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he Pcefacé to 'foningi are able to inforce 'a..Complianee ®r at leaft, they do not take Care to keep tip upon themfelves and Hearers both, a confiant Senfe of the Contrary, in Order to ingage Eagernefs in Dependance upon the. Spire of the Lord ; this is legal Preaching. And then he adds theft remarkable Words ; O Lord, thou knowefi, how much of it is in this poor Church. And alas ! what wefhould have Ground for the fame Complaint at this' Day : While fame are magnifying the Law to filch a Hight, as to give it the Room which Chrif only fhould have ; While they 'land not in exprefs 7ords,f7'o172 the Pulpit; to tell their Hearers, that Obedience is the Condition of Life: Sure, whatever their Meaning be by this, yet by fuch Exprelons as thee, a becoming De- ference is notpayed to the bleffed Surety's Righte- oùfnefs, which is the only Condition upon which a guilty Sinner can plead upon, for 5ufliftcati- on unto Life, before God. And tho' the real Be- liever in Chrifi hath a high Efleem of Obedi- ente, and will, through Grace, endeavour to main- tain good works,yet will he not fubflitute his own Obedience in the Room of Chrifi's. He is bet® ter acquainted with the Spirituality of the Laws; than to think, that even his moll fincere °be- enonce is any Part of his Title, to Life; which only Chrifi's, every Way perteel, and corre- ponding to the full Extent if the Law, can proms cure'.