Fox - BR1600 .F6 1684 v1

Solyman murderet/, /,;.Soil Mu!tapha. Gods Prcv,dellce for hM People. 857 {~.~:,} gJ~:~s~;:~~~~~~i:st:~~:~r:;g!~i ~~~0~l~~;~~@~~~i.~}~~i~:~~~ii~~it.= Belidesthis Plague of the T urksaforefatd, wh1ch WJS val1ant Captain of Er/a, who makmgtoward the Turks ~Jfi~~~~3~ ~ii.f~~i!;;ii§~~ flan& the chief Co~ncdlor :about_the Turk, a~d of Rofa Ecclt{l.e, or ~mf mk_yrclnn,' wuh whom the Earl of s~·in the Tu~ks Concubm~and after his Wife, wasdtvers times by the ~vay dtd encoun~er, :md in the night fetting upon {~~~~~h~~n~! f~fp~;~n~~~~d~rp~~~;;~~t3~ ~u:~~.~~; ~~i~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~ a~~~;~~· ~~:a~u~k. -~~~t a~m;~~· 131~~ them aforefaid, that tn conclufton, hts Father nufed h1~ red GUidons, ~Lth a who le great ptece of rich Cloth }~,~ !:! ~~~~~~~P:~i~~~·h~h~~ed~~h~u:=h::~~~~ ~o~f~~~~~~~df;~~~i~1T~~~i~i~:~~i~c:~~eJ~;;;~~d ~~~~ upon him, put (after their ma.nncr) a fma\1 Cord or decked mofi richly. T he Saddle. wlmcofhad thePomr~el ~[~i~~~~ ~1~ij~~t~r~ the Treafures,Horfe,Armor,Omamen ts,and the Provmcc .'\\!hough the Earl would very fain have favcd the: of Mujfapba his Broth~r: GrangtJ' crying out f~r forrow Capt~in, not knowing wh_3t he wa~, y~t th ~ Jani~rim of his Brothersdeath : Fy of thee, fat th he to ills Father, bbonng to cury :1way thca Captam. fo fiifly defended thou impious and wretched Dog, Traytor, Murthercr, 1 thc'_'1felvcs, thol.t the Earl with his Company, was concannot calltheeFather , the Treafures, the Horfe and ftratned to kill both them and their Captain. from whom Armor ofMu(fapbatorhyfclf: and with that, taking out the fald Ea rl of Seri11 the fame cime got fift«:n rhouhis Dagger,thru!\ it thorow .his own body. And dt~S was fand 1'url:,jfh and Hr~t~gariaJJ Ducates; which mony was Solyman Mt1rthe rer :1nd Pantcide of his own Sons: which brought for the paymet:t of the Tmk,!jh Souldie rs in th~ T~~~<~ waw~:~~~~~~W~~h(\~~~~~,5~2t.O be noted t~C fin~ular ~~ 0be~~~~~r~~ ~~ ::!~~~~:d:le~c,tO ~ ];~;~h f~~ !( 011,Lorllprovidence and love of the Lord toward hiS a ffhQ~d hereafter. throught.heGrace ofChrifi:our Lord, cfpe· ~-.. :~ ... ~!~~:~iig~~~~~~&.~K€:;g~:1~~~~ ~g~~,5~:;:i~f:~t~~:g:~;I;,~f~:~f:~~l late, andtogivethanks to God for the happy taking a- to brotherly concord and agrttmenr; which the Lord way of this Mu/fapbtJ.. And no lefs .hope :1lfo and good of. put in their minds to do. Amen. Or othcr- [~ ~;:g~~~j{;,~;i:~~~~fi~~q~:~;'~~:{~J~t~ ~t~~~~~~~:~fJfg~~~;t;:t~;f~~~~t!~~ ~~~i.t. fome gracious good work toChntlcndom, to redu~e and a.nd amendment of Ltfc, ~or fo I underftand by pubreleafe us out of this fo long and mifeubl e Ttltkt!h ea.- lick fame, although unce rtamly rumored by the voice of ptivity, as may~.ho~d now, b~ taking away thefe fomc,thatthe'tur~ po~er of late, this ptefent year of young Imps of this 1mp1ous GeneratiOn,before they Chould our Lord, 1566. bath p1erctd the parts of AJmUa with~ ~~~:~~ ~~J.~?f;~~:~2;~Jsr~~~;~~i~2~ ~~~Iz~~~~~~~t?t::gJfJ~~~f~:~;;t~~ lbc Cb~l·agaln(\ the Turk, as m~y not a httle mcreafc our hope he will dt~playhis Banners w.1thm the W:11\s of Rume, anr. ~l~rk~;~~! ~~d :~~;~'~~~ga~~~ng:.y a;hi~~i~c~ ~~;~ G~~n~fa;~;d~dw!;~~~c~~~~~~: :~e~~;':7 i~~~~~~~~~ thefe:ThataftertheTurkitl•Tyranthad be(icged, with noplt, and as thePtrji.JnJdid with. B:Jb)'/on. :~tC~~e0!f3~i~~;F,·~~~;,~,fal~i:;:r~/~~~~hT~~~ Th'!"th~h~~~s ;t~::e ~~;~ ~:~ ~~~~~d~· ti~~~r;of~ ~~::J::i! }i'I~~~~~f:A:~~~a;::t~~~~i~~::!~a~~t~ :bb:f t~;:;: Ce::t~~te~n~':ei~li1bl~u~t ~~~t• ~=~t n~~e~~~~~o!,t,i~:l?, ;:7~E~! hisgreat Mercy and Goodncfs focomforted thefatd butbelofiwlthB\oodagaio,accordiogwtheverdiCtof ~~:~ otz~~: :~:/!1~/Tu~k:h:~ti~n:~\h~~:i~o~:l~~; ~~ ~~r:b~ ~~0~::' ~~:~~~ ~::1~e/b~;f;::: ~::·tur: drivenbackbythe handsofthe Gcne ral,calledKarrtftJ/m filling of the eighteenth Ch~pter of the Ap«af;•pr, ie~~d~h~0tail~o~~:n~u~~~:~~fira~!~ t~~t,?~~~:s d~~ ~h~~d~t ~! 1::~~~:~~;n :Ja~~:~:: !:7~n tr:"o}a~c;:;~ ICtire to their great fl1ame and confu!ion, .with a great Spirit!, and a c~gt of filthy a11d undt:m Birdr: ti.H J.~JU flaughte r of the Turki(h rabbi~; for the wh1ch, the ever- wbmrif jh:JI1 W /1/{! a mill-Hone in tbe Sea, thar is, wlmiJ Ia!\ingGod be praifed for ever. ftJa!l not rift again, And this to come before the Day of Tllemanner of theoverthrowwas this. Asthefore- Jt~dgment, the T ext ofthefaid Chapterdoth apcr!ly faid Geneul did fee his, with Captain Gmgt, d~lare; where the words do follow, {hewi~g, Tf,:Jt tbe and other Horfe-men of the SilifianJ and Hungarian!, K~nft.t of ti.H !-:zrt~, and t!J_t Mmb.PIIJ wbrch bad f'll do they feton theRereward of the Turks and killed about wtth tbe wborifh Cny, Jlandmgafnoff'for fear of tlxlxat, ~ T~r-'! eight t houfand of them, and took alfo Come of their Ar- and br~JOldixg tlx (mok,.t of t~Jt [aid City ftaming. an~ burn• ,,.. til\ery, and followed them fo fall, that the Turks were ing "''!IJ fin, fhall btw.all a1.1d nu bn de(lrlll11on and contlraincd to into a Mari{h Ground,ind to break the dt[olat1on1 &;c, Ccy, ~;~s ~s,cal\ed Guat Ba~!f~~