Fox - BR1600 .F6 1684 v1

866 AComparifon between the Syrians and the Turks. A Comparifon between the Syrianr and the Tur"c. I The Srian1. I. SELEUCUS. fTheTor~. 3' I. OTTOMAl"tNUS. ,, 19 11. Orcbams, he flew his two Brcthrtn. 11J, .Anti«hw Thtos, who killal &mice hisMotha·in· IIJ. AmiiTt~tbts, he put out the ()'(S of Sa11cts his own Law~ and his young Brother, 15 Son. 23 IV. Stleuc•t C•Uinicrn, with Anti«bus Hitrax his Brother, whichtwoBrcthrenwatttdoncagainfithc other. 20 V • .AntiocbtJIMagnm. VI. StlmunPbil~J!ator. Vll. Anrioehus Epiphanu, or rathtt Epim;mes. vm. Antiochus EupittDr. lX. Demet rius Brother of Epiphants) who killtd EupatorhisCoufin. X. Dtmttrius Nicanor, whom Antiocbus Setktu his Brothercxpu\(«1 fromhisKingdom. XI. Antil1cbuJ,Stdem. Th& twolafibcingBrtthrcn hJdtwo Sons. Xll. Antiocbus Grifhus; and Anti«bus Ciz.ittnus. ;;: OC:0'na~lr,iv!:~ f~~~~:ar!~~ ~"Yzt~~~ ~m of Syri• ca~nc to tht ha~ of 'Ijgranu King of ArmtntA , and fo bemg takm from him camt to the R/Jmt~,u in the timt: of PtJmpmu. lV. B•jn.ttll, he flew StJljn1'Unn11s his 8I'O(her. V. c~ltpimu, 1he Gm! lloritS made no mmrion of ~ g:!r::::·w~ ~~nu~~:~l~l:a~t ~t'~= byMAhumtttshisBrothn. 6 VI. Orch~nts, whom Mofts his Uncle did flay. VII. M•humttts 1. He flew Mujlaph111 his Brother.14 Vlll. Amurathts 2. He flew Mujl~ph111 his Brother.34 IX. M~thumttts 2, He flew bisrwo Brethren Turcinus aninf.lnt, andC~tltpinus. 37 X. B~tjautrs2. Hewarr~dagainfi his Brother Dmus, whiCh Dmm was afterward poyfoned by Pope .AitxAnJer6rb. 33 XI. Ztl]mus, He poyfoned Bajautts his Father, and his two Brethrm .ActJmaW and Corcutus, with all theirChildr(D, hlsownCoufUis. 1 XII. StJlrmamnu, He flew M!iftap~~~~ his own Son, and was alto the death ol Gsa»gtr his fecond Son. •• andrimebeganallthemifchicfinEur~, asistobefttn TH~~~ t~~~~~t!~m;~:oo~:~Jstepj:~Pt;! = /:it:e':ddt~;t~'!:k;J::~6£_7~~:g~ ::U,r&;e~~~;, ~:~~~7c~i;u::;~n !'J :rck: the ~~~;;ea~~~i:l~~~Pt~ 2~~~~~pa~ a~ AJU.2 0. aOOminations they be as nrar agn:ting.. bemg both em:- f:!: the Tents ol the Sam~ and the welbeloved Guy, by mies alike to the ~eopleandChurch ofChrill,bothmw- thewhichwdbclovedC i tyism~nt (nodoubt)Europa; thertrs and parrictdcs of their own Brtthren and Kindrtd, ?nd t hi~ w~in tht year a00vt6Ld ~375· Although touchboth bbfpht:mti'S of God, and troublers of the whole mg tht prmfe points of y(:lrs and tnms, it is •'!'>t for us World. Whtkin wt havt all to leam and nott, by tht grQtly to be uquifite therein; but ytt where diligence and w~y, thtterrib!e anger of Almighty God againfi fin, and fludious ~rditation may hdp to knowk~gt, I would not wlckedntfsof iTI('n, wifh n~g.ilg.tnee to be a prtttnce _to •gnorance. And Furthermore, who fo is difpoftd to confider and call thus much for the times of .Antw:btu and his fdthc courftoftime:s,andtomark how thingsbedifpofed lows. ~;!\:tAor by the n:arvdlous operation of God<; Providence, ~11 Now what crue!ty this Antiorh~tte~erciftd againfl: the Mac. lib. ~r:?~~filc· ~~~ t~: ~~~ra~~do~~~e ~F~at=~~;~g·:~~ ~ ~f~~~o[~~t:ISr~~~i~~ i;h:st~tA~:f=z~o~t7heM8ili ~ ';!•· (elves both the T dlaments and Chwcha of God, the firll · ':;..::::' ?;.:l;:!6. ~~~~t Jd:'h; ;;,~~~~&$ ~~ !~t ~~~~~J~~[::Je~7~~; ~-::- ~;.d •no- ~::;~ ~~~~~h~o:h:i~~~~fu ~\:/~~~~oi~: j;:,~J'i'~~~~c~fhe.Jtt~~M~n0~heoJt~h~ ~":: chrill may wtU rcpr&nt and prefigure the other. For ned. HcfCt Garrifons 1Sokfim ro ward the Idol. In as by tht Book of M•rrb~bcrs may appear, Antitlch11s the City of1rruf•ltm he cau(ed the F~fis and RI!'Vd:S of Epipb•nuwasaboutthe 191 year lxforc the Pa~on of B.crhMrtobe kcpt,fullofalltJ1thandw1CkmdS.OldMm our Saviour_and day ofour Redtmption; fonow ca!hn&_the \\iomm a~1d V1rgins, fuch as would not ltave tht Law of fame number from this pr&nt year back:n'ard, we lball hnd 111o[t1, With cruel tormems ht_ murth~«<. . Tht Moit tO be about tht fame year and mm, whtn Baj~- thers that wou_ld not circumcL[c th~lf Children, he ~~t{~~;i3[(;:~ f~";.k :int;J" t~'b:a 0nv; ~;7heJc~.c~~cTe~~ew~;e(~~~d ~~gtdTh~ pltitlE~rope,which is a CityofTbriiWI• In whkb ym Altar of GodJ and CandlclliCk of Gold, WLthdle~~~