Fox - BR1600 .F6 1684 v1

842 Mahumcrcs tbe. Seco11d fubvertetb Athens a11d Confiaminople. ~o!~rh:~l~~~~:M~~~ !~~~'~\~~'!~X:;~~ :~~ie:~?P;~~li~h~~~~~~~~~co~:;rA~:nG:~~;·~1 {!~~~ } fore on the forehead it is garnifhed With '?old a!~ S1lver. good Fornmc, miding 3J~d rrnxk1ngthc mit~dsand judg· They wen:: wont to ufc Bows ::md Lances mrhc held, but mt1us of Men, which bchcvc that God by hiS Providmcc new they ufc Dags as our Horfctncn do. . J20''crncth :md rcgardcth the flare of human things on in ~~i~h~~r~~~: 11~~~t~~~ \~e:r: \~r~:~~~ - f~~~~tou~~~ Ea~lf;cr that this Mahumtt heard of the ViCtories ~nd of all bondage and ferv1rude that the Chnlhamo fuffer un- ~nqucfis of_orher his Pr~ccdl'ors, and had undcrllandderthc:T_urksismcfi intolerable, and greatly to ~of all mghow Bajax.~us _lay c1gh_r yc:lrsabout Crmjfanrinoplt, true Chnflhns lamented. For what ca_n god_ly mmds lx- an? could not wm tt? he dtfprailing Baj11uw, and dif- ~~!~h0:F:~c~1~78~~i~ ~~~~e~~~ f~~e~h:r~~~~:;i~1;!,"~.~~ ~h~~~~f t;~.~~ f~-c~ 0~:~o t~fr~~u~t:n,f~~~t~~rn~~c tf~9; ~y whofc blood th~y fhou~d etem:J.lly be Caved, and ~o bt an? device how 50 fubdue :he fame. But tir£1 having a :;~;.~;.tt. m!lrud:edand nourllht:d wtth the blafphemous DoChme of pnvy hatred ~gatn!l the Ctty of Athtns, and having ltis upo<~ Mabumtt, and fo be profe~rd Enem1cs of Chrifi ~nd his ha:1ds Jatcl~ unbrucd with the blood of his _Brethren, ...t •...,,. Ch_urch, tomakeWaragamftHcaven, andto~nfh~ve.r- thismurthenng Mahumtt firll of all taketh hlSVoyagc ~c;;1~.;d tt!lf·~~~~w:~~~h~l~~:e!:;e ~p ·~r ~~~~ &~:~e~ca~~~ ~~rorGl:~~~~~.;da~~Cct;:~:e.beiA~:i~fim~~ r.~;::. of A lame•t~ bochcs, to become our m?rtal and cruel Enrmtcs, and to which Ctty he did fo furioufly rage for the hatred of good rh:J~ r ­ ~tc•~ft~:! cut ~r Throats with the1r O\~n hands? ~is fervitude of lct~ers, that he thought he ou15bt not to fulfer the Foun- ,;,tr ao.t Mm• Chll· mindisf.ugrcatertll:t~ldtathlt fclf: whtchif ourPrillCl'S dallon·theroof to !land, bccautc dl3t ~ity was a good~1 .of :;:" r:~er v..'OUid well conlidtt, lt would caufe them -the rathtt to nurfe and follerer of good Arts and Sciences; wherefor~ "'' agn:e, and bend thdr whole force and power againfi this he commanded the City to be faced and urtcrly fubverted ; cruel Enemy. and whmfOC':ver any Momuncts or Books could be found, he caufcd them to be call intodurty Sinks, and the Mahumetes Sutnd, tl'e ninth ofttr ~~~~i~ul~laf:d~i;~ ~~~.;<~;pi~: !~!d'~bo~~f~;i~t~ijt~~- <lrOttomannm. good htcnture; and if he undcrl\ocd any to lament tile CJ(e! and mint: of that ncb\e Place, thofehe ~·b·oufiy ~~i~~~ A M~t~? ~~~(n~~~~~rhicl t~:ffiM~1~rit~~~m;~~ puT~: :t~~ ~~~~~~~~h;ncient School of Athtns hein Th• 6ttt ~~~--·· via, . ~ng Twenty years of Age, _ihe fecond_ Son ca~led dellroy~ and ove~thrown, l:e retumcd his Army an£ ~dc!:;~?. Turcmes, the T hird named Calt pmN!. T hiS Turcmts Power utto Thracta, where m all hafte he, j;athenng up '""1 11• bc.ingan In&nt,and but eighteen Months old,was Strangled. his Power together both b_y &a and L:md_, "With a mighty a~ thecomtnll idment of the Turk ~y his fervan_t Mofes, multitude compalTed theCity a:f C_cn.ftanrmophaOOut, and ~~~~lf~:ds~~~~::;~;1:h~1~~C:~~~f ~~~~h~~;~~:ti,~d ~~a~: ~1~1.!111~1~i;;~r a~~~~ift1i:1h1d~~eoY~J1~~aid1~i;~;~~ defircd him not to pollute h~ lunds With the blood of hiS W3S taken, (acked, as!d the Et:npcror Conftanrinm !lain. Brother, he anfwered, thJt it was the mann~r of all the As ~ouching the cruelty and fierceneCs of the Turlu in Tb.tTrr>~t- OttomanTurlr.s, thatalltheotherBrethrenbcingddhoy~ gettmgofthis City, and whatllaughter there was of :!..