Fox - BR1600 .F6 1684 v1

852 Tbe Hif/ory ofrbeTurks. Gunza hefieged by the Turk. Tb~ nft of ;:~;n~~~fi~':t ~~d~~i~~~ ~~~v~~~~Ir. ~~~;P~~~ r~: T~~~-~~g ~r~~~:-;~onr~t ~::h !~~":r ~~wm~~; {~.~~} :.~nri.:~&e &apmg out very hardly by fccrct p:~ffagtS, fh1ft~ after_ the men, m the wmning whereof there was no glory, and if ....,. rdl of their F dlows, as well :ts the)' cou_ld. ~hc1r carnage he were rcpnlkd, gn·ar di!honour might follow : whcrtby a1_1d _odu::r furniturt left bch~nd them m the~r Tents was thcTu~k being perfwadrd did follow his counfd, which diftnbutcd amongfi t~e Soul~lm,ottly {iJCh thm~ rcfnvcd. was thJ?> that Nitolatts the Chrillian Captain being called as _might fcn·e for thc1r pubhck ufe and commochty of the unto h1m, unda l;lkdgtS and fafe condud-, !'hould rccrive City. .. . theTownas of ~IShandandgift, with condition that he ThtllnCfd· Thus through the _merolul~roteCbonand b:nefit of lhould do no vtolencetohis Souldiers left behind and f!¥:£t'· ~%~~~~~ ~ili~utf:he\~~:~e~:~e~~ fr~~t~i~!~ft~~di~11 :. :~~;j~'~frt~~-~~~ ~~; ~~chra~~~~s hfs hi~e';u~::;t~~ p... tH.. thac netther FerJmandus the Kmg, nor the Emperor hiS Ano~her _cau(e mt~lt be al(o,which mov((\ him (o fuddenly ~h~;~~~ ~~~af~~lrt~l~fse~£1cthe ~~r~\~i' ~1:r~~:~r tre~~J ~r~~i~15 ~~~~:in~r ;~~~ h~i~~rda~:t ;;:::/;r~~a~~o~ that City; in dr.fence whereof conlifl:ed the (afety and deli- Atght by the Mount:uns of the NoricittnJ, he retumro with verance (no doubt) of all tbcfe \~eft parts of Chriftm- much fp:>il_ of Chritlian mens goods umo (Qnjlantin~!t. Jom. For the which immortal praife and chanks be unto Ex MachJort Soit.lib. 2 . Je btJio Pannonico. God &tef. our immom.l God in Chrifi our Lord, according as he For (o i ~ was provided the fame time in Gtrman!> after ~~~~~~ ~~~r~~ b~ t~~ay~~~~~~ fo~11 adn~~~0(~~~le ~~~j ~~~:'rile ~t~ Jt:fito~n~c!~:~~ $~tt';Fa~tJt~~~ ~~ ttoofhio how and af1er what m~nner~ods blellmg goethw1th P_apijh wasdeferredandfetC'fftothenexcgrneralCoun- ~~- ~~~n: i~goh::teJ: ~o~ t~~li~~;.;,!~~n% :a~~:~~~ h~i~~a:;:~~:~J:gr~~h:1~u~~r~h~~~~~~~i~rc;F;::! ~!;;[:. :~t~ti:~~~:';t:~~fn~~~;ri~~c\:~~::::~~~~;;~ 1'7;ia~~~nd1~~rs~ ;~eab~tT~~:;· ofri;}t~~h~&;j rE::i :: ~~: ~~~~rsat~J ~~~~\~;r~e~~~~r Jh~;~fo~, V:;n;; ~~~~(l~f t~t;~!~: t~:~:~,~~~eh:~~~~~ ~~~~~!~/~!· ~f!f\ ~l~~!~~{Sa~~t~-~~:;7~~~\~l~~~ c~h:~~~~b;~r;~~ h7~~\:e7;~~}o~ff~~: ~:f~:cl~er~~~(pycr~~:b~r t~~;~ r2f~~:~ Army which he tirfl: brought,was 2 ~oooo, whereof w_rre tumty of ume !or his more ad~antage and our drtnm(llt, ArmJ· ~~k~i: t~f~lCaifi~~~~ -~';d~:~Y ~~~ a;~~·e g~~;~~ hi~u;~:,~ ~~~~t~~~ft~~:i:p~~.e::~~~~~ha~~~~~;~ about, many Capttves, Virgins and Matrons he qudled, prey Cent before htm, as is lbove prem1fed: which was m and cafi them out naked, the Children he ftuck upon theyearofourLord,_ r 532. flakes. . Notlongaft~, bemgtheyearofour_Salvation, I534· 1"hfT••A.. aft:r0~;'hadtt:at),~fi~~f~~f;1~~~~~~~~~~J, ~~:f~:J ;:~;;;b!•;:g1d:~~~~~Ji~t;}a~:~~~i:r~n{~n~~::~: ~:~~!~~· ~:lm:~; 7:\~~o':n~~;,o ~1rt\~rl~i~:ftiZde~~~~ d;(~~e'dfl: a~d !~:~v:'J ~~~~ ;K~~d~:~r~:;~~a~}~~ f;:~:~.