Fraser - BT770 F73 1722

Of the :Manner- Obligation, hei.íhallihot,get the tMoney, his- Wants and Needs make him have na ,ïlc{tion of his Own Willingnel to receive it when it is offered :And fo is ,it in this Cafe; tho' a Man íhall never be Caved, unlefs be b'li-eve, yet bath he Ground to believe he Mall be faved,throLigh ` the Grace ofthe Lord Jefias, $'rOm. the Gofpel, which being the only Ob- je& 'of 'Faith, Faith only .notices and confi- ders Nor is it necefiáry that the Man re- fle& upon his Faith' in the A& of believing, without -which Salvation: ílfallïnot be, for he prefcirzdg from it, but doth not (tho he pre- kind) 'exclúde p'aith, Obje&. 3. We are only bound ,to believe thát which God in his Word teßïfies to be true, but there is no TílArd or Teflirnony, or Promue tefli hying that my Sins, or thy Sins are, or 'halite .par-; doned: Therefore u,9e arenot bound particularly to believe the Pardon of our Sins. Some anfwer, and diflinguifhbetwbt the ,Vanner of believing, which is particular, and refpe&s the A.&; and betwixt the Ob- je& of believing, which mùít be fome Word or Prornife ; for it is one Thing, fay they, to 'believe particulariy,that God will be my God, or the' Remiffion of Sins ; and another Thing to believe God will be my God, and mySins are particularly revealed to be pardoned, or as a Truth particularly revealed to me. And hence they arifwer the Argument, We arc only. to