Rhodes and Buda befiegedand takgn by the Turks. !''*t": fpi~;Z~a;;~;ga~~~ ~~ya~:~~~~~.;;.~;%nr~~ ~gt~~~~~oa~~~!~i~~~~t;~~h~ ~~hf~~~ t: {~~~~ } ~~oftbt g;~f;;'fi';o;rt~~~~~tt1~~~n~Zp;~e, ;.~~~~e ~f t: ~~l(~~~~~~~~~nc~~~~s.the{:;~;~z;\nf~~e;~~ bc!e«. fc=nce at .that time of all ChrijhnJDm ; wh~eh alf~ a«aulted time: caflmg _up two grct Mountains widt tlrength of ~ded ~~c'J~~:,~~=~:J!~: ~~~v':f~rd~ly ~~~ ~~fed ~J::•~f~r~~r~:t~~~~~o ~~~.: ~:~:gi1~h;~; hc;re 110W lacketl fuch an one as !fu_madts was. For the whrrc:of ~hey planted their Ordnance and Artillery, ro batKmgdom of /lung~ry at that t1m~ was nnder the go- ter the City. T~~ Mafia of the Knights of the Rhdu ;~~;;~t ~itudWi~;;n ~J~~:~~~~~~ ~:d~~all~dt~! :sd~~~;,~;~e!~'{~~{[~_:'/~;~:;;~ia~:;t:~cl:Cnj~f~~!~ci covet~ Chu~chmen d1d fo p1ll and poll , that t~ey the Cuy. The RhadMns hkewife fo valiantly behaved left lurR.nothmg but only t~e ~re Name.and Ttde themfdvG upon the Walls, that with their fhotall the of his Kmgdom, whereby, hC bemg unf~rndhed both Ditch5 about the City were filled with the Carkaffes of of men and money, w~ unable to match with fuch an d~d Tnrks. BefidG this, fuch a diftafc of the BloodrFlu:.: Ene111y. retgned in the Turks Camp, that 30000 of them died =a. Anotherv<~ ntagc ~~~ thc~urkshadin bt~eging Be!· t~mof; andyctforallthisS(J/ym,mwouldllOtceafefrom Cln!Jf>- p~Je.: Fo;the Cbrsf!t~m PnncG at that time were tn h1sfiegebcgun: who, at length byUndermincrscafiing ~mU: avddi~tntlo.n and val!ana: amongfi themfe!ves; and the down the. VamurG and uttermofi p:lrts of the City, won ~ !flu~~: ~~dc;r"ili~~~~rh:e.:w~fi(~~.:r~~~ ==·~·~mor~ t:~=eth~~~~p~~a~ia,h~ea~w~~ they minded nothing elfc, ex<:qlt it wee to maintain the free place almofi Handing in all the. City. And thus con· \\'Calth of th~ir own BeltiG : Whkh Pop: if he: ha~ ftt tinut:d the. fiege for the fp3ee of five or fix months, and his carc(ashiSdutywas) fo much in flirring up Princes ret all tlus while came: no help unro them from the: ~~:~c~~~d:;:r!::~ ~~~kcr=\:~1:cfo~~ ~h;~~:r;~ ;r;,~oz~':~ ~~::edu~~~~!~~~rr~~~~o~~ ~~;b!:~d~~~t ~og~~ :h~t ~~7k~hb~~~~fo~~:tn;~g~ ~:Jlg~l:~~~i~~~~~l~~~~~~~rek:~~~~h~il~ recovertd again which was loft before; and morrovc:r he: faithfully and truly. might hav~ flopped the gmt dangers and perils which Thus s.o~m1m with his great gl?ry, and uttn lbame c~Jpu~ now. are h~c: to fall upon ~he R.tligion and Church of to all Chnf'han Princes, and alfo nunc of all Chrijfmdom, ~g\~:ntlil ~~ ; whtch the Lon! oflliS great mercy avert and twn ~f! :~~~~:r~~!~to~f~1f~:~~~~~~f;~;~\hai:~~~11~1:(~ ;~~~~- ~~·r~ Cert:G~hatfocver the ~ope then did, this had been his· fault twtnty thou(:md Turlr.s about the ~Valls were flain ~~£l~t ~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~1fu r:!~;~~gs.;i\:b1;0a~rfo~~a~~i~~ :~~~~i ~~~~~;l~~~~· ~~e 0~d~~~~;~gh~vo~:~l~ ~~·;:~ n~IM or whtch were fain from thar Fatth :and R.eltgton, unto t~e have: ~one,t f fucc.our had come to them.~rom other ChrifiiCinlJltllinl· mifery and flavery of the Turk, and thraldom of the Devtl, an Prmces as they looked for. This Cuy was won upon :h~~ ;a~ f{h~: j~~om;h~5F~f~~i~~ h~htchd~~: Ch~;c;;~~et:fo~J:a~.; obtained, s.oljmtm the fourth ~$.