85o Vienna bejieged of tbe Turks. The 01ri!hans valiant Defence. who uft: always firfi to alfay theAdvrrfary, :vhat he is able anotha way, and fo bringing his Po':"·er toward the Gatt { l iNG} ~~o1;:1~js.not ra!hly ro comnUt themfelvcs mto their Et\(· :l~h~t!::~r~i~t()r~:~,~a~i~ ~heT~;~;:ca~t!! ~~~~ ~Jj;;;~ b;~~;;~d ~:~r~~ii.:~ca~i~~~h~;lt:!. ~-u~~;~dpl~c~ ~tic~~~~cv.~~c n~,d~n~Vt:~f~r~a~h;· ~~~~:1ftt~~ ;:.~ ~~~ ~:!i.~'ut :;;;:~~t;:c~~r'~:~~~~~ ~~~Y:h~~rf~~~;;i~~u~¥t ~e::;;;j~h~~ ili;d;;k r~~!a~f r~~G~~;~~d~~~~ Paffagcs that no Rcl•cf fhould have way unto rhen:a, be~n into the City. -:rhc hkc alfowas done at the Scotijl1 T ower, ~~ ~;~;r~~ 1~ ~id~;hrhc~c\~~:J ~~ ~~r~~~d ;~:!~ ~~:~~h~~~~~a~:sa~~~~~~d~~fr:~f/t;;;l i~a~~rh~~~d wmely by one .ot his Captams, that if they flood m need of them, n~w Soulditrs fhll comil~g in the place of them that help of SouldJc~ he would fen~ umo them t~e throc were flam and hurt > and (o th1s affault continuing more ~undr~d Bobemums(ment ioned a little ~for~) to ::ud them th~n fix hou~ together, o~r men lxgau at length to lan· m thtlr defence. To whom the ?alatme dmil:ed anfwcr gmfu and famt, not only m firengt h but al(o in courage again, That they had more ~uld1ers in the Ci.cy than they whereby the City had been il~ great danger of lofing had needed. As for the ~obermam which had }'Jelded t~em· not (he two aforefaid Captan_lS, Roge,dor.f!ius in th~ one fdves, he might do w1th them what he would, for Vunna place, and dM: Earl of Salmt m theOlher place, manfully lloodinnogreunttdofthern. encouragedtheSouldierstoahidethebrum,andtoborout :.?"r!.~n. Jn the ~~n ti~e a ~dfe1~gtr comi1~g fron:t FtrJinan· a _while the violence of t~e T urlu, pr?mifing that immerrom F,.J.;.. tins waspnv!lylet m by mght mto the'?1ty,wh1~h brought dJatdy they lhoul~have a1d from FerJmandus.. ADOtbcr ~=~";.10 word that ~1eyfhou~ play themenm ketpmgoutthe In.the mcantl~ the ~ur/u.ca~ fo th1ck for thc rtpQif~ or E_nemy a while ; for 1t would not be long, but both Ftr· greedmdSof the VJ<.<"to_ry,fcalmg,climbmg,and fighting up- rbc 7•-Y· Jmandrts and Carol11s his Brother, with the ftr~n~th of all on theWalls,that had it not bm1 for th:!tprdS and throng Gmnany, \Vould lx: re:~dy to refcue th~m. At which MeC- of the great multitude of the Turks, coming fo thick that fage the hearts of the Souldiers lxg.m fomewhat to be one of them could not fight for another, Vimn~t that fame ~~c::, betn~ r~~~~~ ~t~h~~~:ermili~i~~~M\ :,~t ~::~~=1;v~~~~1~;~fihl~~he ~:Y~;;~~~e~ ev~r almoft hear ?fbefore. Th.e largen~ of whofe Army Soukhers were called for, ou~ men lxgan to b::encouragcd, extended nolefSmcompafs(astsabove·faJd)thanof feven andtheTurksheanstobedJ(comfited. . miles round about the City Walls.. . . When Solyman faw hisAnny th~ focond timerepulfcd TM ftt~• of Long ~t were to recite the whole Order of thiS tar:1ble h<": began to attempt a new w~y, pu rpo~ng by undermin_: ~:;:h.bt- ~~~~~c~~i~~1 ~~~ge;fu~t?!Af~~f~~~h:~c~i ~~~e.~ithB(~~; ~:g u 1 fect ~~:rt~~f;o;h:~1;;1;:i~ 1~~:~r ~~: heo~=l~~i f;:j~;d ~ob~j~~~~t~~~d ~~:~rr~J:~h~r!:~f!~t~~~ i~et~~~i~~ ~~;~}:,:s i~~~l~~;f~ ~~!k~h~~ :~:cthk~~;dt~~ ~:;e !;~~ t~~ bttandtiercenei.SoftheT_urks, theabfenceof KmgFer~t- rh,~, andcomingneartothe foundat ions of the Tower, nandY~, the lack of pi"OvJi io~l and vidual within rhe C ity, whtch they by firength of hand attempted to break, could thcnOifeofthcGuns,thcviolcnceofthe(hot,the terrour notworkfoc~?felyunder theground, buttheywerepcr· of the fight, andyetnofuccourfentuntothem; that the ceivedbycert.unmen above, which were skilful and ex. cufiody of that City wasnomansJoing,but the An~ only ~t. in that kind of matter_; who .contrariwife under- ~!:.;.~ of the Lord God of Ho!ls, according to _the true faymg of mmmg _a£;l!infi them, and fi lhng th~1r T~hes as they ~it~ ~~~~~~~m~~='~h~!