Fox - BR1600 .F6 1684 v1

Neapolis a11dVienna hejieged. {!f:~} :!~d~1;iot~~t ~~~~ ~~u~:dr~~ :i~~c!t: l~\~~0a~~g~: ~~:t: al~h!~~ t~~~ ::: t~~~:::fu~~~~ca~yn:~ which condition fome fay he kcpt,and_ f?mc fay he. dtd not. of Vl~ual, )'CC fttmg thrn w~. ~lO 0100 mmdy, rather ~~~:d ~1:ryB~~ab~\c::~ces~a1e n~f~~:lS ~;~ f7;r:~~ :a;;;~ ':;l~ ~~~t~~h. ~~~m;.~i~~,d~fo~~t r: ~~~~~~~~~~~~ my, wt~h whom he ~1:1d van:mce(as ye hcardbefort) ex· great caufcs tO be dtfcoungcd, yctcallmg th~tr courage..,,.. Y.l ... u pulfc:d h1m out of hts Kingd?m: Whereupon V~ivpJa, unto them, they confultcd together for the ~!r ~,~;ay to bt ll!ttbtothflyingto the Turk, ~efircdhiSatd. ~hcTt.r!t, gbd ro ta ker~: and k~mg ~lm rh_e litt_lc City Neapolil (above r.,~. take that occafion, wtth great prcPJ.ranon addrdfal_ him- rnrnu01~cd) bemg c•ght miles d1~nt from them, [o vali· ~~i~;0ofe1~r:l~~i~hl~un;;;i:n:~::e ~~:t;~t:11ro~~;;;l~~ r;~!~~ ~~~~1~oc; ~hrfa~~~:ga~~t :111 ~h 11 ee =nthf~~~uJ~i~ little bd'ore, removed hlS Anny into AuJ!rta, fpmling ~od TMrktjll Army; by the1r example and manful defiroying by the way all th1t to hlS hands, fhmmg being the moreanim1tcd and,rhought to ab1de Horrl~~~ ~:rt~:~P~:t!rn~7.1~o~~~r?~~~~e ~r~r~h~~ ~~K~~~~~d~~v~~~~~ S~l~r~,~~·~~ ~:~in;~~ it~~~t %~ ~~i:. ~~~::~~1J;~~::.~;~?:~i,~~~~ ~~~£if:;;;:?:~E~§;!~iff:~;§t~~~~ ~~;f and rhcir Ch1ldren cafi njto the fire. And th& examp\(S mlde firong. About rhe T owers and Munition of the of horrible and barbarous .tyranny this ~retchtd Turk~· Walls they provided R;~mpittSand Bulwarks dillanr eighty petrat«i by th~ waycorrun~ towa~Vmma a noble City foot one f~m anothtt, ro .keq> off the lho~; and every ~:1t!~ri~~:l~~i1r~~~fiv~ifc~~~e~e~:~t~;;ht~~~ ~~;l,h:~~1 hi~l~c~:;~~i~:~g;ha~~~dd~0: h: ~1;i~t; number of 30000. that fide ?~the City which heth to the Rtvtt of DanubiHJ Th< cfi:111J. Among other Holds by the way as the Tur!s e2me, they .forutird a~tcr the befi wife ; for thac w;~y only now rili~:: ~§:~~:id~~?:~~~~~lif;~~E2~1~:~;f~.~~ ~~~~ii;:~~i;~~~~~~f~~~:[~~:~~~~~ 5\;[~ T!to:C..CIIe Ordnance agamfi it. The\V;~rdm and Keepers of the ofHorfemenwcrephced, lymgwithmthegunflwtofthc ~{fiEd· ~~~~·:~l~~fi~~~;, ~f:"w~~l~ :~:~~i~~~i~~l~~f:; ?r~t~~ tr~et~o~:t:;:n:~~a:~;y~gfr~~o~~d:i~~a:fa~1!1; T•r~ "'!dTengers to the T uric, 10 )'teld thtm~el}·CS rady to do to be brou~t into the ~lty. hiS commandmmt, and further him wJth . thei~ v.ifrual. T .hefe things thus bemg difpo(ed ;~nd fet ill ordtt, lord Amongfi whom were three hundred Btbtrmans,Who wne IViUram. RogmJorJf, tO a~ay t!le Itrength of the Turks, to follow tm. Holt, that .the T :~r_k by them nude dtvers ~odes out wrth h~s Horfc:men, albeit much mtght lrarn ~hat firength W3S in the C1ty of Vun"a ; a.lfo againfi d1e mmds of .tOe AuJ!rt"!'J; who, knQwing the! ":h<:re the Kmg was, and what was to be done for thewm~ IlJl~l~tt. of th~ ~urks, th~ht