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offaving Faith. 121 to him ; and that a lively -Agent to the Truth of thefe Propofrtions is juflifÿing Faith. (6.) Some fay, The Verity of the 7;'uths of the Gofpel, and the Goodnefs of the :Things holden out therein, to be the Objed ofjullifying Faith And therefore make Faith an Aggregate, con, lifting of Affent, Knowledge, and Love to Chrift, and feared fuhjeEtively both in the Underianding and the Will, the A&s of the Understanding doling with the Verity of the Obje&, and the Alts of the .,Will elofing with the Goodnefs of the Objed; and Faith is a believing of the Truths of the Gofpel, and a choofing of Chrifl as King, Priefl aid Prophet. Some make the Goodnefs of the Gofpel the only Obje& of Faith, which, they fay, is purely an Ad of the Will; and theydetermine it to be an At ofEle&ion,wherebv the Willchoofes 7eflitsChriffaz their Lord, and Mean ofSalvation. (7.) Some make the Work of Faith on the. Underftanding to reach further, and not only to believe general Truths revealed in the Gofpel, but that the ÙndeP( landing afl s- ting to thefe general Truths, - doth by Divine Warrant further look, and have Refped unto its own Salvation, and believes and ex&eE s It from Chrifl, upon the Grounds laid down in the Gofpel. So that the Man not only believes that Chrift is able and fuficient to fave him, that he died for Sinners, and for him, that he is gracious and merciful ; but believes Salva? tins