Fox - BR1600 .F6 1684 v1

864 A Table of certaitz Cities andCountries won from the Chrij/ians. Cl Awti~hi~~~:lo~~~~~i~!~cd:da~jti~~ ~:Ope, fubduedandfubjclltotheTur.l{. Countries. Cities. $amqthr4&i.t. CbaMia. '1hrrffir1!4 ia. E:':~~zAmphtlocbill. :;'"t;•-,... AmbraciJid. Achaia• .AitiC4. ENtia. Ph«is. )£/rJJill. fi¥~ :::~w. Argi~t. I Mach.r). ~ {[ As I was writing hmof, a certain found of !amen- r Tranfjlv.mia, after they had.fufiained fixteenof bis moll table News was brought unto us, how the T~trk,, whom forcible AITauhs, ddlroying m the fame mo!l crudly m.•- we had hoped before tt} have been repulfed by the Ern- ny thoufand of ourChrifiian brethren, men, women,and peror Maximi/ian out of Chritlendom, hath now of late, children ; butbecaufe we have no full certainty, we will this prefcnt year 1566, got the Town of Gyula about refrrthc fiery thereof to fu rther Information. , '!.lk