Fox - BR1600 .F6 1684 v1

. :r..~.-1. 84o Scanderbeius bis valia11t Al1s. Huniades Yil1ories agai"Jl the Turk_s. ~:tt~r~ ~;.,:i;~;h~~d~~~iaCic~csa1 ~~~fJ~ ~~~~~:~~u!':~ ~~~{r:;ic~~ ~;~::~r~~i~~~7'w~~t:~:!~ c::~ r~\~}~a~-~ eh:- { !:~~} . ~~c~ ~ofe~1o_:~~~ ~m~~N~~m:,;:;"~:%~ f~ ~~r~~d!~~c3f~~~~~d ~~iv:c~r;:~~~dt~ffi~~~ ofaft/por;, :~·~~;{ ~J~"· ?J;.r~:~~1~f3~l~:4f.~J~~~;,r~lli ~~t~l{[~f:1fff;:l~:1~~;;:;~t~t~l~ £:..~:. file, of a dcfcChon to come before the. commg of_ the & aliis: . > aJP· Ptuc. Tbr~·m- ~:ied~o~~ra:~he\~~~~fi1~~~~~ :~~ ~1:'~~~ ~~ ings~:~~ 1fu~~~~~ ~~~c~c~::~a;ocr~~t A~r~r~rbn,_ chink- J·:r..•i•.. ~~;~}~- f~~~~~:!~;;~:~~al~~~rCou_~t~~er;J:;~;r;~:~ ;~~ ~~~tl£;dJ~~~; cl~~d ~;~v~:~~~·~}d~~~ ~~~~~Z ~ ili~~~1:~Qr ~1)~~e;~f:p~{!::·u~~~ar;h;'toa~'t~r~~~~:~~:g~~~ ~'t~~::!f ~~;t~~~~naF~~e~e~f ~~ ~:~~o~n~rj~~~~~k whom Saint Paul alfo wrote other t\.VO Ep1files, were hiS S1ege and retire. P.: to ra1fe ~·IM~" brol~ng~~;~~~:~,dg~na~~at11 q::rut~~~)o~~::h to Maa· tio~ 11 :.:~~; ~£:Jq~,~~~ ~en;~::a~ ~~~horn m~. h'"~"" ~~~;:~;~;~~~;f~~~!~~~l~~~{~ ~:~~~~~i:~~~~~~E~R:~}~~fg .;~ m¥!¥~~;,~~:;:;a;;cl;r~~to~::~~,:: :7~ [;~~~~i.:~h~:;h~i~~~tt~!;~::~~:~.~~ G.rcu., ~~,r~~~i:h~ r:~~.t~~~~~ ~mbodnfor~m~~lytod: ~~ S"fuz~h~,d~~~a;;;:;iaJes had fivefundryconfl'd ~P ~~:~ ~~ert;eh;~~~ ~~~~~~:dd~afonfh:t~p0"~ ~~mT~~~h~~~~~;:: a~:J't; .. ~~~t:~~h~vdil;f~~lcs~~ rr~::J:• wdl in feats of aCtLvity, as in ftrength of body, that fie and overthrow the great ~ptain of Amurathrs 1 c~~eJ Jr.~!,',':,. ~;;;:~: :n!~i~fu~~~~~~~!u~ga~~;:!;je~~~;;, ~/aa, lt7~~k~h~t;~;[~ao? th;!f~~5°~~:~~J~;'~~~~ ~~:;,::r· n •••,".. ~?l~;;ti~:~:~:~:~r~!i'l~f;(~~~~~ E;~;~l~~~~~f:g~~~t~i~J~~r~~t1:~t~::r=~ f:=:lr;~;. trad ~~~i~;e~~;:n~f~~~~1Xi~, ~~~!~~~it~~a~~ ~~~:~; ~~n:0 ~lr#,.~t~~~;:~~!~:U~ist~;[~;j~usiG!~ t~f .,. fi~flp\~th' t~1~e~ha~;:~~~hb{h~1~~::h :h:h~tcf~ ;:n~o;:~~~:~~dn~d ~~ ~:~~J ' ~~d~~~hrhfu!hd~,:~iof 7,!~~~~\~f~r!~hr~:th~~ru~:~~~~~hr;~:~'*~o~~: ~Pf~~r :~ fl~~~d;i:~·;~~~~~!.~l~eou~:~~ ~~~~!:X~~ when he heard of the d~e ofh1s Fa~~r, durftas~ of dt~fX!rklc?, Caramb~uu the Clptam bring himfrlf cak:n ;~.:;t the7'urk the grant of lusFathmDomuuontobc gsven pnfonermthefameheld. copr.klot unto him. \Yhich rtqueft a~ though. Amurathts ~h~ Turk Th& Vi~ories of Huni~tdn ftrook no little tmor to ~.rtf:~i ~~~~\~bls~~j(d: ~~~t~1f~~~~~~t I~ tb~~;~~~~ ~~;r~~~r~t~:k~t~~ r::e j~l:~t:Jb~1:i~ ;~ ~~tto and policyflipt out of the TurksC~, and came to EPJ- ~ fir.~ by f.Ieh~ms BafT'a Ius Counfdlor, he kept himfclf<llllnti. '<•-i'". ""his. own ;nh"i"""' wh"' ..mfibyfo<g<dl<ltm W<thm.lh<firnl•ofMo"'!tRhodof<•. Who.lh<nh"ring Chtilllan Dlughtertocnarrilge> fOtbytheTurks LawtheymJrry fa~ion and abfolurion tO bre:~k his Oath and bgue r~~~~t~~~~~i~~i~ . ~