The beginning of the Turk._s. Jeruf:1lcm bejieged. {~~~~ } , ~~~fuu~eb=1 :sa~~~11 t H~~~~Z~;;~n:~;:~reh~~~~ ~g· r;;~~~~;:~~r'~~:~~~;~£::;~·~; ~i~ i!i: ~rrii~~~:~ ~:;~::i;~~::·~}:;!~t~~~ .. ~~T.~~~ of CllriM· home; I would adjo}'ll after rhefe Popes above r_chearf«<, tlOn as we lhould, that ts, by Fauh only in t~cSon ofGod. ' Ill- fomc difcowfc alfo of rhc T ~uks fiOT)' > of thc11 riling And wh~t marvd th~l, our pochmc bcmg as com1 pt and cruel pa{ccu~ionofd1c S;untsofGod, tot~c grea:an- almofi. as hiS, and_ ourco:werf:ttJOn worfe, if Chrifi fight noyan.:c and pen! of ChriJ!md(,m: )'_et JlOt~VIthlbndmg, not \~tth us, fi9htu_1g ag_lm!l the Turk.? The Turk h:uh certain cauf~ there be, wh1~h nccdfanly req_mu: .the know- prev::uled fo t~t~hnly, no~ becaufc Chr1fi is w~k, but beledge of rhc1~ order and do111gs, and of thctr wtck~d pro- caufe that Chrsfis~ns be wJCked,and their Dc~~.hme impure. cudings, thm cmd tyranny, and ~l~y vidom'S, ~he Our Temples Im_agcs, our hearts Wtth Idolaryart ruine an.d fi1bvalion of fo m~n~· Chrt.lhan Chu~1es, wtth pollllted. : . our Pm:fis Jl111k bd'ore.God for Adultery, !Je.. the hornble ~nurders an~ capuvtty of mfini.te Chri!lians, to mg ~H~med from lawful ~atrunony. The Name of Rtfonnatt- ~~~:~J,P~U:lf~l~0~::1~e~at~~~ll eo rhLS our cow1try of ~~V:ar~~~~~~~~~r~~~~i~~ 0~~~~~ ~a«:?~~~ f::~rft :;:.~·· ;£:!:~;~~~~~~:~~;:~7~:~~1::?;~~., *'t ~1:;~ .. E~s~:~o~~~t ~~b:~~:~~:~~ ~'~,'~t T~~·"· Smptures othmvifc, without the openutgof thcfe Hlflorics, .Wherefore bm:fly to conclud~, 6.ying my )UdgmC'nt in cannot fo perfedlybc und~ood . Of the which Scriptures, t!us behalf, what I fupp<{e; tht> hope.! hav.c, and do bewe mind hertlfter ( Chn!l grammg) orderly, as the heve, That when the Church of Chnfi wt~h the Sacra- ~"~'~""' :1~\:£'7I:~t~;' i~i!.~~:~~~,!~~~~{~~~~~:~"r,::i:'; ~:~~ii:~oo~~:~~~:J~·!~ .. :;:~~·i~::l.~~~;~:0~~:i; ::~·.ra~.,. great defC'diou .and deoy of Chrill:tan f:uch, through thefC' Sword of tl~e Chnlbam, wt th. the ftrm~th of Chri(l, Otall wickC'd Turks> orC'I fe may fearthcrtbyourowndanger. foon vanqm!l1 the Turks pnde and Jury. - But of this ~third The third caufe, tlut we mly ponder moredcq>ly with more lartjeiY in the pr01.C'(s of this llorr, ""r,. our (elves the fcourge of God tOr ?Ur fins, and .corrupt do- ThC' hxth :m.d laH caufe, why I thmk the knowledge ne fix!!> drine; whk:h in the fcqud hereOf, more evidently may of the Turks Htftory uquifite tO be con!idered, is this:~. appear rooureyes, for ourbettttadmoniti_on. . lxo.uftthatmany there.lx-,whichforthatthey befurther n • ronrtb Fourthly. Tl.•~ confidcrltion of rh~ hornble pt~fea.mon from the Turks, a.nd thmk therefore thC'mfelves to be out uufr. of the Turks, nhngchietlyby our d•_fcordand ddfcntion ofdangc-r, takC' ltttle Clre an~ ftudy wJ:at haptJC'th to ~:~~:~: ~: .. ~~:r~~i~~~~:ii ~!~~1::,h~, d:;~:; ~~:~~~!: .. ~~~;:~~:r:~;~r;:;; :~~;~~f.