Fox - BR1600 .F6 1684 v1

5)7 s.o 844 84J ~··tA' 846 '""" ·- 854 r.:···"" ...... tl;bl•• 856 857 8s8 · lo"kW"tht •-or~l867 .Ailnu,dllt 870 (H'OOCI.Sa: ~::-~~~ 871 ETHE-lWOLFUS. ::::~:Uat· ~I .Bythol<=""· Thus this Kingdom hath bttn 2, By the Scots. hithttto pbgu«l with Jive 3. By the PiCh fundry Nations : Namely. +· By the Suons. ~- BythcDtmts. Ethtlwulfu.s die Son of Egbm, :u1d in_ for_mer _ti roc a Dtacon, and after a Btihop of Wi1klujfer (as fornc wtll) IS Kmg after his Fathn, bydifpenf:uionofthcPope, butlli\1 i~ mind devout to his Order, givingthctcnthof hisgoodsand landsmWejlfAxontWtheCicrgy. He ryfirchoufc ISI . . whom he rdlorcd to the title of Qtttll, For before it was a De- ~~~~h~f:t~~h:;;,~~ t~t~~ ~~~b~:e·lli~I~~~ ili! tt~ ofQleen. lnthclatttmdofthereignofthisEt/xiwulfus th;eDants brake into :;~anJ,doinggrc:at fpoilon the land and ltvcs,and bloo:l of This Pope, whoknamcwasOsPoui, for the lhamc thacof, was the 153 firfithatbroughtinthea\caingofPopcsnam(S. lbis Pope l.Lo was Tutor or Guardian to AlurtJ, committed to him by EthelwulftheFatherofAUmd. This Pope: Ordained that no Bithopfhould becondemued under feventy two WimdTcs. An example was practifed in condemnation of nf:~; !}::::;:~per name was Gilb"ta. She was a Dutth woman of Mt~gui'JCe ; who going ouc of the Abbey of FulJ11, with an Eng· lifo Monk in mans apparel w Athens, and becoming learned, by her wit 01me to lit Pope two years and fi~ months. At. \aft in an open proctffionfeU into travel with hcrchtld, and fo dtcd. fmce the Cardinals come not by that pm of the fir~t where thiS n~ame ThisBemdiflordaincd Dirgcforthedcad. Et!f'~~r::::.ftH~: i~~fa'~:rs7~!t~~~t:~%,F:~~t~:;in~in~t~~ t 56 fiep-mO!htr. Etbtlbrittht:fecond Son fucmds his Father EJhdJJ!•Ifi in theKingdom of Krnt. Aftcrthcfetwo, thtthirdfonof Etbtlwulft, viz. Et.btlrtJ,fuccetded; who""' m;ghtily <roublol w;<h th< Dm,. I This Pope Nicbola.s enlarged the Po~ Ocaccs, equalling them to the writingsofthcApollks. He decreed thatServiccthouldbcinLarin: He bej;ln the forbidding Priefis to 1narry: agli)1fi ~hkh Hu/Jtricl:. Biihop of Awburgb wrote a ~earned Epdllc w the Jaid Pope, proving thelawfulnefsofPridlsmarruge. ~~ir~~~~~~~~~ ra~h~!'i,I~~tfo~ EJhe/Jrtd their Br~ther, the ilhtnbt, [n the later days of King Ethtlrtd, the DantJ it waded this la.nd> fpoiling I :!::. .tf•b• andmurthering. , This