98 Of the Manner, that warms himfelf, applies'himfelf to the Fire ; Application there muft be,elfe no Uni- on withChrift. S E C T. . Objeilions againf particular Appli ation of the Promifes anfwered. Obi. i iyO Man is bound to believe a Lie but if all Men were bound to ap- ply the Promifes of Salvation particularly, fo ais to conclude and believe they fhould be faved, then force were bound to believe a Lie ® For it is not true, That all Men fhall be faved Therefore force are bound to believe that which (hall never be, and confequently a Lie, yea Ju- ¿as was bound to b lieve, for Example, he fhould te Paved, which was a Thing never to be. Connexion of the Major is founded on this, That all within the vifible Church are obliged to have a true Yufifying Faith. Anf. am not ignorant that force Divines even of great Note in the Church, as Pif to tor,i'wifs,and Maccovim,grant,That it isnot abfurd foraMan tobe obliged tobelievea Lie, and that Falfnoodmay be the Obje&of divine Faith, yet I think it hard, and do not think their Arguments prove it Though I am part `al1 Doubt, that the Lord of his abfofolute Sovereignty, whoff Will is the ul