The great Jla~tg!Jter of the Turks at the Siege of Vienna. 8 51 i~1;t} ~~~:~~~~t~~h;f~~~~ ~~~~ btgan again ~fily to ::in~:~~~ :r':ir~:1~i~1t1 ~~i!:~ w::1 :~ ~:~~· ~~}i~~~]~~~!lf:i~[~~~~~f~i~~~ ~£t7~~~:~~!~~;;~;,~ii:~~~~:; in d(ftnding the Ume. f'or the Tur~1, behdcs the mu!~ good, ~mg alfo m lack ofForrage, for that the ~untry ittlrl. titude of the great Ordnance, wherewith (as with a grut about him was wafttd, bcg.inneth tO confult wuh his tempdl of Gun~!hot) they n~~er ctafed, till _b:mCring the Ca_ptains and Counli::llors, ":'hat r~main~ ~ to be done, ~.Y3Us, :md beatmg ~h~: Mumuons of the City, r~~m alfo Ot whom the: ~~oil put ~dvlfcd h1m ~o rl1fe h1s liege, and (uch J~eaps and mulmudes of the 111rk~, to tht fcalmg and bt:time to prov,de for h ~ mfdf •. WhKh to do ~any caufcs dimhmg of the vyaus,. that unncth wsth all th!! Ordnance the~e wrr~ that moved h1m•. ftrfl, the lol$ of his men, b:k~~r ~! t~~ec~~~~~~h~ft~~e~0~i~~~~~e~1tfif~~dt~ ~~~h\~~i~h ~;rf~~~f~:,~~~!;l~;d:~r1~ic~,:Sfa!f~~~ ~:!i:~E~ ~: ~~~e=~i;~p~~v~hil~ ~;tk~~~rc~~:~fnt~:;:~~,~f ~~~: ~~~1 YW:~~~~.of lu~r_vt~~i~~irreTr~~~~··~~;, af~~~~ih~ led. andtodono g~ •. began ~o wra~gle among themfdvcs, he.~rd Frdmck Pal~tmtabove ment!OO(d, coming with The 7 .,,, grudging and repnung agamfl: their Dukes and Captai?S> a great Army at RatJS_bDnt towards Vmma, and there had a1 •••ll..ct imputing _the who_le caufe only. to them, _that t~~ C11y done grut moldhmon to a great number of the Turlu ~C:'!tno. wasy«untakm,keJ~g thaewasmthrmnritherdthgrnce Forra~ers, whom by the way he prevented, and Cornnor good will laclung > and foccafN the fitge for that doftd m the _W~s ~hat hr. fle~ t~em. - Whnrof whm SotJ.. ,.,.,~ :~~if·~~ ~~~';.;;;h~~.~;~~;~, ~~,r.:,;~.~:·c7:~~~; rt~~r~:~::?:~t:~:E::~i~: :::r ~~~E~;~¥ utrtrmofl that he was able tO do, and had e~g~ his Camage lxforc him, he f!13de fpeed himfelf with his ;~=~t~~rsth~~~~:S ~=v~e:ft~~~~b~n::1~~ Ar~r,ero;~!~%~t~~!~er~h~y heard of the removing ~;1~f~;~u:'b;~~~}:~~:h':r~~'~r~(~~~~~~~t~~;~~ fi~~ ~:~be~%!:·. ~it~~n~~dec~~~~fi~e~~~~~tt: nfe in the Turks Camp. The rum?r whncofwhtntt ?otho~thetrrrmovmg.,~ndalfooftheOrderthereof,how ~~; ~~ t~~~':idie~?t; ~~J~~~~~h~~gi~:~~ ~:t:~ ':h~~ ~~~;:k~\~t~n~t~~~ ~i~_:it~~ 0~~~~~~e,~~~r~~~tZ~~~r~ Wbuld be fiubbom,_ to ~ompd them, whether they w~ld prcfence of the Pt~lt~tmt with his Army, if he bad bm1 or not, toa~compldhhtsCommandment. Whocommg thereyefcnt,_might havefioodthemin ~rcatllead, yet to the Sould1ers, fhew«< to them the great Turh Mc!Tage; notwlthfiandn~g they took the o_pporrumcy of the time ~~~~u~~~i;~}e tl~~~dtii~~~~f~~t ~~~~~~o~~~a=,:~~~~~ Perr;ft~; t~~! ~~~~~~~~ ~~r~~~~t!'a~d fu~ ~~ffi; T&. r. .v TH: T••'- 11t1thtt could they now Without great fha~nc give over, the !ents (where the T•1tlu had pitched therr fiations or .e:'fa':dr · =Id~:,_ after. fo many Alfaults attempted> ~vho, tf th~woul_d plVLhQilS)for.ha_Hr?fth~way,theymade(uchpurfuitafterll!pt. could not fufiam but one brunt more, the Vtfrory weremthrrr them,thatwuhmhttleumethe}'OVtttookthererewardor ?.S:~;~ ~~:~ ~Ittals ~~~t~0a~dfili~1:n:!~~nfi:~ili~:~~il~ ~:~~~~0~1~ ~~~tA(r:~h:t~~t!:~te/ili~~~~~:~ ~swtdl· !!~E:~~e~u~~fr~~~ ~~~e~i}~f~h; ~i~;;~~l~: ~~~~ ~~~lJ'h~:~ ::~. w;~ !