Fox - BR1600 .F6 1684 v1

8s8 Prophecies of the Turk and Pope expounded. which _lik~ a Milllone Cha\1 ~a~l and bum, and be made I Ann11 15:o. and fohath continuued by Gods perrniffion KING ~~rl~ao. ~~~:rc~~:~~~s. ~~~~~i~p.~~~s ;~7n~n~.~~f~e~;~eK~:~ ~~.~ ~~~1e ~h~~eS~~~~~n6Y u~~~ ~~~ ~·i~~~;;bi~r:s: {m~.,l and Merchants tlandmg afar off tor f~r,and bcho!Jmg ~er had his elde/l Son called Mll}lapb;:. By another Concubin~ ~ue~~~1~,~~a~~~f~cg~~~~~~ ?: E~~~hc~?ro~;~~~ c~~: ~~:da~f6; ~r~~~n~htcf;bSo~:: ~{:p:~b:~~ mgof the L~rds Judgmenr, as~aycatily be gat~crd by Gt~ngtrwen:: lbin (as yeht.':lrd before) by the means of ~~~~~~~;e ~~~ui':er:~~~~~·g_'~~t ~~~~ ~e~:~~a~~~dt~gy ~~~ :~e:r;~:~~~~~~~~~c~~~;~u~~u~~l~h~~::~o~;~e~~~d~ ~;r~~'%~ ~~,~~a~eb~h~~~ifi~t ~~~o~ :h~h;a;;'~~ ta:~~~~:~ wrmcn. - ~:fd!:. ~~~cr ~;e:~.~r~!at~so:~~h f~c~~~~s~t ~~~ ~~~~n~~t i ~h~ I The Authors of the Tur/vStories. ~i~K~nof ~~::~i:~:t:~:::f5:~~~!;~~~'}[,J:i?~~:.~:~~ ~:;::~::.~t,;::;~;if,. s,-1 ~;~~;:: ~;;::·;; b.u. Rho- ,.,J;.•• :,;~ ~~d'::tu~~~'b;'~h~h;,~:•Y;.;t,'7~e 'fig~ !~e~e~ ~~~;;~~7:;;;, I '/:d~:w/:::~"· ~~~;,:;[:~::~:h~:i;::::~;:~~~~~:?~:::~~~~~~ ~~?~?::t"""···· 1 ~:;i~~:::.E:J~~ fi!h out fuch Riches, Dig,l\t!cs, Trcafures and Plea- L~rdo~icJtJ viva. 1~11:111 a 0 -"tu f,Hir ~~~;) u~~r rde~~:,:io~,fo~~li~~a~rh~W~e:~d ~o ~~~~ffi:~ f~~~;~;:1 d~r~b~::;~xb. j ;:b~~~~Wlfftr_ut. ~~~~ S~~;i~s~1~~t~:~eofn;:,~a~',~d 0~e~~~~s ~~1t:n~: ~;::,:11~11tlxrH1• I BJ~/Jol. P!:r;:~~. and barbarous Saractnl, &c. Th1s ( I fay) peu.dven- ~;c~;;/~ ~~~ %~t~n~~~ ~~r~ :~;~t~~~;op~:;~n~~~ t[ A notice toulhing .'~e 1Niflrable Per[elution, b t~t only give my gucfs what may probably be conJedur- Sl<~flghter tmd Cap11VI IJ of tbe Cbriftia111 ed. But the end at length will make th1s and all other 1111der the THrf<!. things more plain and manifdl. For myf\ical Prophecies . !~~c~~~5a~:~e;~~ ~~c~~~~X:d~ood, as when the event of H I:~~~!~~~~o~e~~~~~~~~~ [r<;l;;gt;:~e~:~:r~;~:~~; !~~~~01 TM thlrd Anothcrcaufe, concurring with _the caufes aforefaid, by rhc 1'urfv again!l the People and Servants ~f Chrift Tutb. Wlf~. may Qc colledcd out of PauluJ.JovJUr, who writing of In the read u~g whereof, fuch as fit quierly at home, and 1•vl•. the fubve rfion of RhodtJ, whtch was as ye heard. Anno be far frum JCOpardr, may fee what mifery there is a1 522. upon Chrijlm~ day, faith, That it chance~ fud- broad~ the knowledge_ and reading whereof Oull not be ~~;111~ ,~:~ ~~~fn!afnt~t~°C~u:~b~:Shi~$~;v~:,d~~dd!~~ ~~~;~hf~~b~~~~~; ~a~~r\~:;~s ~;n~~~~oru~:hdac~~i:~ ty over h1s held the upper fron~1er or ~op of the Chappcl themfel ves, u~agn1e tha t Ch11fhanity is a quiet and refidoor, which was of Marble, •mmed1a~cly as ~he Pope ful fiat e of Ltfe, ~ull of p_le~ fure and foltce in this prewas ent ring, fell down, and Oew certam of hts Guard fent World , when md_eed 11 ~s n01hing lefs tefiified by w~ iting upon him. Whereby peradventure maybe meant, ~ he ~out~ of our Savmur lllmfdf, who rightly defmthat the ruine of Romt was not long after to follow the 111g h~s Rmgdom, teac~et_h us, Tha, hi1 Kingdom if nut lofsof R.bodu. o( 11>11 World. prcmomfhmg us alfo lxfore, Tlw in this TM fourth T he four th eaufe I borrow out of Joannu Awnti11u1, World wr muff IOD~ for afftilliQn) but in him # t jhtlU havt nu(<. who in his third Book al~c~ging the names, but_ not d1t~ pttu. Examples hereof in all parts of this Hiflory words nf Hildtgardif~ Bng~t, and otl~er Prophe ~1~l M,n, through al.l Ages , arc plenteous and evident to be fecn, ~~;,: ~i:~~11iii:]JJfi~f:f~E~~~~~:~:~s ~~;~~:;f~~~::liE:~~;~~~~~~f~~~~t!