Fox - BR1600 .F6 1684 v1

A Chrorwlogy. A~:no Empcr J Roman IKin~J!"·or Archb1· Th1S1obn,fucettdmgnexttoHaJr~a,.thef«<nd,andpr~tt!mgnexcbcCbrr_11 ofFrln I Brfhops. Engaml ~=:: ~r~~;:':~~~:;:':;J~~h~~J~h~~h~,J'~~C3~£~1~~p~;J~: 8 7 6 c.uohnCaJ.. JobB •htSt ~,10l~n-":t bury. fee roS.of the gnat Volume g7 •ul. I Mother to AJurtJ wasemment above hiS Pr«<ecdfors.,for Valor, Vertue and Le:mung. 9 Et!lfh<d He was the hrfl Englift Kmg He was much vexed With the Dann,who ~~ ~fur~h~h:%;~~~:~~o~h~~ h~~ ~~~~f!h~J~~~ ~~~~~:~ecr~~:;f;r 882 927 the prd(m, :Urcra wh1k: lx:at them, and chaftd them from thofe p.uts, Mofllll fttp. 183 of thcgrtat Volume. tb• •· Others call him Marinus, without :my firfi or fQ:0nd. See Reufners lil>W.Alll) lbec\llu. Chronol, and HelviCiu. Of this Popr, fee pag. 180. of the great Vo· Jumc. BythisHatlrianthethird(ofwhomfeepag. t8o.jitw:tsdecr,eLxl, th:.ttno Emperor after that time, fhould have anythingrodointhc Election ofthePopt'. ThustheEmprr~lxgantodccay,andthePopestoincrcafc. !,1;~~.~~~:~· ~::t:J~~~~f:;'~~~J:;~:~jl~~~~:~r~~d~0;~i~·made them to yield mou>d. to the <?ondmon~ that he propounded, one of which w~:., to bapti'Ze th~irPrmccGutrtm,hel1lmll1g him 1thtl{fan: he.pamltr~ thefaid Kmg Atbtljfan to hold :.tll F.t~jfangltJ mFtt from h1m. WhiCh Atbt lf:a~,~;~"fh:~~~ u~: l~t:al!r~~i;~~1th~11D~~!~a~~' i~~~~:~ Land, infourpla<:tS. Buttheywrrevahantlylxatmback. KingArnulplJUs, for rc(cuing of Po~ F111111ojiu from his Olptivity amcng the Ramans, is Crowned by the fa1d Pope, Emperor Th!s Bonifat:t was Pope butfi\'e and twenty days. Th~?;~r f~~~ ~f;h~n~, 0~:d 3tYti~1:yist~i:."!~:J~k~t; f~~d ~~e:e::r eh:~ were hanged. ~:~t~/;rre;e~, \~~ Cl~~ed~r a~d~f'~~~i~ft~~:~ff~~re;i~h~00 H~~~l andcatltheminto7Jber;andburiedtheBodyagainin:.tprivatemans Sepulcher. PopeRomanuscontinuedPopebut three months. Thtodorthe fecondw:ts . Popebuttwentydays. A/frtdha.vingreignedtwentynine yearsandfixm?nths, dyes. He is reputed for a man of a librral Heart ~nd a godly L1fe. He caufed Schools of Learning to befrtup, efpedally m the Wefi:parts. Foramongil rhe BritainJ, long before, inKing Artbrns time, in the Town of Chtjltr, was taught Grammar, Philofophy, and otha Ans and Scim::es. After, ~~,1.bA~~~~~h~~:~asa~:~ ~~~~;op~~!:~e~:~ fl~:i~~r~~:G}~ f:i!~~:~J~~~:~h=n~~u~~~r ~;lt;. ~~!7h~~o0~u;~~ntn;h1~ Grttk!arlt, a Gttek Umvrrfity; and Latmladt, a Latme Unwrrfity in thisLand,wasFoundro. .A/frt4 Tranflatrd many good &oks) and made one of his own, in the commonl.angwgeofthisLand. That Pope John which next fucceeded Pope ThtoJ~r, and prec«<ed next :;~~o:~~rn:j:t~~~~~n;~~rt~~t ~~~e!:oJo~~et 11~~~~.yrar ; whom Of thisTranfhtionof the Empire, fee p. 169, of the firll great Volume, co!. :r...lin. H • Th~o!i~~i;~~~~~~i:r~1~~~~~ ~;~=l::t~et::d !;h:f~fr'f!~- 1 ''t::~;~~;!;;i~~~i~:~~;~t~fon, rebels againfi: King Edward, join- 1"' wasmadetoflyintoFrance; after, he ~eturningwith.more Forces of Dana, is flain . Thlb;~ ff;~fb:ro~h~~~i~~rser~JJ~f~~cd!~~t"ldt; as Pope sr~ of thiS ConraJ1ts, whom Mr. Fox calls Conracus, ftt p. 169. of the fu(l gKatVolume. King Erlw11rd affaulted of the Dmm, he l'hys two Kings, two Earls, and manythouf:.tndsof Dann. Of others he is counted the tenth Pope J ohn. This Pope was fmothcred with a Pillow. ;:l:.1~";:;'.or Wi£dnnu. · ThisAJtlftanwasKingEdwarJtfon, by her of his three Wives that was ouC:~~r~5:~(p~~t1oa"r:~;~~~~~;~~~~~· He is fwom at Romt u??n accuGtionofit. He~fwraringthathemtended.itnotwhenashed!d , felldown, andinthrttdaysdyed.. Ethtlftan, for peace (ake with the Dana, he nurryed t.J Sithericus their Kings fifler. But Sithrricus dying in a year, he feifcth that Province intohisownhands. Coni1antine, King of Scots, breaks Cov~ant with Ethtljlan, and there· uponbeatenbyEthelftaninWar. Of