Fox - BR1600 .F6 1684 v1

Tamerianes ViEiory i1l A£ia. Calepinus, Occh mes, M.tlle~mo<e.<. tb,ir Va!O!ir. 8 39 · Cal~pinus the ~iflh after Ottoma~nus. . A. ~~;:::e:L~!~~:'lZ:i/~~~uW::n~~:,~~l~~/,:~ ~i.~~;!~ ?i;fff.:. ~:~;~.~~~£~1::~::~~:,::7~:S:~;Ji~~~~ ~:~·i~~:~.J 1.:J;~~~?r"~~~:~~;~~g~ ······ htSFathersKu~gdom. Th!SC.alepmtn encouraged by the made beforcof_Mujlaphll.i his $Qn,who wastondemned ~.?fc~rd'~r ~~~~~a~;~: !~~;fi'ili:!~t;d~~;Y~~~ fta~::f~1?i~~r:t~} ~;~e~~~h!isp~{fo~!:~~~~sv~ M.M& UOI~ n~ about dKm, long troubl ~d and vexcl the Buf. to d1c Grmam, where. he rcm:uned long in cufiody till at mardct~.;: £:E;t~~:::~:;:~~~~ir:i1;~~t~:~~:~~; :~~t:~i.~r~~~.~:~t~~~=~r!~~r:~~~~~~; ~~£ I;JOwcr of elK Turks ,~·akncd. 111 Europe, and havm~ ~onclufion he being 1~0t able to make his parry gocd,came (t~eh occar10n offned hun, as Jt wm from Ho.vat, ro uno the hands of Ius En~my, and had his nerk broke dttiroy and uttttly tO rooc out, not c;mly out of .Afi{}, but ~:a Bow~llring, aftn thtmanntt of tht TurJ:if!J exccuT_hc Grtciatu thentenifial withthisGnifiriad\"etfity,T!tlli.7~ rtqwred tnl<X of the Turk i but whtn that would not be ~isu~~ I . . . gramcd, lheyprocurc-d umorhem MujlaphPJ, theothh ~£:ba~~~ ~T~~~": ~~~~v~. ~g=~~~~~~t:;~~~ !~~~~ik~~i~~~~~;;~~~~ r~ ~~:,;~~.~o: {h~~~; ~~~~~ ~{:~ :~~il~~ ~~~ ~f:;~:~:l~!;~hh~~Qhe~~ t::~~:;j~l~~t~a7~e~~~: u/, £;~::~~. ;\l~t~ra:!~~1 a~;d ~'her~~~~~~;~ d:f,~~en~~:n%: ~fi~wh;~: ~~e~fr~tra:~~~h(;:~~~~~;~;at~~~;~i~~!~ i·~~~3•h• fi~8~~~~fgr c~l~r:~ ~aE~t~~;;;~~)$~~. mSo~~ ~cl;e::;;::~c~t~~;~g,~~~saorwffu:~', f:n~:e~~~rb~ P""U