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862 A Table of certai11 Cities a11dCommies n·o,from tbe Cbriflia11S. ~~~~~~ ~~h~~5p~~~rt~~~t~a~1!r~~~~j!tl. of~~~~ i~0~~ ia~:r~:G~~~u:~h.' fn~v~l~rr~~~~c~~~1~a~c ~0c~~~ {~~~~~ ~~~ i::go~!Y ~~;~d';,n~;~tn::1~v~~r;t:~e 'f~~~~~~~ty~;: · ~~i~~n~d~;~ht~n~ ~-~i~~~~s:~~~''rr~mfu~~ b~o~~~ get our (elves i11 time of our profpc:ruy gtven us ?f 'l'urk.f: We w11l fi rfi begm wuh Afi1r, defcribing what God, noryct fo impati ently be trou~1cd, as we arc m Tra~s, Commi~s, Cities and Churches theTur4 hath time ofour Advcrlity, and all bccaufc Clthn we hear not, ! furp~1~ed, and vt?l~ntly pluckt away from the Society of f:v~;~c ~~~~;~':.~'~rl:~: ~~~c;~;;:~~~~:~,~~~~~~~ ~:t~;~~ r ~~;:~~:;~~ 0d:1fl1~0~15l~:~i~~~~ ~n\;1 rS~';i;~u~ ~~~~a~:!~· asbythisprcfent({oryhcrep•·cfixedmayappear, for that uwcretoolong to Difcourfe all and lingula: j ~uch_ Places by n:une, as the Turk,_ hath undt:r his Sub· N ~~r~~~~;~~~~:a.~.~;~,~a~f,'~c~5 ~r~:~~ ~~~~u~~; J C~~~·W?rld being divided commonly into three parts lP;~~~J;~~~!~~T,~~ ~~t~0 e~ct~~d~~~~~'ffp~~;d f~~ ~~~ :~:~c:1c:c7o~~~~fs~";;~~a~n~~a a~5 1~0~~hte~s1 ~~1 :~~ !~~~?~~ defcribing as in aTable, to tht Chrifiian Reader, wlm I other, a~d ts divtdcd into two Portions, the one called T:·~ Do. land!, Countries a_nd Kingdoms the 1urk.f have won Afi:z M:z1ar; the other called Afirz Minrn. And although ~~n,~de- ~ndgot from Chn!Handom:, eo the intent, that when the ~mp!reof thc~urk,.cxtcndcthuntothem both; yet Chriftian Princts th11l behold the grcatnefs of the TttrJ:.! ~fpcctally his Do~imon fl~ndeth in the other Afia, which Domi~1ions fpread alm~ll. tl~orow a~\ the World, and IS called A(ia Mma~, WhiCh reacheth from the Coafis of how httle a put of Chnlhantty remameth behi_nd, they E"rop.z unto Armtma M:~pr, ~)'Oild the River E~tpbr.ztu may theJCby undcdb.nd the better how it is ume now and comprchendeth thefe Regtons and Cities following.' The Divi!ion of Ajia Minor, called Chero1:ejus, with the particular Countries and Cmcs belongmg eo the fame. Cities. Countries. Cities. 4!: ThusfarreachcththccomplfsofNaMia.