8 54 Tbe Turk; (atjhood. Srrigonium befi eged andyielded. Chr1hi3nS fpeed ~tce r wit ~ the 'I'urlt, than they which ditions that ~ould be propofed un to them, after the fou 1 • {IO~G} f:~Z{,!! ·;;~~E~;,~:g:gf ~~:l· ~~~~~i:~~~;~:~~,~E ~gx~;~~~~~i;~fr~?~~~~~~~:~;~~~ ::.:. 1.,~. ~~f;ic~r,~~;~ ~~fn:~f~~n~~~~ B;d~l~~o~~~~~~~i~~ ~;~~ert~~:~tu~~~: :~: ~~~e~1 ~f ;~~ ~:~',~) a~du~~~ ~1:- Souldtcrs came altve eo Ins hands. To ":'hem, when firengthto dtm\l'l!!h, and mifdoubtingtherofelves notto'!a,"""fl! he fcemc'd at the firfi to _grant Pardon of ltfe, he corn· be able long to hold ~~t, agreed in like manner to yield mlnd<:d w .put on thCLr Armor again, and to difJ>?fe thet~ fel ves,u p ?n condmonto tfcape wi thLifeandGoods. ~::~~!v~f 111~~ o~~~:i ~~;~~~at\~h~:ha;~ h~~c ~~~; ~~~rl~~~ :~7:t~~~: d~~;~i~~~ :a;;n1i;h1 ei~h~:. wf~!~~~~f~~ compfi~c~ readily, nccording to his Comman.d_ment, perceiving by that cond ition, that they were of Wealth ~~:~v~drt:~ds~t~~:~l~e t~~~k; ~:rt~~~mfp!~~~ ~~h~~~~:h ~;ns~~~~~it h0ym:~!:~gfo:h,~:J:e~i~~~:, :~d n~:t~h: S!o' he commanded them to put off thei r Armor again. every one, Annu I 543 · Ibid. Whi_ch done, certain of the tal\efl and fi rongefl of them I~1 the w~ich his Hill:ory, this is alfo to be nC~ted that h~ piCked out, tl~c rdiduc, he commanded by his So~ I· dunng the ume while the Came of Soclofi:~ was befieged dters comingl>ehmd them with Swords, to be cut !n pte- the.villages and Pages_ r~nd about the fame, came of ces and Jhin. Of the other) whom he had eleCted and then own accord, fubmmmg and yielding themfelves un· chofcn, fome_hcfet lor_Muks and Buts tobelhorat; t~ theTt"Jr..~ bringingin(astheywerecommanded) all E· t,.; r~. fo~e he_appomted to hts tw? Sons. for them to fl.a lh kt nd of Vtctual and Fornge into the Turk.! Camp. MP• s..u,, With the1r Swords and try thctrl\rength, which of them Which dorrc, Solym:~n the Turk, commanded all the Head~ ~:'£ ~ft:!E?g~~;~~:~~~z;~~.:~Jii:;~~}=j£ ~~:[:!ri,~;;1~~~~~g~i~~~~;~ = to ~~~%.t~~~~~~~~~y\~~ ~;g;~e~~~~~~~r~~;~~~~~.~~t~~ ~~:~~~~~~~:~tw~~~o~~~i~~~g~~~:~rT:r\coi~~~d~~t~;; E.~i* ro obedr~nee all H11nga~y; proceedmg furthe r wuh ~·s. Ar· commanded t~em every one) in the f.tce of his whole . my, tu!l , brought tmdcr a !lmng Hold of the Clmlhan~, Army to be lhm, and ~o wasthis their reward. Whkh n~med Pdlum or Pijla, where a great number of Chn· reward , the more that rrdcc\arerh the Bloody Cruelty of Jhan SouldrCN partly were fiain, putly were led away to the Turk,_, the more Cournge it may minifter to our more cruel affliction. Men the morecon!lamly tOwithfiand him. E::c Mmillo T'htCa!\lt TheuhecametoanotherCar\lccai\OO Walpu, fituat e SttUa. ~o;:~~hc ~:~;~;~~a~ccf1e0~e~~~J ~;;;: ;.~,o~::~s~1:J~~·n o'~~~~~~ St r~~~~~~.r d~~~~~ r!~w~~~;~bo~c/a~d~he~f~~e~~6~~ ~!; ~f.~~~;:~~~~~~.\~;11fr~·;~;11~~~e~0~h~fi~~ap;~~ ~~ ~~!~~:~?·o:~~·;n~~~ea~~~:~ ~~~;!'