Fraser - BT770 F73 1722

or *Form of Faith á i to believe as the Objeet of our Faith, that which God particularly reveals and promifes to us it is true ; and hence we could believe nothing to be particularly revealed, unlefs God tef ified it particularly : But we are, fay they, if ye look tcY the At and Manner thereof (which refpeEts not the Objet fo much) to believe in another Way and Man- lier, than as the Thing it felf is promifed for a Man is bound to believe particularly bud, the Promile which he is bound to believe, as it is holden out in the Gofpelo is general and indefinite; for tho' the Obje& be tilt 'Rule and Square of the phyfical AdofFaith, (and hence none can believe more or lefs than is revealed ;) yet it is not the Objeet and Square of the Manner of Faith ; for that is ordered anddirected by the Command ofGod ; thé Promife íhows what Man is to believe.; the Command tells us how a Man fhall be- lieve. But, (2.) In refped every one cannot conceive this Myíiery, I fay, . nothing by a Di- vine Faith, properly fo, called, is to be be- lieved, but what- God reveals in his Word, ormay by Confequence be gathered therefrom, .tho' therefore it be not expreíly in Scripture re- vealed, that any Man's particular Sins are, or ihall be pardoned ; yet there is as much revealed in Scripture as gives Ground fuff- cient to Faith to b father filch a Conclufion: As tho' a Man under the Spirit of Bondage, wheat :,.F--,.,., k