~~~~ ~h:i,'ti;l1!:r~.t~t~v:f~r~~i\~~~Y;:~ ~~f~~f:~g~~t~~~c:bl~! r~~fi~~~Ybu~ga~~~/~J:;:Ia;~ Jick Glory ofChrifl, and Souls of Chriihans, as tht~· tell· young King, who being 3:crompanied With a fmal!Army, rruc ·c-ie:t ::~t~7~~t~~V:tt;;~:;~~~~v~~~= ~=~~ ~~n~~:~ :t~ ~ma~~ v~~~:~c:~~· n~:k}e: ~~ C~J:c"· malice: :agamfi Lutlier, .Ius quarrel alfo being good; y~t him; who if he barfh.id but a little, had profpered the Cbrlll"'- fott. ~;rk~~~~~~~r; !~~~~tnJ~~o~a~~~t~a:~:~~ ~~~ i~oriZhjl:t\:~~~t~~ ~,k~ff. ':~f:~ ~r!~ Religion .caught , time required, that a good Prelate, for- wnh a (ufficinu Power of able ~kliers:- &t Pau!Nt the: =.:t: gttting lighter t~tters, fhou\d rather have laid his fhoul· Archbi(hop of C~l4J: a Francifoa,·Frstr1 a man more~~~~~~ der to the excludmg of fo grelt a danger, as then was bold than wife, With his temertty and rathnefS troubled l'lilita. imminent both to himfc:lf, and the univttfal Church of all their doings. For the whole: fum of the Army of the Chrifi: But now his .quarrel being unjufi, and the ~ufe Hungarians, contained in all but only £our and twenty of Luther being mofi JUf! and godly, what is to bt: fa1d or thoufand Horfcmen and Footmen, who at lengr.h coming thoughtoffuchaPrc:larc,whoforbearingthc:Turk,whom untotheblttel, and bdng compafl'ed aboutwt!hagrrat in a time (o dangerous he: oug.ht chiefly to have refUted, ~ultitude of the: Turk~ Army, weu: bro.ught uuo grea t perfecuted the Tntth wh.ich he fh..:>uld fi?Ccially have main- d1fir~~ The: Turks tWLCC: fhot off their p1~~ againH the CMJIU.. tained? But Chrifi ofhtsmercyflandlorhisChurch,and Cbriftsan Army; yet fcarce. was any Chrs/fsan touched~tbe ~!tufsz~~ ~~;K;: 1:: ~~e!~~ i~~~t~~~~~~~~h~ :l~~:;k~~~~~Pett:~~ :~;~hcb:;/f;~~~~~i~~ tJ~h~ ~~~:-- left. orderingofthe~m~ forthcnthc:fpecta!GunneJSofthc: :!;.~!'of S(Jl]man therefore taking this occafion, andufingthe Turks wtte Chriftsa,s, whom for the. fame caufe they TM r1tl!o -oftbl commodity of time, while: our Princes were: thus at vari· fp:1rtd. Then theTur/u Horfcmen1 commg upon the back A~ T•'.. :anee: betwixt themfelvtS, without any rdifiancc: or inter· of the ChriftJan Army, compaffed rhan abo~t,and by rea· a.Jq, ruprion brought his Army unto BtlgraJe, in the }'tar (on of the1r multitude overch:arg~ rhc:u Horl(mc:n, ofourLord, 1 521. Which ~itybcing butflenderlyde- Amongfl:w~ wasflainthc: (amc:tJmc:theArchbi~op ~=~~\Sr;!\V~r:00 Xh:~:=~~~Y~~d' ;: ;~er~~;~~~~~c:~~~fo,;h!~~~n~f:~itb:: little lo~ of his Souldiers, Coon fubdued <~nd over· ingdefiiruteofhisnecdfal]'aidandfuccour,~compc~ cam~. to fly into a M~ri!h, where he falling from hJS H~fe,bc~g !!"(~ After this ViCtory, S(Jl]man reflin~ himklf a whole heavy hden.wtth the HamdS, wasnotabletorife agam,...tlDWu• year and cafiing in his mind how to make all ~trc: be· but there m1fc:rably peri!hcd. hind him, for fear of EnerniG toccn_neupot~ hJS bac~, .solrman .the Turk n;arvelledat the foolilhndS of LuJo-- thoughtitcxpedicnt for his purpo(e 1f hemtghto~~lll 'tJtek the: Kmg~whowJthfo(rnallanAnnywouldprd"ume th~ Illand of RhoJu; for that only remained yet ChrJfhan to encounter w1th (uch a great Hofi of two hundred thou- =~~~c:t ~~~;h\~ :!A~;;b:f~;eo t~h;~~ca~dr/ol.Jow· ~an~fter~~~ ~:~~~~f7:u(:ZiX :~0~~;:f~~ro :r~:::; Men, to the befitging thereof. ThiS Rhodes was a mtghly m the Kingdom, bcmg Duke 0~ Aujlrs11 a~d Kmg. of =: ~ :~:,~~~h!fl~~~1d;b:~~n~~!f ~~(\~ :ndid~~::ru~; 1:!:;;· vaT:od~ ~~~m:~Ji,;:~~"~ .r~:l~~t~~ng~~~~~ rdiftthc:fur~, fparingnolaboutnorpainsforthedefencc: Hungarh fpedhisVoyagc to the Cny of BHJR, w~~