or Form; of Faith. x99' his Belief : For there is no. obje&ive Ground. °of Salvation, but Chrift and his Merits de- clar'd in the Gofpel. 4E s iv. I2. So then, there Paradoxes and feeming Contradi&ions are both true Salvation doth depend upona Faith, and yet a Man's believing of his Salvation Both not depend upon hisFaith for he believes not becaufe he knOws he be- lieves,. but he believes Salvation upon the Go- fpel Grounds only ; becaufe, tho Salvation doth depend upon the Grace of God, and on our Faith likewife, yet not in the fame Man- ner of Caufality ; our Salvation's Belief doth depend upon the one, in an objcá-tive Kind of Caufality, and which alone Faith looks to, and is grounded upon ; Salvation depends upon theother in a fubjeEtive Kind of Caufa- lity; and hence it is not neceffary that the one be affirmed as well as the other before Faith ; and through this it is that a Manmay believe that tocome topals, which if he did not believe; íhould never come to 'pals; for believing being the fubjehive Condition of :Salvation, . there is no more neceffary than an objeécivd Evidence to ground this upon : As a Manwho bath a Bond of Money from a rich honefiMan he believes that he i`hall get Pay- ment of the Money, becaufe of the rich Man's Obligation and Word, tho' it be true, that if . when the Debitor comes to pay the Money, and he refufe it, that notwithfanding of his