Fox - BR1600 .F6 1684 v1

832 An Advertifement and Exhortation to the Emperor Maximilian. ~rcf~~~u:~~f~f~~l~:~~:01~f~~~~c~~0!:h:~ ?o:utl~a~~~~n!!tet1~n~h~:ec~~~~,bef~~h~~~~~ {~~~~} the Am~:IC~ by fuccds of tlme are enhanCed, and in ma- Weak, for the S1ck and the Sore, whrrrof ( t~ more ny (asitiSfaid_) doubled. FortheArchbifhops Seeof is the farrow) Guman; is fully replo~ifhcdandtillcd, f,,~,~~t,:,~ ••.:, ~~;:,~ ;( :~:,~ (~~ r~~::m~~~ o:;~,~":,~o;!;:~ '"' Advertifoments Hnto the Emperors Majefly. ed theoldfiun o JOOooF!orens: but notwith!hndlng, he could not gt-this_confirm::tt ion, except he.wouldpay rhcothcr roooo, wluchhispredctfforbeforeh!mhadnot paid. By this muns he was coropelkd to pay 20000 Florens. Which being enrolled iiJ the regifier of t~e Chamber, ~ I ~~~~;~~~i~if~E~~~~~~~~::;~;0~~~E ~~~~~a~~}~~1131~J~~~~~~e;~t~~~ffa fi~~~~~f~~ their newoffices, and new fervants. At lafi, thefum drew to 27000F1orens, which James_ the Arch_bi!hop ?f as he did againfi _ Frrdrrick tht:Stcond, when as rht: Mmtz.. was com~ptlled to ~y, ~ hiS ~mmilfary dtd Landgraveof71mrm, and William Earl of HoUm1J, were rrporr: So by dus mcat!S, m a httlt: umt: ther~ w:ts _fc:- eled: by t~e commandmtnt of the Popt. I.« the Emvt:n tunes 2 5000 FlornlS p:1yd our of th~ Archbt!hoprtck pttOTS Majt:lly :Ufo frar and take heed of all the Prt:lates bfn~~7~~~~d~r~!:~~~isf~~bi0:J":;~~~h~~ r:;~~ b~ ~~~ire~:~;~ ~Xoial~av~~r:~et~~~:;~rs,l;;~ Archbi~oprKk (caret: fouryt3rs., the Lord Um/waselt:d: Empe-rors M::~Jtlly alfo fcar~ndbt:wlrt:, that the Pope do after htm, who was compelkd. to plY at the kill 24000, not uke aw::~y from his Subjt:ds ~heir obt:dicnct: and pro- ~:.~1 ~e;c~:~ : ~~t~· fat~~~f~Y ~~~u h~g::ro~~w~ ;~~~~hE~=~bo~:;:~o 11~!~~~~d~~k;~f~~ft~i~ ~~d~;~,e~~r~~~~~;~~ ~v~~:~et 8fa~~~ ~:~ ~~ ;~~~~~~7~~nd:~~:r_,~~~t';~~Jo.olxdicnce unto the tribute for tht: Bt!hops P,dl, fo dut by this meallS our ~t the Emperor$ M:J)tfiy alfo take heed of the Apopeople are not only tormcntd and b~ught to extream ?:" ~ol1ck ccr:'furrs, from which tht: Pope will in no cat(: re· vt:rry, Lut alfo art: moved unto rebellion'· to fet:k their h- J_rain. Fmally, let the Emperors Majcfiy diligently fore· berty by what mc:atlS foc:ver they may,gnt:voufly murmur- let: an4 take ht:ed, that the Pope do not per( wade the proing againfi the cmt:hy of the Clcr~;:y. I ~~::~:~;,~;~: ~~~f~;i~:2;~~:~h~:.i~?~·~·~;:f~~~:- The Pop: al fo lhould be ::~dmom!hcd., how that, through diversandfundryWar5andBattel,s,tht:landsofGermany :;;~:~~fcm~~d~vdl~ln~~~~~~tf~~l~h:C:1~~ t~~ ~~~-~vi!:, r:rr~nth;l~~UC:~~~~~ St~!~t J::;, Uta~~t;~~~~ ~~Ts~ Husba.ndmen, t~c F1elds for t1_1e ~n~il part lyt: un~illed, the agam the lat~ and Patrnnony plrt:uning unto tht: p.,,., Tolls are by dtvrrs J!lt:3.11S _dtmmdbed, the Mmes con- Church of Samt Pet~, as_ ~t: is bound by his Office. ~m fumt:d, and ~he prohrs da1ly dccJy, whert:by the Arch· Therefore let your Ma)tfty ddtgemly forefee and deliberate, ~~~kn~r~~fi~:l:::~Y~~h~ ~~~a~ ~~~dt~~~ ~~~r ~~r~ r;: ~fi ~;:h~-~~dt~i~Jd: ?:~~e~ ~~n~ charges; ~nfomuch, that not without JU!l ca~fc, James Popt'. Tlltpeoplctht:ArchbllhopofMmrz..,bt:ingt.