~~:~d!fs~i ~~:~r Prmces. Whereupon at length the Fort was given up to nlk ry ncceffary for the S1ege thereof. Which City in the Turk.,? but more through the falfe treacher)', or cow· li ke manner begJn_alfo to be compa!fed and inclofed by ar~lyhe :lrtoftb.eSoul dicrs t hanof theCaprain. Where· ~he '!'"kt• bd'oreucou!d be fufJiciently prepared and in ts w be noted an Example _not unwonhy ofmemory. gar~dhed o~ our Men, but that the Archbilhop only of ,. ,.,,..,. For whcnrhecowndly SouldLcrs, euher tor fea r or Aar· SmgM privrly conveyed unto them two hundred Oxen. ~-c,;.":"']:d~tt'ry,wouldneedsfurrender themfclvcsandthc~\ace~n- Such was t h~n the negligence of FrrdinantiJK King of mrato !\vht·tothe Turk,., contrary to th~ m~nd _of the Captun,~hrch Hu11gary, w~rch fo flenderly looked unro the necdfuy ~;F~·~ ~~~~0f~;~~;.~~~~ha~~:eT;,;~:113~;~~~~d;eJh~h;i~11~~~fa~~ ~~;eo~;;?~~C1~~7~5 h:;r~a;i~~~gs ~n°d~~~:.~~,;Tch NttU,eaa =~!~,_ f~:\e~~~~sh~~~~~~,~;~dJ~~ ~~ 1E~~~~;,r~f~~~;~~-~~:e~J l:tt~~~~~~~~~~(!~~~~~~ r~~ t~~;r~~~'~fr0h~Ffu'! :~ =~r o~ thtngs ro the rewJrdLng of VHtue and pumlbmg of re~emb rance .to help in nme there where true need re· face. V1cc. r·or where_ they though~ to fave themfelves by the quned Whrc~ _flCllder ea re, and cold zeal of the Chridanger of the fauhfu l Captatn, the Event tur ned dca_n ftian Ruler~, no~ m tendring the publick Ca.ufe, wbile contury; fo that the Turk was to the Captain lx:lUntl· th~ con tended m private T rifl.cs, hat h caufed the 1ur/t ful and very liberal, and the Souldiers, notwirhfland - tocome fofarasheharh; andyetfarrher is like, unlefs iug that they had all yielded them~e~ ve.~, yet were ~ 11 the mercy of d_1e Lord do hel~ more tha r ~ our diligence. gf.f.~~~~~~~~ ~fg~f~~~ nowthroughthclofsofWa/p&,and bythehugenefs:of fufed , andmantu\lyllood fo longas they could to the g·~£~§~~~~~~~~r~~§; Town, upon promifeofhfe,untohrs han_ds. Whofe minmg. All_whlch here in theSregeof thisCity lackedcldn. promife how tirtn it flood, the fiery lea\ltlh lt uncertain. not. This S1cge cominued vehement a certain fpace) in This is affirmed, that three days after the yielding of this which the Strigo11i:~111 had born out four ~rong Alfaults1 !!l!!il;quNccl•fiwfiJ, never a Turk, durH e.~t er the Ci ty, and llew. many thou ~a nds of the Turk:! , 1111 ~t length the Am;o 1543· E::c 7o.111. M:~r: inoSitfia, &afm. T~trlv etther departrng away, or elfe fcc romg todepart i:~:~in • gar~,h~~~'to~i~;.or ~~;~~:~~e~r~r~e dfi~:"{~~fio~"~f :at~e~:b;l i~~~ Jf~~e~~J:PR~~~: !~ ,h:~~::(~~t ~~E{of ~il;e t{~r~o:~s~rJf~~~~~~;;1h~l~c~~t lo~ea~~~~!~d =i~hu;~;o;,~~ec~~f~rt~~jfi~~~n~i~=~~~~:11~i ~~~ hrll requiring rwcefor fourt een days) to fee what aid theCuy_hadbctillrce fromalldanger,fuddenly(bywhofc fhouldbefent unto them, (O delibc.rate upon the Con- counfelltisunknown)conveycdtb.Fmfcl~e&~outg~~: