Fraser - BT770 F73 1722

20 Of the Ohjed SECT. L iverfe Opinions concerning the Objerl of jufii fying Faith, andtome Di inHions premi One maintain Chrift to be the 04- je6t of juftifying Faith, in Oppo- fition to thofe who on the other Hand main- tain the Promifes to be the Obje& of Faith; which Controverfy is (if I millake not) of mere Words,and,I fuppofe,it will be found they mean the fame Thing; for both fpeak Truth : For in a certain Senfe, both Chrift and the Promifes are the Objed of juftifying Faith. (z.) Some fay, That all the Propofitions con- tained in Scripture are the Objet of Faith; and Faith to 6e nothing but a general Agent to what- ever God reveals in his Word. Thus Papifts. (3.) Arminians make the Principal Objed of Faith to be this Propolition : Chrifi diedfor all, or for me in particular. (4. Enthufialls make fome inward Tefti- mppy of the Spirit witneffing our EleCtion and Reconciliation with God to be the Ob- Ica of Faith. (5.) One Mr. Downhàm goeth in a Road by himfelf, and faith, That the ObjeF of Faith is a general Propofition contain' d in the Gqfpel ; fuch s, Chrill died for Sinners ;role again ; is fOSicietIt to fave all, mid will favo ail that .comp te!