~~~ before j wrere firfl he gOt the Town called Gunza, being the E~pe~or,the next_ year follo~ing,.Anno I 53 ~,reftored ::::;:4 ,,_ but llcnderly kept with a fm~ll <Jan:ifo~. By reafon where- the fatd Kmg again m to his Kmgdom,_ and delivered i~ ~i!~~ .. ~M of theTownfmen and Sould1ers, )'teldmg thernfelvcs unto the fame Voyage tW(ltty thoufand Capuvcs out of Servr 1111pnor, theTttr.L, werccon!l:rai!l(:d to agreeuponurueafonable tucle. conditions. E~ _'Jammt F.Ama. The f:tme time the Turk ~l(o f(llt another Captain i~1to ~E~:: ~;:l~~~§.ts;.;~s~:g~r~i ~~~~;o~iic[~f::t;;~~~~.~;~~~!jl;I~? ;:~~~ ;,::h}~~.~~:~1~ndh~~fcl! r~~~%: C: rhe~ ;r~ ~;j'~f';h~:dr:~iuy~~~fa~T.:nd~!kts ud;,: *:?~~ln but two hundred Souldiers) under the valiant Captain c.~bintS, tothegreatfotland_nproach ofrheTurk. olthoP.... 1&<1.. , Nicho/aur 'Jurefthitz,, defended themfelves fo manfully TwoyCJ.rsafter this, wh1ch wastht:rearof our lord, fin Kin~. !~£:: :11!1~0:::er~~~~ie t~~~~ccth~t~;;l~l;~~:: ~:o~ :e~~; ;:t7:::u~?: :li~1 ::: orA;: 1i~:c~tE~~;;·~~~~ c b ~1rkl, that theybeingnotwithlhndmg dilluffi:d withl~ck 270 Shtps, 11eat an~ little 1 (et upon Corqra,, another ffi.':d:w!ft~ and penury of_pun'e)':mce, attd fuddenly of the Turks m· Ifland bel~tgutg to the ~mttianJ, which he ~hegcd trn ~:::/ br w.ded, yet with pure courage an~ promptndS of heart days, wafl:mg and burnmg the Towns and as he the Tor~. fuftained the uttermofi force and viOlence of thirteett Af- went, befide the defiruCtion of much people thmm,whom ~~~~t~~;;J~!r~reat multimde, for the fpace of twenty five ~~;!{ :~ ~ea:int~:Stl~.~!dd ~;r£a~p~:;~ite~r1 ~ht1~ 1~~~e ~~ r,~~z;r Although the Narration of the Author may fetm to from Corqra, bordmng near to the Coafl:s of Epyr~11 and •ftd.Cy•~··• feme incredible, yet thus he wrireth, That what time the Grecia. Whe_re he fudden!y by nigh~ invadmg .the ~uf. ~~~~!~ ~:~e~r~na~et:: ~;:~~~~15 P:~lofh~~erT~~ w;b~ :lt~~ jdr~;~:~~al:tc:r~~irfl=~ ::~~ ;;:,~~;~n;, Town, wkreby they withm the. Town were opprc:!Ted Men 2nd Womm,bdidtS Chtklren, to the num~of nine both before and behind,infomuch that eight Enligns<Qf the hwtdred, whom he made his Bondtla\'es > burnmg moref"'iruu. Tur/uwere already_ within the Town, yco:tby thcreafon over theirHouCcs, and carrying away all t?e Goods and ~~ ~;%;~idd~~~f~~rT~:~ ~~~~r:o~~~~~~~~~tc: ~~~~ ~:~;:!:7,~;;e 61d City of Z•&:ntbm and Cy Opdml'f 9fOoidal«· together, (uch a n01fe and damor WCRt up re Hcav(ll, pray· From th(l~e thcfc'Hdlh~nds turned their courfe to .the tM CMfl;. ~~~~tdf~i~~~~; ?:!o~~~~·cJ~~h~jd~~~~n~7r ~~;:~~0~:a7~inAj;.~ n~~:~rh!~~:~~·n';~~~~n ': into the ~wn, for fudden fer voidtd the Town, and manfully m battd rdifl them, :md were hke to have p~- ~"";-:.:: =~\\~h;;: =~:~e~;~!~~ ~~~~J~~~~fi~~o:ef~~!~~~ ~:~~~~~~~~:~l,:dse3:/iefut ;,1~~~· ~:~~fut!~:e\(~~ ;t;~ ll Souldier almofl: was left on the Walls, wh1ch was noc iu, to refcue the ocher which were ove~~e bef~e, \\"~e T~ ,..,~ ~~~~c?~~ ~!~h~1t!d;i~~i~~;e~t7o~~;;:, t:a~ %~~~~ ~~~~~!' (~~0 ~~herc~e~~ ~f;:~h)\~~~~hm~:~ ~;~:!' ~h~ ~~:,~m~s ~"~~al1t:~~d~c~~";;;u~~~;~gof~h1; ~~ruShi;~ fu~~~~~ ~~dth~ 9~:1~:~~~~~\hd ~!: Turks in dteiic:ge thereof, and chat the Captam m no cafe Cuneus and Inhabttants whereof the 'TNrk aftet t~!d 1".,.,.,