Fox - BR1600 .F6 1684 v1

Zelymus made Emperor. Poyfoneth hu Fa ther. :::~~~. t~~:~;:-~r~f,:\~~~11~ ::~o~~a;:~k:t~~~~a~~:t.r;~~~~ ! ~~kwV~~~:n~~~'1 h~!htPo:1r~t ~erf~a~isr~~friC~~ h~ { ~:~~ } ~~:;"}.!~~ phus Capums, mming m the pb111 of Galarsa, d1d WL!h-I Father, and was become(~ impious a Wretch. ;:;,!';:;" of ibnd, an~ fo by the way. Ocw C!'ragius the <_::-aptain, a~td . Zdymus underftanding of his Fathers departure came hanged hun upon a Pole 11\ t~e l~ght of Halib.aj[R:, wh1ch mro the Otchard whnc his Father was., faming to be: Th~f:~ ~;ttd ~~;~:~ ~~~t~as .flammWar,and Ius Army f~t- (~~~~;~;~~ ~~~c~0 '::~~.titfc~i~~a~~~~ ~:r~~r~o~~~ a~a. Thus ~hrough the admtrab\c example of ~s }urhcc rh~ Govc:rnm_ent of the Empire, but was comentc:d only ~1~~~:i~~d;C~~· r~:~~h~f:r~a~b;~;a:~rb.rC:~~b:~pb:~!~~ ;~~i~~:P~~~:w~~t~:~;·,~o:~:O:!;;~£{,a~t~~ ~;;~:r ~; !~~:~~. ~~~;;~~~:~~~~~: ~~~:~h~~u~i~;~~~~ili~f;~~~~~~dt~v:~~ ':z&/:~~t;r'Jo~7::~l;;~rotl;e ti:J:tJ.av;-teu::J:;;:;; !f,~~:t~·· ~'~~~~;. ~~~~h~~~:~~~~ ft C~ri;l=~is R~~~i~~~~~~~:~;~la;},~ ~:;rto:~~~~:~.pat~ltJ't~£1~~:~;;:!~~;1~~~~[d~{a~:r~ 1;r:.;.~~ mean ~une fotpe rdl was given ~o th_e Ckrifhanr. mg wor~sto h1s Father, ht: command«! a Banquet with tbcT~·~· dife~i4i~~~d11~~~[~~~ t~f~h~~~~~~a~1c~~~e~Jcfb:i ~a~~~ddi~j~~u~~~;~;)~~~rou,~~ichn~~:~~~~a}Zr;; z.r,.., , ken wtth age, hndn1_g iumfelf unwe1kly to rhe R~mlCJ~t had begm_1 ro tafie of, and felt the ftrength of the poifon Son,~1:/t of that tumultuous Kmgdom, lxgan to have talk With hiS workin_g m his body, he took his bfi Farewel of his Son ~~t~ F~o Nobles about the c~~ling of one td fuccced him. The and gomg out of_ the City accompani~ with a &tit rhi~ OO:afion whrrcof mnulirrd muc_h manu of inward Wm n~e of mrn_, ydhng and crying out i~ltht Strc:ts., in the amongfi the Tu~lu. This B_aJt'UttJ had in all fix Sons, nuddle ofhJS purney fdl down a•."Ki mifmbly died, in the w_hcreof three d1ed before h1m, a1Jd three yet wcrt l~ft rear ofour Lord, 1512. H~ malll t~ fee, good Rtader, ahve; to wit, .Amnatts,_ Corchutus and Ztlpmu. IJ.a;a· a _curftd br~ of this Turkij'IJGcntratlon,whne the F~ther -:Gttts. himftlfhad. moti: mmcl. to Acomatn, but the ch1cfdl: ?•cth _in curling the Son, and the Son reigucth by polfonof hiS Noblcs d1d fa.vour rather Zti,Jmus;. who thr~gh mg Ius fathtr. thtirtraiu~rousincitatton,provok«<.huntolhrWar:Jg<Jmfi ~3~'at~;; ~h:dsh'~.~~:~~~~~~~:~~~e·~;;sl~~:irr:r~~~; ~~ Zclymus tbt Eltvmth afur Ottomanus. i~:;)~,!~,~~t~~;:\~~~~~~~~;rs~;·~~i~~~~~~J A r~:~~l~~~~~~U('~;c~:~~~~t~::h:r,~:t,nc~~~~;;;;:,j~,i; ;·:!::rh •h· S\ibS;, :,. 'ro:~~~~;h~~o\,':::,,o;;;b;:J~"· Th< fio•y wh"rof ~~:~;~~,~~1;~:tE;:;;~~~~::~~·;~:·:h~~:~:;~i~ ~:::."• Wkr.t the(( After that the 'Jamz.arzw had per(waded With Ba;a- lxfore dtparttd. \VIuch dent, thm rtmamcd ht; other ~~:~:·:;;d ~u:~-~yr,:a~o~~:~~~:c~:s ~-~::~Jr:t~~df~!l:theh~~~~ ~~~~::;~~rft~::~reli;~ ~ ~cod~:;~;~d~ col~~ho;j:~e(~~~ ~!~d!~~h~~: r~i~u~::~~:.; ~:.~th~"~~~~r~~ !