· Strigonium yielded. Chrif/ians miferably handled. sss :llfiilfllttfg, whether for fear or talfhood, fe~;mly unknown to the mghe!dfa!lby thchairofthe Heado yet notwith(iandrdl of the Sou\diers, acoompanyed with two other, con- ing having her H1ir pluckt oiT, n!l her felf into the Rivcyed himfelf down from the Walls, and being br~uglu ver Da11ubi1H) for the tingular love ro her Husband, and into the Tcmsof the next Captai1~or B.2ffaot the 1url{l, fo fwam to thcShipwhcrehe was. And thus thismifc~ ~l!ii\illliir~ was bell to do, for fear of prtvy Confederacy Wllhm themfclvcs tlll better ttmemJghr fcrve them. B,lt howthemfclves. focvcr the matter was to be rhoughr of, the Captains ~~lii~~~~A~~~:~"1~ f:~<;,:;E~;~:.~r:·~:r:~:f,~~\~~~·\.~~:·:;,.::~~~~ ~:::·:+~~~~~~:t::·ffL'~~~~:~:in::~~;f~:~;,~~;~~;j::: permlttmg free hbtr!y to the C:!m!hans to depart w~th War, but of a fil thy corrupt life, and alfo a fowl c .puln .. c Bag and Baggage : who now betng ready to depart, firfi Swearer, and horrible Blafphemer of God and his S1ints. smu,r. i~i\2• ~~~;~?~~'~;~n~~:~;~~~.;~E~~;:~~~i:~~ ~~~~~~~,n~~£~:;;:~~p:: ~;{~~t.·t~~:~':~: their_ Swords were taken from them, lookmg then for A.~thor 0_1eweth not. Thus much he lhcweth, That the" nothmgbutprefentde:uh. fa1d Anmb.:d!honlyuponthe fame, returning into Italy, At lafr, when they were come a litt le fur~her, other was commanded by TqrnrfiiH aforefaid, to be apprehend~ were fent to them w difcharge them of thm Helmets, ed and beheaded. ~~l~~~~~t~l[~~~:: bcingfiript of their Com lnd Appml~ to be reduced l- T~ec~ felled for the fame purpofe, in rhe Marilh, that ga_in into the <;3file by Companies., fetung over them ecrw w1th1~ lefs than ~wdve dlys, they made it apt and hard tam T'"k.f wuh Cudgels :and Bats to lay upon their tothm feet, whlchthe Townfinen thought never could backs and fides, caufing them to bury thedt:ad Carkaf- be gone upon, but only in the hard Frofhofwimer. At fes, and to gather up the rubbifh_ brolten do_wn from the the firfi: begin_n ~ ng of the Siege) there flood a little wit~• ~f;ff~~~i~~ij~~~13~:i~¥,f:::~~l~ ?:~1~~~~~~~~~:t~:~~~I·~{~:~fl£~:.1t~~1 ~ii!t ~1~~~ ~2;~E~~::i!~~~t;~:,;t~~~l~~;~~:~?;:; i~ft:l~fhE~i:~~~:~~~fi~~€:~?~;;~~?~~~l~j ~~e~~t ~~:. worth1ly recue in the number :a~d Catalogue ofMar- ;~~n'\;~t~~ea~r!f~~~~~;~e~~~~~er~ehb~~~~~~ 1x~~~ CHIO :a: lhit