Fox - BR1600 .F6 1684 v1

Ohfervations on the miferahle Perjecutio11s of the Chrijlia11s tmder the Turf,J. 85.9 {KING} Turkifh Tyrants upon poor Chriflian mens bodies,with- of all. Chrillians to be noted and commended. The ,.:.:~~:,. ~f~~~~~:~r~ ~~k~~~~!a:~l'aJ~~e:a~~ub:~~J;,',~~~v~:~: ~~~~~ ~~~o~~~~::~~;:rro;f ~~~~:~t~c~: :~d' ~~~· r:'~ ~~~f,'r.r g~f ~2~~;~~t!:~~:~~~i£~~£~~{~:~~~~~i ~~~i~~:~;~~:~~~~r~t~~~s~;~~rg:1~~~ ~ .... E;~~i"~ :~~ ~~;~~a:,'~~fe J~11 ;!~1w~~;~ r~:~~~~s, 3~n~vfo",:~~~ t;~ ~~~~dF~~~d;~ddilc~"~!Ydy~t~d~h~e~ ~~l~~· rb~i~f~c~ rln. this is fecondlyto be noted, That there is almofi no Spou[e.Ibid. v.1,,~,. f~~~ di~ict~o~h;i!~;~;l~;c~~~; t~nl~:1~1r;~~~~~~~e~i.1~~~ kep;7~c1 ~;;1~~e~tt;da~t;~:rJ1;~:1J!n~~~~~e~~s \~~;:~ j~~l~~;i~ !~d S~:~r:h~ha~h~v ~~~~~~~~~~O:O:t:gr~ft~r~fi~~i.vt~~ ~J:,ti ~;a~"~}' c'::e~~l~~;a~~r,Ja~;~t:;~/~~~·o11e~va~~ &::~:; e\fc fo livedJ th:u Death a\moH had lxcn to them more the Citizens thereof dwcllmg m Ptlopmnt[ur l who, fee~ r .. ~. tolerabl e. ingno Other remedy but ne<:dstoco111eintotheT~~rkj Like as in the time of the firft Pcrfccutions of the hands., fet the Bnn on fire whe~c they were gather.. Rom~tn Emperors, the Saying was, ThltnOman could ed together, Men, \Vomc_n andCh1ldren; f<?me Women ~:a;;~~. ~~s h~~:~~ya~ ~;;:·;h~tt a~:~~~.~~~~: i~~~ ~~~:t:~c~~~:.;:y ;:~d~}~1(~~i~~t~hT;r~~:sp~~!ft;~e Sea, a Town, City or Vilbge in all. Ajia, Grtcta, alfo m a . MJfctablc :t LS tO bchold,long r.o recite,mcredible to be• great part of Europ11 and A[r1ca, whofe Streets have /Jeve, allth~crudputsandhornble ~aughterswrought :£~ ~:~~:~::r ;;;;, ~7·t:~,::~J.?!~~n£~~:b: ~J;;ir:;r:;!,;~~w~1S~~~1:~:~~;;::~:ai2i~:~~! Women cut in pieces, of Chtldren fhcked upon Poles able Societies and C?'npam~s of th~ Grtda111 Martyr'd 2nd Stakes, whom thefe derefiable Tutk,r mofi fpitefully by r.he Turlv Sword m Aclma, Att~ta, ~btfJa!itJ, Matt~ (and that in the fight of their Parents) ufe ~o gore dom~t, Epyrur, and all Ptlopanlltfur l bdJde> the lfland to death: fome they drag at thcirHmfe tatls, and of Rbodu, and other Hlands and Cycl;des ;djacent flmilh to death; fome they tear in pieces, tying their in the Sea about, numbred to two and fifty; of the Arms and Leg~ to four Horfes; othcrfome ~hey m1ke which alfo Patbmbs was one., whm SJint Jobn being. Muks to fhoot at; upon fome they try thetr Swords banifhed, wrote hi s Rrotl:monl. Where did ever rhe how deep they can cut anJ fil!h, as before ye Juve T:~k,r fet .any Foot, but the Blood of Chdfiians there, read, The aged ~nd fee.blc they treJ.d under thei r wttbout ptty or meafure, went to wrack l and what Horfes: Women wnh Cluld they fpare ~ot, but rip Place or Provinc~ is there almofi through the World, tt~~fu:~:;;~~~~~ ~~~~¥~~~ SotheCitizcnsofCroja, after they had yielded and theSiegeof Moldavia, at the winningofBuda, of Pt · were allpromifedtheir Lives, were aUdcfir~yed, and jf.:, of A lb.z, of Walpq, Strigonium, Slitlofia, 1 atbt, that horribly. In Myjia, aftcrtheK~nghad. gtven him- · · · admn, felf to the Tur~ hand, having promlfc of hfc, Mabumtt f Vtma, the Turl:.. flew him with his own hands. The Princes of my al· R11jiahadboththeirEycsput out, withBafonsred hot . . I, were ~o~~:~!1:ed· to ;~~J:!rt ~~~~~~i:~:~~~; ;;c;:t,lC~v~f ~;:~]tr~: ~h~~t~;~~g~~~r~;;~a~fa~db~fc~~~' kfr{fui !J1ibf-L~ ~f~;.~~:~~~o't::~~~~.~~ ::E:~~t~!,:1,~~; ~~~r~~r~~~::~:S~~~:~~~t~~~i~,~:r·~:~~~ ~1:: and Children were put upon Charp fl:akcs and poles, and Siege of Vienna, where all 1he Chrillian Captives were fo thrufi rhorow ? At the winning ~f the City of BNda, brought .before th~ whole Army snd !lain, and divers :f=~f~~~ll,l11~ der the Horfc feet, of Matrons and Vugms ravHbed, of vided in fund er by th~ nuddle, and fo bemg flain, robe r•• .-~n,, W omen with child cut and rent in pie1:es, ?f the Pricfis thrown out into the F1clds. . ~t>.rt!!r, in the Churches flain, and of the Arch-Bt!hopofth3t • andptodf.< ?.:~;. ~f;~~~~~i~;~~~~~~t~ryE~~L~~~ ~!~f~?~;\~~!~~~f~~:~frf.~~:~i~l~~ [~~ where the Turk.,, after his promifegiven ~fore to the afterwards coming to theQ!artcrs of one of the dead contrary, mol\ cruellycaufed all the Youth of Italy to Bodiesl yinglntheFicld, fir!ttookuptheonehalf 1 and be pricked upon !harp fiakes; fome to bodaChcd againft then coming ag~in, tookuplikewiferhe ether half, and r.Mf•f'~ the hard fiones, otherfome to be cut in fundcr in the fo (as he could) )Q}'ncd them both together, Which be· :;:;::;:" midft, :md othermore with other kinds of Torments to ing cfpied of 1hem which faw the doj~1g of the blute 0M: 1 be put to death : infomuch,that all the firects and ways of and marvelling therot, and word bemg brought theteof ~h;~c~;[~. d:~ ~~,h~7d~r;~~c:fo~[ea;~e\~r~~:cr~c~:~~ ~~:U~~;m~~~he~e~~;·~~~:C~f~:,. ~;~ ~1::~~ r: eth one memorable Example of Maidenly chat\sty,wouhy Be~ I'HII 'omeaeain, who faded net (H •M /'!Uthor '"" ....loll!)