring_in Hmry.Earl of fentovcrtheScatof/enry EarlofRrcbmonJ, by_htsMoRzchmonJ into Engla11J, and to conJOyn Marmge .~· ther>_and by theQt~en, Mother to the Lady Eltz.abrth, !:~e:r1;bF:he~:! H~~~ o1~~k~~d t~~p;r ~~~~c:~~ ~i~t 1 ft~~ fa~'1~d~a~h:b:~~uK\;~~n~J,:O~~f,~ ~ur;tr:{, ted cogether. hefhouldbemeived. Tomakealongerdtfcou rfe~a;;~