-venatth<:p:>, ~1P!~ faid, That ht: did not (o ll1uch farrow for his own death, A . d E h · E Pill. :g~;\.:t e~~~ fo~b~a~.oul~V~e~~~~~f~:~t:~h:oh~ cerlam go ~tro~ _9';.~j~J~nlo the m· Bi!~ as 3 godly Fatht:r, and lover of h~ children, a~1d ~=~~~~r:~~~l~~~~~~.orie;~~cm;:f~~:h~~~~~ Y ~~~:t~~; ~~:n~;e~~~::l~y:~:~l ·:=b~~:: ~of:t~: ~t ~ra:~~~~~e:;ri;~~~~~;;~;nJ,an~othf~v;v~1 i~~~w~~ ;~~~e;~n:~C:~~; fv.~~ ~t=f~~d f~~r~~~~:i~it Church oi Rome. ty, to pcr{ccute tht: Clergy : alfo to tak~ away tht: Bendl<:es Cbllt.:h, At the leafi, lt:th~m be more fuvoura.ble, as often as out of the hands ofCourtcf:ulS, which can neitht:r preach, any Archbi!hop or B11hop hapncd to ~de bL~ Church but a comfort, '.lOrc~nfd any man (of which Bene~ces, as u£. few years ; as ~r lm_Pn~d to tht: 81fhops _of Bt~mbn:ge, ntaJ Syhnu1 wntt:th, (ome art: equal to tht: _Bi!hopricksof ~~C,~~~ ha1~~~fb~~~f~~1i;~~~j~~:w~;:;~fJ~e~~::~~0 S~~~:; tri~lj :~e e~~~[~ ~~~s~~~~~:~~~d-~ o7~~(e ~~~~:~,~~ witnerfeth) there are in Germany to the mt~beroflifty, be· whereby your Majefiy may the btttt:r provi~e. for thechil· fidesAbbots,whercofa gn-at number art: conhrmed at Rome. dren ofman Noble and famous men and Citizens of GtrAnd admit that in Germany tht:rt: were gre-.tter profits man! ; which being brought up from their youth in the and ~evenn~ rifing of tht: Ground, Mines _and Tolls; Univerfity, learning_ both lhe ~cripturcs_, and other hutlOtWJthl\andmg the Emperor and the other Pru_Kes fh~uld mant: letters, may w1thout unqt~let vexa~1ons, and moll: treafure ::~nd munitiOn of \Var againfi thctr en~m1es . fumptuous charges and contt:11U011S1 afp1re tO I he Ecdrfi· and fpeci:t.!!y the lntidels, and to preft:rvt: GtrmanJ in aftical promotions, who by their Counfel and prayers may peace and quit:tneiS, and tO minillt:r j~llict: unto eve-- bt: helps unto the whole Church: for there Is"? fmall oc· ry man: for which r_urf'?fo: the Counal of~heCham· calion, whytheRealmofFra_nc~lhooldfoflounfh,having her, bt:mg mo!t hohly mHrut_"ted and furmlhed with fo n~any t_to_table leanltd menmtt. Jf the EmpttOr would ~~;a~,:;\~~~~~~~~d~r\:r~:, r~~\·~;pp~fs~~e~~:: ri:~~.l~~kh~ez;\:~~;~rr~~~~h;;r=~~~t:,lC~~ bel<; in the Emp1rc, to OOmth and dnve a~ovayThJe\"CS w~ld makew::~yforlt:amtdandhondlmt:nunto Ecclehand Murthcrers, wht:rtOf a grcatmtmbrr are not alhamed afttcal promotions; tht:n might he tmlyand perpttually be tofpoil Churches only, andtorob thern ofthcirgoods, call~of~llmi':!L,:mdinallplaces,tht:refi?J"erofGtrmanJ but alfo w affail the Glergy themfelves. Finallr, our tO hiS :JncJent hberty, and tht: futht:r ofl_JJS Country, an~ ~,~:~n~11~racru~:~ot~~~~r;~h{ r~~~:in1~eeif ~~r:h: ~~~~d~~r~~;~ ~~~~~~1~\t!l~:~yb;r~~c~l~ft~,u:d=: cs and Monafl rries, but alfo for Hofpm~l.s for Chddren o:l any Provmce unto tht:m. ~nd fo ~~ _GtrmanJ thJt arc bid out in the Streets, for Wtdows, for Wo-- render no ldS th:~.nks unto t~e fa1d Mmmmhan, t~t men wi th Child, for Orphans, for man:iagt: of the tmto all the refi, which havmg rranflated tbe Et~:~~