Fraser - BT770 F73 1722

1$ Of the "Manner, particular Promife to thee by Name, it thou hadflit,for what was written of old,wà, written for our Sakes that we might believe. Rom. xv. 4. Yea,tho' the Lord gave thee a particular Obli- gation for Rcmifl`ion of Sins, & Salvation,ifye would none of it,nor believe, ye fhould not be e abliíhed; Deut. xxvii.i. 68. 1 eb. iv. r. i Sam. ii. 30. Atúnb. xiv. 34. For the Promifes are pot always Predictions of what will come to pafs, but Declarations of the Title we have, and a Foundation to our Faith to ex- pe& 11,1eh a Thing, and in this they are ab- %lute, they were generally and indefinitely conceived, and not to this or that Man particularly, that there might be a fland- ing Title and Claim to all Sinners of .Man- kind, to whom they come, If thou hadli a particular Promife, thou wouldil believe, and wonder at the Lord's Goodnels, and think the Vifion fhould not fail : Now is it not all one, when the Lord engages himfelf by a general Promife to Sinners, wherein all the Mercies of the Covenant are promï'fed to whoever will receive them And the Lord commands thee to apply, and receive this Promife particularly, and to accept of thefaith - "ful Spaying. If a Man find a Bond made to a blank Perfon, if he fills up. his Name therein, the Dilponer is as certainly engag- ed as if the Creditor's Name were filled up f rít, and the Bond made to him : The Vro