~ r:;~,ko ~Ta~e;;?~~:%;f:0j fu~~~:~~ ~r:;~~~r;/o~~;~f~~~~C::f~~~~~ YHn,..... Johutltl thtl!ou[t, ~bt!JtfllJtr ftrtvttbm vamwb!'h outbythetrrnchesoftheEnemies : whichdone,fuddmly ~h:~i:r~~ab;'~.:u:;~;~· ExpaleiKewhtreofinkttping ~n~:~ c':~~t~(u;i:: :.1~: tC::k~d:~nJ:~t:. Fi~t, Soipnan lx:ndmg his fuot and Ordnanc~ a~inft the Turks, workin~ 111 their Trenches, were: (mothered the City, lxat down to the g~und the Vamures wtth all and defuoyed, whtch came to the number (as it was (upthe uttermofi Suburbs of the C1ty, and tlllt in (uch a lbon poftd afterward) of eight thou(31KI pr.r(ons ; mfomuch that moment ofcime, that the hearts of the Vimnians, a little yet rill this day a gmt numlxr of dead metlS fculs are before ref~ we~e now as much appalled again with found in the ground. . fear, mifdoubtmg wuh themfelves, lefi the _lurk with the What Solyman faw that thiS way 3lfo v."Ould not fave, ~~:~~e~~;rls~·~~ h~o~~dc~l'""~~t~~ad~\e:~~i~~~u~~~;dn~~~ ~ts~~b:~:~:~~:~~~f~~~~; tt;P~~~~/:~ t: ~~~ ~L~~ mures. And no doubt the fame time the Turlt. had put hav~ there more eafie entraJ~ce; f«rctly he conveyeth about p !Dl\ r,.... the. City in great haurd,had not night coming on, broken ten Garrifons of frdh Sou idlers, in fueh fort as the T ownf-. . .. off the liege for that day. mm fhould not perceive them : w~o came (o fudd~Jy TM llnogh.. In .the me~n tim_e the Citi7.nlS b.boured all ~tigh t in upon them,tha t they had filled th~i~ 0 Jtches,and were upon rerofth~ re~irmg and refrdhmg the Walls, to ITilke all thmgs fure the topof the Fortrdfesand MumtlOns,before that our men ;:~:;~} ?gamlt the nt"xt 1\ITault: The: n~xt day_ early in the morn- were aware of them, or could make themfdves ready t.o v"'.,~· mg theTurksapproochmg theCityagam with a new Af· relifi ti-Km. For 3lthough there was no lack of Souldl· fault, thinking to fca.le the Walls, werefo rcpulfcd and ~rswithin .th~ C ity, yetforfomuchasthewhole bruntof manfully refi!(ed by the Germans, th:~t 1111n~th any ditches the liege d1d he, ~~pecia!IX 3t the two Gates a(orefaid, fro~ abont the Walls could lx: f<'en for tht brxhes of th<' dead whena: the Souldiers wh1ch were thcr~ wardmg could not 7/,rJu, ~·here~ith rht}' _were repltnilbed > (o that rh~ r urks be well removed, for a (hift the Rcfcuers (which wirhin were fan.t ro fight fiand1~1g upon t~Je bodies of them which the City were ready for all fudd~n 3dvmtures) were fmt were f1a1n.. By rhe wh1ch Calamrty the force of the Ene- to the Walls ; by whofe coming, thofe few which ktpt my was not a little abated.. the Enemies off lxfore,being for~ hurt and woun_dcd, wtre ~~~~· Tu!~s ':;r,~f;tedt:t ~fnt~t~Y ~:~d~C:~~n~t~~~: ~~~~~ a~~~~e;;t ::U%uhrfuf11~nt~t(tt ~=kA:~: "JU:•,Jiif· the Captain !U'gtndorJ!im with two Lcg1011S ofHorfc:men coming upon than) they could not'well know the one ~}~ iffuingout of the c;.ity Gate called Salmilria,and (o palling from the orher.. In this bickering were counted of the clofdr under the lulls fide, did fo fct upo!l th~, that th~r T urlt.s eo lx: Itain more th3n 5000.. . flew a great number ?f them; the refi lxu_1g dnvn1 to take · • the River, whom w1th£1onesand lbothkewifethcy deflroy«<, aild foretiredbackintotheCityagain.. By this (as it . Viaory the Captain Rogmdorjfius began to be terri bl~ to ov~r, but w?~ld. Cc~ upon . ~im the 1 the Turk1. For in the fame Skirmifu (as after was known ) alfault, prov1dmg with all d1 tigence for the pu~fc; made were llain of them fo many, that of 5000 and 300 Horfe- up the b~ches of the Walls, and ~rcpartd a~ thm~ neccfmeu and footmen (caret: 140 cfcaptd alive, (ary fo~ rehllance.. The mxt morrung fol_lo~mg,which was Sol]mJn_ dirdailliug at this repulfe thought to ptove fomething dad>. and mill}', the Turks t1!!ltklll£ eo prcv:;: