Fraser - BT770 F73 1722

86 Of the Manner, that they pleafe the Way of Salvation laid down in the Gofpel ; then, and not before, may they conclude, and are warranted to believe that Chrift will fave them, and hath juftifyed them. This Notion _ of Faith is moft conceiveablc ofany of the reft, and did it fuit fo well with thefe Scripture Notions under which Faith is holden out ; and were fo apt in its Nature to juftify us as a _ fitted Inftrument, and did I not think, that it's fomething hard to fay, that Faith were not at all but in the Will, and not at all in the Underftanding, I Mould, for the Refpe& I owe to the Perfons who thus fpeak, go alongft with it as readily, as with any other Term or Notion thereof. (3.) Some call it, a fiducial Recumbency, thinking it hard to place it altogether in the Will, and by this means making it Tome wayagreewith the No- tion of Faith, Belief, and Confidence, which are Terms by which this Myfter oldon out to us, and to which a Content, Election, or any other A&of the Will Both not fo fuit, nor which it doth wholly ex- prefs, and fo place it partly in the USd r- ftanding, and partly in the Will. (4.) modern Divines, tell us, That Faith conffts of many ALts,, and, that a Sinner is not juftifyed by Faith only, as it is commonly taken ; and in its metaphyfical Acceptation but likewife by Repentance, Love, and new Med..