Fox - BR1600 .F6 1684 v1

856 . Alba tak!11. The Turkjfbcruelty. Wizigradum ta~e11. r~:~~~;sirr~~:o~~~:;i:~e~ ~~e~i~i~l:l~:~:n~!,o;~J ~~~t~~t~ i~l~~~~~~:. i:~~~~;:t~iu~~att~~p~~ceh~~o1 {~!~~} ~~;r, 0~~~~~~a~f~,:~~ ~::~~[~eA:C:fi~~~l~o;~d ~~~e~sl~! ~~~!~~~;·r!~~ar~r~~cocr~;~t~a~: !1~o~~~tthed!~~~~ , an Eunuch, which was of great. cfi_m~atton wtth the to. opprcfs thein, but to be revenged of Ftrdinandm their f;~~ !t~~~fc d~~~~~;:~~i~~~~~afr~n5 c~r;i~ 7sa~ai~~~nh~~~ ~~~~~~n;_nd ~~ ~~~~if~~rtt~e~a;ro~~l ~;~~e ~~~~~f~~d0~~~ n. ;;~1~[@:~f@~~~ ~~r:~~~~~ T...-v. ·~ of Chritl ro '?<= lhcd, If this be not true, I fhew mine fuddain_ly a general rlaughtcr to h<: made of them all ~':1;!~ :~~'Jff,'t Author ; if tt be, thenletthcPopefeeand markwcil AndthJswas theendofthcCitizeosof Alba. ' • how this Tide of ChriflianiffimiH can well agree with fuch ~n the mea~ time, during rhe. Siege of Alba, the HIUldoings. gartanr mectmg fomctimes with the Horfemcn of the But to let this matter lle~ p,_ although t~e 1~trk.! (as Tartari:mJ, which were fcnt out to !lop t~eir Victuals ye hear~; had "'?" the Fen w1th their ~ohcy. and l ndu- from rhe City, flew of them at one bickering, 1hrce !hou1\ry agamllthe Clly of "!lh;~, yet all thiS while the AI- fand '1:tr.k.J. In which fiory is alfo repor1ed and mention- H lf of ~:~::~~~~:~~!~;~~~!.~.~~;;~ ~~~~,0::Jii72:.;~ ~~;Y:~£~!;~"~::i::E.~;;~:'"~':;t~~~~~~~lti ~:,,a~d;~~~ ~~:;~: -~e~~:;~~.1 ~~-~ r~:~ ~~'~rJ~~~t hofr~~~ ~1~:P;hi~~tc!~~~:~~~~a~~tofu~c:c~~:~~~h~!~e~rh:lfo~~~ :b~J:.~ dcnly arofe a thick Fog or Mt~l Uf>?O !he C1ty, whereas eaten before, A11_n~ 1543. Ibid. round about bcfidts the Sun d1d fuin~ bright. Some f~id Next after this1 was expugned the Caf\le of Pa!J.a by Tht cattle ~u~:flCt~~ ::~~ ~:g~a~;j~~\;~~erf~t ;:Jedpdo~ntoW~ltf~ ~~~ r:;~~-fo~;~t~rt:;~ftle now of Pappa uke hee > Jefi ~~~~c Mens feet, and other matter laid upon it. _T_he like fidelity the Turk.! alfo kept with the Fort of Wi:r.Jcr"•• [q!i~·· ~~~~ri~0~2~~~~~I:?.~~:~J;!~Jf~~~~~~l!~ g:~~~~~~~;~~~~;r~~~~s~·~~~I1!~E ~~~~ infuch number, rha.t a\bett the Chnfh~n Sould1crs, fia~d- or lac~ of W~tcr, they have not to dread any Enemy.~~ r;rj;' ing Hrvng~y to the defence of the_ir LIVes, did what va- NotwLrhnandm~ fo it hapned, that the lower piece be- ari'Mtn..e liantMen m cafes of fllch exttemtty wereab\etodo; yet in~ won, they m the higher Tower abiding four days being over-matched bX the multitude of the 't'"k,.r, and wtthoutdrink, were compelled, with libeuy granted of ihe fuddennefs of their coming, ga_ve back) fee~ing tO life and Goods, to rield themfclves. But the Dev~ i!h reti re unto the inward l ttall s. Whtch when thetr other 1ur~t keeping no Fa1th nor Promife, n~w them uery Fellows did fee to r~fc_ue, then was there flying of all one: only Pt triH Awandm the CaP.tain of the Place, exhands, every man flnvmg to get into the City. There cepted: who privily was conveyed by the Captain ofthe was between 1he outward W:~lls or Vamures, and inward 1urk,t out of the llaughter, Anno I$44· Gate of the City, a firait or narrow PaO:age, cafi up in To thefe m~reover, may be added the winning of No- N-C•- the manner of a B1nk or Caufway, dttched on both vum CaflitUum m Dalmatia1 where he flew all that were n.u.,. ha fides; which PafTage or 1ngrefs hapnal the fame time to within, ltoth Souldiers and other, for that they did not !!:!,~d,, A m·ru.wr be barred and flopped. By reafon Whereof the poor yield th~mfclves in time. Thus the '(,,k._, whe1her they 7•V· o• ..,.