~~=ob•-rd, nonelhouldbeleftalivebutonetogoventheEmpire. M~n, and Women, and Children, what; calamiryand ~u•thon,.1 Wherefore Mofos '~as comnun~ed by the Tynrnt, thae mi(ery w~s there to be (~en, fotfomuch as fufficiCflt re- ~:·· ~~%eF~ ~~~~nt~e15 ~~~~r ~fk:~e~~~~:~:~er~,h~~ :r~;~, '~~t~l f~i ~u~~;: :~~~:':~ ~~t~- fu~~~ YiJ.f·I•~- cn~ out, and almoll mJ~ _for forrow, curf~ t~e Tyrant T hiS only is not tO be omttte? t~ching three pnncip:li Thr•endu to h1s f.lce. But he to mtt1gate the rage ot hiS Mother, Caufcs of the ovrnhrow of th1s C1ty; whereof the full fpte~• U1 at her requefi, being dr:firous to ?c revenged ~pon the w~ the filthy. avarice of thofe CitizetiS~ which hiding ~~,: ~ Executer of htt Sons death, dehvercd the fatd Mofa theirTrcafurcsmthcGround, wou!dnotlmployrhefunccuJ••",... bound into h~ hands, who rhn:- in the ~cttcc of the to the nccdfary defence of their City. For fo l_tind it int1•· Tyrant thrufi !urn to the Heart w1th a Kmfe, and open- StoryexprelTed, that when the T uri, after the rnkmg.of the inghisfidetookouthi:s Liver, and threw it to the Dogs to City, had found not fomuch Trcafureas he: look~d for, be devoured. fufpeding withhimfdf(asthe truth was) tbeTreafurcs The third Son callc:d Caltpinfls, which was but fix and riches to be ~iddm under the Ground, '?mmanded H&~ib·ff~ a ~~;~~~ori~~~f.o~j~;jf:,ur~~~~/ 1~i;·~~~~~m;b~:d~~ ~~u~r:~~0f=~!f~wlfc'rca~t~h~e~:f~~~~Tr~fut~ E. 1•.•·••• r r•ytor to gratifie ami pltafe ~he 1 yrant, betrayed the Infant, and mcred1blc. What (quoth he) how could it be that thts &..-Jt,•· ~;~~:·· brought him unto bun, and ther~upon he at the ~ yrants p~ace could ever lack ~uni t ion and f?rtification, _which ;::m...,_ pm!cld• of commandment was llrangled. Some affi rm, that m (lead did flow and abound With fuch great Rtchrs as here IS, :nd !':bt:~.~t of Calepinm a~1other Child was offered unto t_he T yrant, plenty of all things? The feco~dca~fe was theab!(nceof 6od1pro•l· and thatCa/~plnttl W:lS conv~yed to Confla_nrmoplt, ~nd ~ he Navy of the Ventt1am, which, 1f the)·hadbe~ueady ~~~l.J: :~r£:~~~:~~~~~~~~rJ.~:~~~7£::~~~~~; ~~;.H~i,:'r,~:!,~~7:.:~£~j!r:::~:~~~ ,,. 1.,. li;ftto '".. peror, _and there was honorably entcrtamed, and kep~m CIJitjfantinopl~ fift«nycars before, dtdpcld tothe Btfho_p ~: ~~~ Auj1~1ch during his life. Whe~e note how the mercJful of Rome! as lS_ ~for~ to be f«n, or clfe bcomfe (as 1!1 _ oilll ~•D' Providence of God, whom he hll to Cave, can fetch out Come Wnters n IS evtdcnt) the Images were there tCCCI~ :~".:~c~!- of the D1vc!s mouth, And note mOTco\·er the forefaid vc:d and n"!aintained in thei r Churches, and by the Turks ,..,.,.,, Haltba./JRthebctraya of the Infant, howhecfcaftdnot thefametuncdefiroyed. blood . unrevCilgcd. For MRhumtt underllanding him robe a _']Mtmts Ramut, writing of the dc!lrudion of this f: ~; ~[; ti~;t ~ui~~~~:a:n~~:~~ r~~hf~ r~-~~~~ ~ ~f~~~ ~::~~~~~~g~;:~~~e~~;1TC:$e ~~I mh!~:£~ have his R.ichrs; for this T Vr.lnt '"ras given to mfaua~le '~h1ch Image rhc Tttrlt. took, and wr~th~g this fu~mP:" avarice. Thus this bloody Mahumet began regimem wnh uo~ upon the head of it, Hie tfl CbrijltRn(}Tu'!' DtNI, s. ~~l~h~~:.~lf~~er the ~xample of other curfcd ~h~isf!t~a~t~1~:~~~~~ ~evef;~t~=g~~\7: . Although this Mahurmt, t~otwithlland i ng that he T rumpet to be camed thorow a1l_his Army, ma~e evay m.,t('IFcame of otChri!liarl Mother, bemg the Daughter of De- Man to fpit at it moll contumehoufly. Wheretn rhou f.,.cubt {t~~~edc~ ~is't~id~!t~~ ~~~ P:e~~~~fh~h~fi~~ ~~flJ~:!e~~~~r)o~~~c:hew:3bl!~iA~~:·gi~;~:.~ ~~ E;~:o; ~~~1'~oa;n;::~~~rket~i;.~: ;:;~;~~t~~~~~ ~~ ~;~ . ~~t~;~m~~~e:~l b;ur 1 hT ~~cs~ng:!r::~qili:P~~ ~~~~':~