~ ~~~ ~:~!~1,:r~~~e~~~~~~if~,,~f~i~:~:,rdw'h~~ ~;:~~·f;r~~ofJ ~:r~~:~Jre;gat•~~t t;~;5~l~:~it~n;~Y;hew1h;~~~i ~~~~oer~ ~ir.~ l o~1gbefore, we have feen 11ow_in thef~our days accom- of Rome m 1he Priminve Age ofthe Church,orelfethefe p!tfhed; the Town of,Colm, wtll-we ntll-we, mu!l needs barblrous 1'urk.,r in thcfc our later time~ of the Chtueh be thehcadCityofthe Turk.,) &c. nowpre"fent . . . Thus from time to time the Church of Chrifi almoft And this I writ, not as one pronouncing again!l the hath had little or no rcfi in this Earth; what for thcHea~ City of J<om' what will happen, but as one fearing what then Emperors on the one fide; what for the proud may fall. Which if itcometo pafs(aslpray God ltdo Popeonthe other lide;. on the third fide) what fortbe not ) then !hall the Pope well underlland, whether his barbarous 1'mk.,: for thefe are and have been from the bewrong und~rfianding of the Scriptures, and his falfe flat- ginning, the th~ee princi p3l and capital Enemies of the · wing Glofcrs upon the fame, have brought him. Church of Clm!l,lignified in the Apotfllyp1, by tbt &aft> TbrfCf~ ~~B;~o Where~ore . my counfcl is ro the Pope, and a!l his tbefal(t Lat~b, and tbefalfi Pr~plxt, from whom mm_out ~:M~ of tt..oo!,tf Popi!h mamtamcrsand upholdns, to humble themfclves, tbru joul Sptrit.J lt~ Frog1, :ogatb.?r togttbtr t~l1thf Kmg1 ct:wm. h~bcwo,IC. ~~~i~ona~:~f;w~~~ t~~~~ B=~~~~~e~;h~:~1i~?:~}i~~!l n~~li !i~t~.,~~'/:oc~o/~~ ~~~'c r~l~;a~:/ :tal;: ~~e~;~~:: #r.;.!~j firive 10 l>e the highefi of a!l 01her Btfhops , 11 fo fall mies agamfi Clnifls People bath been (uch, that to JUdge oft!>< fa':l. out fhortly, that the ~ifhop of Rome fha\1 be foun? the ~hich of them did mon exceed in Cruelty of Perfecu- ;w.J;';t' lowefi of all other Bt!hops, or pendvenmre no B1iliop tton, it is hard to fay; but that it may be thought that at all. theblood}• andbca(l]yTynnny ofthe'I,rk.f, efpcc1ally \Vhcreuntoalfoanothercaufemaybe:~.dd ed,takenout abo\•e the rcll, inromparablyfurmowitethalltheaffiid:iof ] iro1rymtH Stlvan :Jro~a, who Prophdieth, that one fhall ons and cr~el l'laughtcrs that cva were feen in any _Age, F• '••I• come over the Alpfl hke un1o CyrM, and ddhoy ltflly. o~ read of m any Hory. lnfomuch,_ ~hat there is nenha 7••"· Wheroof fee more before. Htfiory fo perfeCt, nor Writer fo d•hgem, who writing T his Sa~rm111111111, if he be yet alive, raign- of themifenb!c Trranny of _thcTurlq, is able'? cxed r~;)f[ y lix r eats, who began the fame year m the which prefs or comprehend the hornb\e Ex~mp!es_of 1hetr unthe Emperor Omfts .the filth was Crowned, which was, fpeakablc cruelty and fiaughta-1 exerctfcd by th(f1!;k.\(b