~~!.t~~~:~u~~1~:~l.;tati~lC:,,~·~~~~~~~{~;:t;~~~~ r:"z~~~z ~h~~i~l;_r;ara~~~~~h ~h~rb;~~Y~~~m~d~:~~~~Ya~J ~~~ :~d~~~in~~~~~~~~ ~~::~~~~~:hl·~sa~Co ~~~~~~ :[~7~~ under thmGarments, with ~ mighty c.ry, requtrtd Ztl;- ror. But cruel Ztl;mns commanded forthwith h1s faid mustobe appointrd forthttr Emperor. Unto whom Nrphewstobcftrangled. TheFatherhe:tringofthecruclnrcrurltJ ;:~~~:.8:6:;-r~:fu~J j~;:,cr~:z~~h\:!atat~lf~~ ~: ~~~~:fc~~ ri~~~h:e~ f~:t\~::~ ~~: unable thmunro :, .but nttds woukl have Ztlymus, ~· hich habs and wild honey; but being betrayed by one of his was ftout and warhke, to be made_Emperor: and Withal! men, h.e was brought to Ztlp~m, and 10 wasftra~tgled, ~~!n ~:J~;r:st~~rn:;~~~~~oc:~~~~u~7lli:~J~:kif rlhcr!tec%~~:o~:~~;~~m:~~;~~rr~~~f~e:h: (f~; !;,6~"'1· contenttogi\'ethemZtfpnus:, whomthe'jamurmsre- Ztlymus,aher tbedtath of lusBrotherCwchur'NI, came ~:=~~~ ~~~~~~~rro~~~~~:i_;a~~:o~~f~~a~i:~;~~t:~fo~1;y~~d ~r!~~~ ~~~~1:de am~:f;~~r~~~~f~~~~d~:~~1~~1~~: ~~;~.~~~~ furious in. his domgs, but to be modtfi and ta_ke heed whmumo wm ca\!«1 efpr:c~ally I;IS Nephews., who thtn what he did, and nol to follow his fury, but tO giVe placr at the end of the Fcaft callmg IllS Nephews alide (as un- ~1~ ~~e;nf~~j!d ~~~~~~;r~1 ~:~~i'~~~1i~~~i-~~h~~~~ ~f; ~~r~~~r~fui~~ :!~~~~~ r~:~' :~J,Ts ~~~~~ ;~ are : and rhus fprakmg, he relignd Ins Impertal Thr_one tlranglrd and put to dealh. All this w!nle .A~omares hii and&at unto lum, an.d we1~t away :JII heavy, entriug mto other Brother, through the help and mfiru~wn of his .a certain Order of thttr R.ehgion. Whereupon followed Mother, was kept out of the Tyrants h:mds, ull at lrngtb, ~r:~.tx~~~h~t:h~~~ ~;k\~l~~~~~f:!~~~~ h~~~t~a~~ ~~h ~!~~J~~~~::~;.c~~d~~r~tr1~3j1e ~~~:~~ ~:~h~~~;~~~~~ ~r:h~~a~tr~~ :~~;~,r;: ~h:~~f6~~s ;;:h'}~i~o~~:sr~:'~y ~~:\1~~~~~~~f ~~~;:~~ ,~s1~~o~~:: 1~%~~Y~~~ ~r~~f ~~~~~~d";;~:O~~o~~.vancmg h1s own Jide, wi1h grrat ~~:g~ t~V~t!l ~~ish~;;,ou~(~~~t~s\~~~m::~tJri~~~ ~~= Ki~d~:.11:ai:::t~h~~ w:~:ui~lt:din~~ J:tl:d i~o~~ ::J~i~~t~~i~~~!;:~~ ~:~~jhi~fr~f~~g:d~tr~~l hb Broth•~· how he bch:tved h1mfdf in his Govm1men~, ~rfi entrrd pow~r and firtngth as _ht- had ; who, btmg ftt _upon m- ~~~!~~~~~~~ou~r:r~~dh~~~~:ea~.\~~~c~~~~~ ~~r;~~~:ltgb~~/h;'j;;r:;i~;:r;n~~s~;~t\'~db;~~ whete all the fpoils gotten by War wtre hkew1fe ~afi«i; an~ hiS horfe fallmg upon !urn, was fo overprefftd and thcnhet:ntred into lht Jewd-houfr, where ill h1sPiatr flam• .and Gifts fellt from Kings and Princes wae ktpt, which Tou~hing thedtath ~fthis Amnatu,Munftmu fomtIikewife were difpcrfed and gi\'cn away: At len~th_ he w_hat dtfft:ring from thiS .Narrad.on, addttb moreo~er,and ~:f.:sit~~ :: ~~~~:~, fi~~fr~sal=i ~~ hf:f;~,h:Jnc~fn~ t~~iu~~a!1:'d ifi,~;.: ~~~aft~~~::~~~~~~~:;~~~~~~~ ne dlt: VenCRnce upvn him, he prtpared lnmfclf, ~v1rh t~e rdidue rtmtd~ but_ death, defire~ the Captam, f>l~mg Ius Rmgs ~1~r:h:r ~~i~ m~~~a~i1;eeJJ~~cl~~~a;s ~~d~1~~g ~~, C::~ ~;;~:~::; ~~; f~~~S~~:::;~e~; ~~~g~~~::;: bcht :~~~t~ t~l;'1~x~;;!::rt~t~: ~~~~ *et~~J;~:'n~:;nl'~~~eci;~ ~:~i~~~;~ill~t~g~hl~~·ra~·; ~j i7~~~~·s~ili,'~~d hf~ f~iclti~ w~~~di~~;:;::~~~~~~~~ 1gnoraut