Fraser - BT770 F73 1722

loo Of the Manner, this Cafe fhould not believe a Lie, his Salmi vation, had it been the ObjeEt of yuda4's Faith, fhould have come o pals) and that yet his Sins were not aCtually pardoned thro' bis Blood :. That therefore yudas fhould be- lieve a Lie, teeing his' Sins were never par- cloned; do not fay this I fay, for it was not yudas as a Man, or as a Sinner fimply, that miffed of Pardon, but it was finally Unbe- lieving .7udas that was to be damned. The unbelieving, defpairing yudas was not oblig- cd to believe his Salvation through Chrift The yudas then that was obliged to believe was not in a moral Senfe, the yudas that was to be damned : Therefore, though the yu- das who had not finally rejected Chrift, yet allowedly, might believe the Remiffion of his Sins, in which Cafe his Sins fhould be forgiven, and yet was afterwards damned, yet was he not fo bound to believe an Un- truth, in Refpeá he was not damned as the fame Perlon, and under the fame Confide rat ion he was bound to believe, for had 5udas believed, he had doled with no Faifhood, he had but believed that which really fhould have been . made efe ual to him, and come to pats` For iï is not any preterite Thing which Inch as are within the vifibie Church are bound to believe, fuch as this God bath elected me, as Antinnmians fay but it is the Futurition of a Thing,that I shall