~~~ ~~~d ~hl:~ cornpence of the1r travel. for our men to do. For as the Turks in thor flight went eomputr1011 But \~·hen all this could not ftir up the fl.urdy ftoma~ks fcatterNoutcforder"and array, ~ldther would they in the P.;.:t;'Dnt oftheurrd Turk1, ufing compulfion where per(wafiOLl fore.rank(bring fo farolffrom}COparlly) rerum back lO wllrr~ tll~ woukl not ferve, he appointed a number of Horfrmm to help their Fdlows, it was caGe for our men, without re- ~d~ befctatthcirbacks; wherebytoi_nforcethrmeithertogo liflan~e, tocornc upon their b:lcksasthcyw~d. Yi!t ~~~~~d~h~~: th.fi1ebe rt'~e~e~~~~t~fr~~~dh~lfuch. t~ ::~w0~~~d~~~g~~fttfer~~~~.w~ourw::.o~ ~:iilt,'t~:tt \:~~~~e:h~;~;·ef:c%~:1~~~~ ~~~~~~~~ tn;(~ ~~cllm;~)a/o~~:~:~b~~~e~ot~ 1:/c0~ p~1i~r:~~t ;t~:~ would take the venture before th.em. Who wardmg ~or- lxhind them, to come betwixt them and home ; they call- pm-colt4. ~~~;J;j,kr;!r t~:,J:~e A~~~a~~e,~;~~~:;,~t~f; ;~i~~~~~~f~~' tfir~e~~f:~J~~t~::t:~=~ !~f;;~~~ Emptro~ of_Conflantmople unto tbe Chnfi1a11S if you wtU; bring them word where the Enemi~ lay_, and what was hut !wtll difobarge mJ duty f(!WardJ tbe Comm011·~talth the number of them. Whereof when mtel115ence was given and 'my E_mptror, and with that word advanced Ius En- them thatthe remnant of tht Turks Army was remaining fign, makmgtm_vardtheCiryWalls. Whomwhc~t other in_ thrTrntslxhind, word ~as fent to their Fellows in Tbt R•aJho followed, ami fiLII more and more prelfed after, fo it ea~ Vmm~ to i!Tue out, and t~ JO)'ll alfo with them again!\: ,., or the to paiS that whole routs of them were ?verthrown and flam the ~ail of the Turks, whtch had entrenched themfdvd ~'f:~~.;c of our mttl upon the Wa~l~, before:: _lt was known what withm the Camp. Other were ap~inted to follow the they mcam: Others ternhed ?Y thm example gave back dufC, left paadventure the T'ur.h feemg our mrn to recu1 :: ~~~~~~!~~{ h~;~, ~~~::;:~~ :~~~eil~~ t~~i~YT:~ ~~~ m~~c~tilii:~~ga~l~~~h~~d~~~ ~~1 :~n~ed': an~ fo came it to pafs, that the firengtb of the Enemirs in themean time, while part of the Vimnians Wtr!! ~adaily more and more dmcaling, they had k{5 hope every vering after the main Army, the refi mcouncred with day more and more than other o[ obtaining the Clcy. For them that were left in the Carv.p. Who Cering thonlxlides the innumerable Jlaughter of Turks upon thr Walls, fClvcs ovmnatched, lirfi dd"encN their Camp with a deep the Tq_wnUnen alfo watching the Forrages and Purveym Dit'h and Bulwark, to delay the time until fome help of the Turk1, as theyrangN about forVifrual for the mighteometothrmfromrheArmy. Srcondly,rheydiCamp., ever as occafion fcrvN them did compafs thtm red:ed Mdfengers to th!! Cbriftians, to intreat for peace. The Tot'-< about, and (o mcountn:d with them by that way, that of Thirdly, they conveyed their privy l.rttm unto Solyman fi&!n. a whole Legion ~caro:ly the tmth part returned again to for fpcedy aid and rcfcue•. _But all t~e ways and paifages their fellows alt\'e, by means_whrreof the courage of the bring flopped by the ~briftsans, the1r Lettrn were interEnemies beg3n greatly to fanu. Whereby fuch a mar- ccpted, and fo the m~ferable Tr1rks being deflitute of all vclousalteratioahapned,tluta~ourmenbegantoreceive h~ andfucoour,fwngno otherrem«<y,madeout of ~~~t~n~~~~ifuge,~~ht~~~~u;~' ~~ha~i~tm~;~~:h d~f~~;rr16'~t ~~ ~~{~fi~~d i1;rth:ir T:c~%~~~~~~