lt betttt to fulra'them~ mng thereof. wlule el{htt w~th u~ they m•ght be ovawwi~, or foi thi~~ ~;; a~~h~~:a:::n::::er~;;~~~~o~~ :~: :~~~~~~J~;t~~~~;i;~;-:I:,;;;):: ~~~ fand men m Vienna able to bear Armor, and that other ally was toouimctlunprofperous; m whtchctrt:lin of the filfcd, Citi(S of Aujfria would foon yield if that were gottm, Horl"cmen, cfpyiti~ a (mall Troop of the Turlu (C3.ttering ;~nd that Vimna was victualled hut for two months, and abroad from theiT company, made our afler them, who that the Kin~ was of late iLl Bohtmt; rh~ the Turlt. of fi.Jddenly and gui lefully were inclofed and circumvented by allthingsbemgcertified, having no doubt m his mind of the Turks, before they coukl recovtt the Vid:ory~ made fpced toward Vit11J1'!; and fi rfl coming to Cit)'1and (o were. all taken Of whom three wtte fen( a.lh t.ardt- sct· ;:~~r;;r·tl~~~it~ ~~~de~~;~~~~~~Jf:~; ~~~v~hfu~di.~~ :~t ~~~~~h~~h~~t;:~e k~::l;l ~~ea~!~~~c~/~h~Ad~~:~ ~trl!~!; ~~~~l~~~~~~\'aaE~!drh~~~ch~~~~1Y·ther~~n~~: ~:~~~~~tt~~~~~~~~~:~eful:~J.·~~;~;fid~!tih~1r~f;;v~ ~;t:mo ;~~~hm~~~e,itthe~~~ i~~=~~~:ro~~~ ~:~et~~roor:~~& ~h:~A~:y:1~~n/~f~~~~;;~;:;(~~i~~e{h~~~t. t~{l ~~~ !!.*~~W ~J·J' ~ ~~:;;~ ~~~~~t~cc!~~~edu~tf'fo~~~~~~:· r:~i;~ :~ fuu~~~~f:~;~~:t)~~ur~. ~er~~(~~mr~ra:t~=·= ~~':'n7 thouf:l.lldSouldters. The7Mrlcthusbcmgplanted, plucktafundtt. ;r~=: ~~t ~h~~ ~;~i;1!.,:h:.a~~Z~1~;t;~·:Vi~~;!~ his1f:1~h~ .~.e,~i~~et~:rt:~~in~::f~~;~:a~~b:~~ ~:t~ eru~d~:~~t:kae~~~n~e=: fu:~::;d the pre· :~;:~ey:h~~~;~,;~l~~\t:e~f~~= ~~~[;•u•l. p3ra1ionofthefie~e, Scoucs w~e fent abroad, an~ Am- fubmitthemfclves, theylhouklhaveallgemkfld5t6 them' bufhmtntS were l:l.ld about the Rtver fide of Danubuts, to !hewed. lf rhcY would be fiubbonti and fiand to their providethatnoaidnorvidual fhouldbebroughttoVim· defence, h<:wouldalfofiandtohisliq;ebegun,fo·rhathe na. So it plca[ed theProvidenccoftheLord (whodi(. neitherwouldfparcman, womaR,orChi14. To this ,..,,...,.,_ poferh all things) that rhrtt dlys ~ore th~ coming of the C.;~prn.ins anfwcrtd again, ~lur thty were conrehttd. that :f!"1~';; fi<Jtdo£rloe Turk. Frtdtricus the Earl Palatrnt, whtch was then a(. So/1man fhould fla.Jld to h1s fiege !xgun., and do h1s ut· 'f.. ~ T••~ figned by the Empire to take the charge of Viuma., was mofi, what he 'Voukl, or what he could. As· ~the~ come dowtt b~: the River of Danubius with 14000 and they were at a poinr to defend themfdves ~ therr City ~rt;:.,~ with .a certl!n Troop of Horfemen well appointtd folon&:astheymig~r; rheeventandfuUofVtCtoryto be .,,..Cipldn and.PICked f~r the purpok•. After the coming of this Fr,. d?"btlul ,and many CL~ fo to happen, that they w~ich bt· b"•~· ~~i:~:h::~~;:~h;!~o;;;~~~h!!~:,~:,::::l~~: ~~!~:;~~;;:,~,~~~;,~,~~~;~~~~~;!:h~ tranfporting thcteof, hearing how the ways were bid, and what rheyare,and what they bc.'-"llled,named tobeGrrmmu; who