~;:oi;~:: ;:,:~. Tht fthlt Fiftbi;. But chcefly, thefc great vtd:o~Les of the Turks, d('r of Hiftory, to gtve this our Nauon a!fo (omethmg to ~~~/C~11 Q~r.. and unprofpcrous fpeed of our men fightmg againH them, underfiand, what hath ~en done in other Nauons bythefe ofC!Iltfl. may admoni(h :md tC'3ch us, following the example of the cruel Turks , and what detrimC'nt hath been, and is like ol~ l(raelitcs, how to fetk _for greattt Jhe:ngth to encounter more tO happen by tb~m to t.he Church ~f Chrifi, except wtth thefe enemitS ofChnfi, than hitherto we have done. we make our earndi mvocanon to Almcghty God, in the Fi~fi, we m.ufi confider tlut t~ whole power of Satan, the Name of hi,; Son, t~ flop th.e COltrfe of the Devil. by thefe Prmce·of thiS World, gocth wtth .the Turks. Which to Turks, and tofiay thiS defedtQn ofChri~ians. fallm~ daily refifi, no ~rength ofmans Army !S fufficient, but only the unro them, at~ tO rcdt~e them again to htS Fanh whtch are A<\!1101'1\"oll name, f~nt, and power of our Lord Jefus the Son of~, fallC'lJ from htm. \Vhtch the Lord Jefus of his grace grant ~~~i~~~~!~~~~t~l~· gaintltheDcv1~ ortoconqUC't' the world, NififidtJnoflra , deftil:tonfirtl,andthewi,kedperfon be revealed & ~~~~i1~rfa~~~~i~~~ybe~~~~~:1,1 ~y~~\v~:\~es;~~ 1~~~;~~~k[~~;l;is~i~ted:c~~ :C'3~aff~l~~~;~~fif~~~ ?~~~ we mull not go, for the W~rd c_nuft be our mle. He that the Emptre of Rome: fo~e from the obedietJCC' of the sr~tn; ~~~~:tu~~~~~:~~;~~n~~n~~ ~~~ ~~:~t~?re~;r,~ ~~ of~~~~;~~~~~ ~~~~i~~t~er~~rh~~~;(f~e :~~~~ ~~ion tn mu!l we appoint God how ro fa\'~ the World, but mull prou~ obedtet.lce ofrhe Pope. . What Sam~ Pau~ mC':mt ~Eft~~;~ ~~~;;~!~~~\~~~~:~f~t~~~~~~~f~~~ d~~:~~ ~E~~~?!~~f~::~~~{:~~~~;~,~~~~c~~~~~~~~yn~:shtf~:~ ;;~. ~g{t~¥~ ~~~fa~!~E.~J .. ~,~~g ~Sf.~fi1~:!~J:~j~~~?.~ti~;~\v~~; [ff. ..,;,.J>[,... at apomt. Letu;;thtt~ore fearch theVIlllofourGod 111 hertofmayappear, by the hrli nfing of thisdC'vtllllhfed ~f.~:· ~~);~:\~~,/~~~;:~~:L~2~~:r,:~:~~!:~: :~h~i-:?i~d,":h:~"bt;,.,.:::~~,.,.~~t;~; ~~~ :,PQ';i; t~~·j, .. h:~~~c;·;r~~;1 !~: tLS not hedge m t~e plet~teoos fprmgs of d~;~·u;,f ~~e1:!~1r;J tt;~~~~;~l~f~h~l~j; ~~?:;~:i~~t·:r And finally, if God h1ve determmC'd hts own Son only which prophrfir may alfo morC' C'Vtdemly appear, 111 confito lland alone, let not us prefiuTJe 10 admix w.ith his Ma- daing the order and m:umer of the coming of rhefe Tcrks ~~~:;rr 0~~~i:n;:~r~~01~~~~~ebri~;Je:~ f;; ~;i;ftl int~o~0~!fo apply to the Turks certain ProphefiCS of~:{:~!~'<(• the Turl:., leaverh ChriCt (no doubt) at horrte. Now Danitl, Euchtel, andorherplacesoftheOidTeilam~,ltf•J"'h'•· !~:~~~e ~~~~f~~t N~~:e~~·~/~he ~~~~ ~~1;;~~: :~~Qljl~~:;n!,~;~~;/~f~~~~~~th:e~~:~~~d~l~::;~,/"-',.i \Ye nght againfi a pcrfecutor> bting no lefs pC'tfeuuors our nvc fe11ff> :tltC'r my Judgmfnt, do extend no F.11th:r th~~