Fraser - BT770 F73 1722

84 Of the Manner, or came to fave him ; and fome feem to fay not only that it is not Neceffary, but Ground- lefs, and ought not to be in Faith.; where- fore, this they fay in general, that finding our Sin and Mifery, we are to believe Chrit is able to fave us, that we are called to come to him, and that, if we do come, we fiafl be faxed. Now, when in Obedience to this Call, and from the Senfe of our Needs, and the Fullnefs that is in Chrìft, we believe (which what it is, I cannot fo evidently di -cover by what they (peak ofit) then are we, .becaufe we have the Condition of Salvation performed in us, to believe with full Ant.- our own Salvation ; of which, before Luc could have but a Conje&ure at belt, and could fay no more, but it may be the Lord v ill be gracious ; and inch as take this Courfe do not run all in one Channel, at leapt, ex- prefs themfei:ves diverfly. For, Fivfl, Some make the Nature of juftifyit g Faith to eon- fill: in a lively Affent to any Gofpel Truth, fuch as, Chrifi is the Son of God, died, and xofc from the Dead, is fuf cient to fave ail that come to him; trefe they fay, are Pco- pofitions which Faith is to believe, and upon believing of this, that God loth really juaify us; and when by Ref3eétion we knowand pet-if çeive that wehavebelieved, then are We con- fidently,ro believe andexpel our own Salvati-. ©ns and reft allured that we are juftify'd, and not before; And lea yox obj.eft to them, the De vile