Fox - BR1600 .F6 1684 v1

Tbe miferahle Jlate of tbe Clnijlia11s Tributary to tbe Turk>. 861 '~~~~~~~~~~fA~~ ~~~~~~~i~~~i but lay upon the ground all nt~ht. if ~he ~ucnts cannot do, they arc_ compelled to fell T!lt miftt· The young Women had ll. httle more geAtlcncfs Chew- thm ~htldren into bondage. Other betng not able to pay. :::::ll~l~: come in fight of any Man, nctther be they permitted to up to the fcmce o~ Chrifl }l:fus the Son of God, now to !f:~f~~~::}~;:~~f~r~g:s~:;~~J~~~~ ;§~~~:~~~;[~~~~~;~(;~j~~:~;.;l~f~~r.~~;~:~~~:~ ~~~~~;.~~e;r ~~~:g~~~~~;~;e ~:~~~ ~~~:~;~le':r~~~ ~;~t:;~:~~i~0~~~rb~~~:~~~~a1t~d~~~~p~~%~l:s ~~~t: ;:~«:.~ their Ma!lersto put unto them. andfo tobecomeof the number of them which arccalThc ~·t Out of this mifery there is no way for them to, led fatherlefsand motherlefs? ~A;t ~;i~~·&l~~;:?~~:~:~~;~~~~~~~::~i . ~:~:81fr?~~~::~;~~~:~~~I~f:~~~~f!i~~ r.::~?~. find Food; and in the Night only he ftyeth, and had ra· membranceof their Chrifiian Failh !hey carry under their ther be devoured of Wolves and other wild &af\:s, than Arm·hole, wriuen in Greek and Ara?ick, who greatly ili~~2 ~~~:=~~;§:~alf:~fff~~y~1::i~~:~~J;~~r~~ ~fE2j~g~~~f~t;:::;~g~.~~~;;,:~i;;~~~~ fEii£ HeUtjpclltlU is narrowefi, about the S1fos ;md Ab,dos,they fame. Whereof J~ore lhlll be fatd (ChrJ!l: Willing) in a\::. QrltakethcSea, fittinguponTrees, where, ifthewindand theChapterfo!lowmg. tidedoferveluekily, t.hcy.maycut .ovcrinfour orfive hours. But the moll: part whcr peri!h in the Floods, or ([And thus have ye heard the lamentableafflidions of ~~~· ;tf~~r:~~~~~r!Jif;,~~ft~~~::~~ ~~;,t:I~~~1l~~~;f£~:~~;£~t?~i!~:~1 ~~~~: :~·~J::£~:r!;:~~~~~~~~~~~::s.::h~~:::: ~:~~i::~~i.:;~~~:,~~:~~d:?~~.~~t;:~~~:;~}: Pr... tnca live unde r tnbutc: Ftr!l, All the Nob1hty there they lnll cord of our ChnChan Gmdesand Leaders, then have we :~~~ ::;,e and make away,thc Chure~·men and Clergy hardly th~y to pray and cry t~our Lord God, either to give bett~r r ... u trl· fparc. · The Churches, wtth the &% and all the Furm· hearts to our Gutdcrs and Rulers, or elfe bet~er Guides krr. turethneof, eithertheyc~ft down, ordfetheyconvert and Rulers to his flock. to the ufc of their own blafphemous Religion, leaving And thcfe Troubles and AffliCtions of our Chri!lbn to theChrifiians cc~tain old and bl ind Chappels, which Brethren fuffc rcd by the 1mkt, I thought good and pr~ when they decay, 1t is permitted to o~r men to repair fitablc for our Countr~ People here of E11gland to lwow, the~ again fora great.fum of Mony gtfCn totheTttrk.; fo~fomuch as by the 1gnor.mceof thcfe, and fitch lik~ ~~~~~i~~~I~~ ~f~~~~~~ tb•l• fire an~ hold .thy peace. Or if thou fpeak one word againfl confidering themtferable £\:ate ?f. other, ~re the lcfsgme· ~~}{~~~~~~~ ~;f,~~t~~!~~*~ ~~~~~~ look devoutly rcvmnce and aJorc the M<[~rlm.,.t; or own ero&, do ,!10\ compare that wln~h we f,c\ w 1i1~