~, .. of Souldius wtre fQTCed to call themfel ves into the Ditch, yielded to him or not) never fpared the People and Flock = ~~~r~~~~4~ ~~~~~~~~ "!"he Omens. bcmg ddhtute of thm ~nnc1pal Ca- fo_ other Clmfhan Pnn<:es; as Hmry Duke of Brunf- ,.,. Into ptams and Wamer's, were in great perpl~x1~y and doubt l'l'lck,_ againfi J obn Frtdn-ick., Duke of Saxony; alfo Prin- .4~. ;~W~gr~~~~~~~~5 fe~~~ ~~ed.~~n~~~;.t.~~T~11~~g\~l~i~ t~~ h~td1~t~ur~:i~~~~~o~~d~:~~~f ~~o~~~~d-~~~~3~ ~~ £=:~:;~. mmds of the Cnil.ens were dtfirad: m d1vers and doubt- ward us1 who1 fcemg the m1fery, and havmg puy of hts Chtiftila.. fui Scntcnccs, the Magifha tes minding to fiand to the poorChrifiians, fuddenlyaswith afnaflereinedthU:ra- 'fttrk! gcnt\enefs, fent om one of their Heads unto the ging Beafl, and brought him out of EllTopt into his own Turk,_, who in the name of 1hemall fhould funender tO Country again, by ocealion of the Prrfiant, who were him ~he City, and beco~ne ~nto him ~ributaries, upon then in great ~repa rati~n of War againfi the T~~r~t, and con.dition.they might enJOY hberty of Ltfe and _Goods ; -had Invaded h1sDomimon. By mfon whereof the71•rk..s whtch bemg to them granted, after. the Turk1fh Faith were keP_t there occupied, fighting wirh the_ Pnfi•n1. a Le t ~·r :~~: ti~~.ra;~~t{nh~~~t~f~~u~~:~~r~~~~~:e~f(~~:;~~i~~~ ~~ga~~n~~ffi~~t(w;;~~ij~~~:a;:i:~:~gl~~~~t~f~~ ~ood Cb•l · fenr away : who bemg but only 300 left of fou r Enfigns nes, with fl augl11er of many thoufands of h1s Turks) he 1~ ',':.:11;;~ of bali<~tll,and o_f l OGO Gn-mal/1, by rh~ way were laid ~as not only provoked by the inllig~don of certai~ evil c•otl•nrf" forby the7'artaoalllfor hopeofr hei rfpml; fothatth ey difpofcd flunp,arian1, butalfooccahom:dbythe d1fcord fcauering afunder one 011~ way, and ar.ether an01hcr to of Chrifiian Princes to rc1urn again into e'"~~~. in favc rhe1nfdvesas well as they could, fled every on_e what hope to (ubdue al l the parts thereof unto his Dominion. way he thought belt. Of whom,_ fomc wandrmg in Whereunto wl!en he h~d levied an Army incredible Woods and Mari01es flinted for Famme; fome were taken of fi1cb a multitude of 'lurk.J, u the like hath not lightand flain by the H11ngariJn1; ~few, with bare and lybcen_hCirdof, fce again the merciful providence and empty wi thered Bodies, more like Ghofls than Men, proteCbonofourGodtowardhisPeople. AsrheT'"~.uotbrrof efc<tped and came to Vimna, And this befel upon the was thus intending tO fet forward with his innumaable =P~od· So~~~:rs~nderfiand w:1at h31 nel to the yielding Citi· ~~:t~~~~caa~~~~t~~~ ?hhr~~~hiut~i1eh~~~;rA~~/"i~ ~~~"for