Fox - BR1600 .F6 1684 v1

Gemes the TmkJ Brother poyfoned by the Pope. ~vtP~;~~~~~=t~~. thch~~:;a~lt~a;~r f~~e fi~cl!Y; 6 f! 0!U:U:cft1:'~;;ti[~;~:nrt:/s ';~~:a da~m) {~~} Tb<Pope whofe keq>ing, the Pope received every year 40000 ~:7;"E~ ~fr~;~~:r~ Y=asno~;~~;;j11;~· r~~~h;~ ~~;~;a~ The finfe of theft Epigr11mt in E"glifb, iJ this. ll.pi.f,~; .. ;dt~C;h·;,:.~;,_~£·~.i.:m~~ - f~ it- .... • • • v•l< " ... vll· And lhakingit brokeforch inro 't.,... ,,.tb. Munjhrus lib . 4·. Cofmog. dedar~ngthe forefai~ Hill<: this ficrcc and warlike word: ry of Gtmts (<?methmg othen_vife, hrfi calleth hun z,- This Sword ofPa11l ( qumh he) !hall now %-mnus, andfatthliuthewashril committed bytheRM- defend us from our lOt:; dtans to the F · Si1Ke that this Kry of Ptttr dotb. dtsaforemcm nothing avail thtteto. againfi the Tttrk, as it was not unlike: This Altxandtr ~~~n~~'Kin~~~g~is~~:~~~~c ~\~~~fc~~;~nt~ fa7~ wi~fh%1i\J~';rr\~ ~ir~ 0~!'~r~~~:11:rh i ~~~e~t~ ~;,~~::::;::r;:~::~:"~P:;, ·::·:::,~::~;,: ;g]!;7.~3;;r;~~;;;;,~~:~t~~~=:2~ ~i!f. ~~to~i~~"~an~:,~:~%~:e(~h~~~h;;:ncf~J,:::i~~~ a u::~ :~:~~h 1bJ~~~Th~3~1:l~~!r~~jol~~q%:t ~h~:cd ~~~r~~,~~~rAi~~~;: a~10thtt, th1s poyf~nd Pope, as hewas firtmg with h~ Car· to. ftJ_tUam, and there appointc_d a C«ut<il at the City of ~[,~1::~~ ~~~~~~~:!~1 b~~~~~~a~~: ~f~~;~ ~~:;~:~e~~h:~~h :::~Gu~ZJ~~u~P:~;~:~~e;~~~,ifc~;, ~~;;:;;~u~1~~~ he was poyfo11ed, :l!ld his Cardmals about him. d1vmothers > w1to whomalfoweread,oyned the Procu- !~;tth!~~r. In the timeofthis ~opeA!txandtralfoirhapned(which rators of .Maxsmilian the Erf!peror, and of Char/a the ACOWidl Pa!a« lS not to be pretermitted) bow that the Angel, which French Kmg. So the C<>u1te11 was appoimed the year c.Utdto ~~~n ~=~ ~ithh~_:;:~: t~~:d~e, ~ot!: r~J~~~rcr~':.r\:: b;r.oor T::r~ufe5~:hyt~h;g~~:tfot~~~~~~~t:; ~; ~0: P~~~~ ~:~fu!~r:~~:~~d~~~~~~~g:e;~~~~:rr~f:S~~: :~da~11t~~~h ii'7h~a~~~;~~pehac~ ~v~~~~~~~ ~~ ~~ ~. 1503 . After whom ea~ n~xt Jultus th~ f«<nd, a manfo and alfo becaufe there wn-e d1VUS othn- oimrs, where upfar pllling.~ll other in imq~ty, that. Wsultus, and fuch on they had tO accure him. Their pu!fOft was to re· other of.lusownf~iendswrltingof, ar~~mpell.edto move him .I)Ut of his f~~· the wh.ich he had ~td C1y ?f lmn, Mart~ iUum quam Chrifto Jd,ts(JTtm fuiffe ; through Bnlxs 3.lld ambmon. Jultus hearing !~IS, giV· ~~~~ri~~at ~7c~~i~et~~v~a~~~e~V~ ~: !:~~e:, th~a~ ~~~:; fh;J ~;'ili:~ ~~~ :lf:d~~:J;Cu:,n!:~ moli certainly Known, what ~nne hew~ going to Cou~1C1lagamflthe next>·car,to be be~1 the 19th day of \V~r, he call the Kq·s ofSamt Ptttr llltOthe R.1ver Tibris, -:tprt!. . The FrenC!l Kmg undcrfiandltlg ~ope ]u/iu~ to ;~~~nterv~1h~~:~~~:u~~~r~fc~1ilc ~~~df t!':~ehi ~~fe~f:~ k;~, ;~;:\~e~~~:f';~,~~il ~~~~r:~.~~er;~e~O:~ ~rs~~ the Sword of Paul. Whereupon Philip Mtlanffhon , ttmbtr > i11 which Council thefc Q!eflions were proE~~~~~.many other writing upon the fame, maketh this pof<W<Jl."'h"i' w•.lmv<l<i Cu~tJ!r7:,;:, c;;,:~~:::~u:e;~f: ;~:~it~s t{fot might inl"[.Wtts Milr:uwrmas 'ontr11xir,&11rbtm EgrtjfiiS [4vas ditlit ore minas. Iratufque facrns c!t~vts m fiumina jtcit Unto the which Q.1etlions it was anfwered, That nej.. InfE/.b.m,' 1',:m:,:,'.~:.i,;,1 ~~'v'P'';'; 1 .,·,.=~{~,'~;,.~~.{;,::: ~rr~~~~~~f~g~~g~ref~~!d~~~,krf.1d a!~:,~~. ':t h;;; .. :!'} '" ...... ' 'J~' PmgmanC3lfanChonw:~stobeobfavcdthroughthe Rcalml'llePn1 Htc glad1us Ptrulinos .n11nc diftndttab hojle, of France NenherthJtlnyunJufiExcomumcanonsought = ~andOtJUidtm clavu nil ;uvat ljfaPttri. to bc.feared, LfthtY .' \erc foundtobeunJuft .After th!S tlbbiHhod'• t~teKn.lgf~nt to 'Jt~ltus theanfwerof hlS~IlCL I , requi· ~~ Whereupon alfo Gilbert D~tthtriiiJ maketh t his ~~~~i'rf~~;r ~~h~~~~:~~~r~rlc~:h~t~~~~~~~f;~ ~ 0~. Epigram. more fully decided .Julisll ,,~Id ndther of both chek, but&;~~~ :'" fOrthwith accurfed Charles the Frcnch King, wirh all his Kingdom. Ar the length a R~vtnna, in a great W:JI he was overcome by cl1e Fn:nch l{mg., and at lafi, after much flaughterandgrt'3.tblood0lcd,andmortalWar,this Pop= diedinthcyear of our Lord, 1513, the 21, day of FebrutJry.